import {Component} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import {Alert} from 'sentry/components/core/alert'; import {DATA_CATEGORY_INFO} from 'sentry/constants'; import {tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {DataCategory} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import oxfordizeArray from 'sentry/utils/oxfordizeArray'; import {RESERVED_BUDGET_QUOTA} from 'getsentry/constants'; import {type PendingOnDemandBudgets, PlanTier, type Subscription} from 'getsentry/types'; import { formatReservedWithUnits, getAmPlanTier, hasPerformance, isAm3DsPlan, } from 'getsentry/utils/billing'; import { getPlanCategoryName, getReservedBudgetDisplayName, } from 'getsentry/utils/dataCategory'; import formatCurrency from 'getsentry/utils/formatCurrency'; import { formatOnDemandBudget, hasOnDemandBudgetsFeature, isOnDemandBudgetsEqual, parseOnDemandBudgets, parseOnDemandBudgetsFromSubscription, } from 'getsentry/views/onDemandBudgets/utils'; type Props = { organization: Organization; subscription: Subscription; }; class PendingChanges extends Component { hasChange(pendingChangeKey: string, subscriptionKey: string | null = null) { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; if (!pendingChanges) { return false; } subscriptionKey = subscriptionKey ?? pendingChangeKey; const pendingChange = this.getNestedValue(pendingChanges, pendingChangeKey); const currentValue = this.getNestedValue(subscription, subscriptionKey); return pendingChange !== null && pendingChange !== currentValue; } getNestedValue(object: Record, keys: string): T | null { return keys.split('.').reduce((acc, key) => acc?.[key] ?? null, object) as T | null; } getOnDemandChanges() { const {subscription, organization} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; const results: React.ReactNode[] = []; if (!pendingChanges) { return results; } if ( hasOnDemandBudgetsFeature(organization, subscription) || (pendingChanges.onDemandBudgets && subscription.partner?.isActive) ) { const nextOnDemandBudgets = this.getNestedValue( pendingChanges, 'onDemandBudgets' ); if (nextOnDemandBudgets) { const pendingOnDemandBudgets = parseOnDemandBudgets(nextOnDemandBudgets); const currentOnDemandBudgets = parseOnDemandBudgetsFromSubscription(subscription); const planTier = getAmPlanTier(pendingChanges.plan); if (!isOnDemandBudgetsEqual(pendingOnDemandBudgets, currentOnDemandBudgets)) { results.push( tct( '[budgetType] budget change from [currentOnDemandBudgets] to [nextOnDemandBudgets]', { budgetType: planTier === PlanTier.AM3 ? 'Pay-as-you-go' : 'On-demand', currentOnDemandBudgets: formatOnDemandBudget( subscription.planDetails, subscription.planTier, currentOnDemandBudgets, subscription.planDetails.onDemandCategories ), nextOnDemandBudgets: formatOnDemandBudget( subscription.planDetails, planTier?.toString() || subscription.planTier, nextOnDemandBudgets, pendingChanges.planDetails.onDemandCategories ), } ) ); } } } else if (this.hasChange('onDemandMaxSpend')) { const nextOnDemandMaxSpend = this.getNestedValue(pendingChanges, 'onDemandMaxSpend') ?? 0; const currentOnDemandMaxSpend = this.getNestedValue(subscription, 'onDemandMaxSpend') ?? 0; results.push( tct('[budgetType] spend change from [currentAmount] to [newAmount]', { budgetType: subscription.planTier === PlanTier.AM3 ? 'Pay-as-you-go' : 'On-demand', newAmount: formatCurrency(nextOnDemandMaxSpend), currentAmount: formatCurrency(currentOnDemandMaxSpend), }) ); } return results; } getPlanChanges() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; const results: React.ReactNode[] = []; if (!pendingChanges) { return results; } if (this.hasChange('plan')) { results.push( tct('Plan change to [name]', { name:, }) ); } if (hasPerformance(subscription.pendingChanges?.planDetails)) { results.push(...this.getAMPlanChanges()); } else if (this.hasChange('reservedEvents')) { results.push( tct('Reserved errors change to [quantity]', { quantity: pendingChanges.reservedEvents.toLocaleString(), }) ); } if (this.hasChange('planDetails.contractInterval')) { results.push( tct('Contract period change to [contractInterval]', { contractInterval: pendingChanges.planDetails.contractInterval, }) ); } if (this.hasChange('planDetails.billingInterval')) { results.push( tct('Billing period change to [billingInterval]', { billingInterval: pendingChanges.planDetails.billingInterval, }) ); } if (isAm3DsPlan(subscription.pendingChanges?.plan)) { results.push(...this.getReservedBudgetChanges()); } return results; } getAMPlanChanges() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; const results: React.ReactNode[] = []; if (!pendingChanges) { return results; } Object.values(DATA_CATEGORY_INFO) .filter(categoryInfo => categoryInfo.isBilledCategory) .forEach(categoryInfo => { const plural = categoryInfo.plural; if ( this.hasChange(`reserved.${plural}`, `categories.${plural}.reserved`) && pendingChanges.reserved[plural] !== RESERVED_BUDGET_QUOTA ) { results.push( tct('Reserved [displayName] change to [quantity]', { displayName: getPlanCategoryName({ plan: pendingChanges.planDetails, category: plural, capitalize: false, }), quantity: formatReservedWithUnits( pendingChanges.reserved[plural] ?? null, plural ), }) ); } }); return results; } hasReservedBudgetChange() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; if (!pendingChanges) { return false; } const pendingChange = pendingChanges.reservedBudgets; const currentValue = subscription.reservedBudgets ?? []; if (pendingChange.length !== currentValue.length) { return true; } const sortedPendingBudgets = pendingChange.sort((a, b) => { return a.reservedBudget - b.reservedBudget; }); const sortedCurrentBudgets = currentValue.sort((a, b) => { return a.reservedBudget - b.reservedBudget; }); for (let i = 0; i < sortedPendingBudgets.length; i++) { if ( sortedPendingBudgets[i]?.reservedBudget !== sortedCurrentBudgets[i]?.reservedBudget ) { return true; } const pendingBudgetCategories = Object.keys( sortedPendingBudgets[i]?.categories ?? {} ).sort(); const currentBudgetCategories = Object.keys( sortedCurrentBudgets[i]?.categories ?? {} ).sort(); if (pendingBudgetCategories.length !== currentBudgetCategories.length) { return true; } for (let j = 0; j < pendingBudgetCategories.length; j++) { if (pendingBudgetCategories[j] !== currentBudgetCategories[j]) { return true; } } } return false; } getReservedBudgetChanges() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; const results: React.ReactNode[] = []; if (!pendingChanges) { return results; } if (this.hasReservedBudgetChange()) { const reservedBudgetChanges = => { const budgetCategories = Object.keys(budget.categories); const isSpansBudget = budgetCategories.length === 2 && budgetCategories.includes(DataCategory.SPANS) && budgetCategories.includes(DataCategory.SPANS_INDEXED); const adjustedCategories = isSpansBudget && !subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling ? [DataCategory.SPANS] : budgetCategories; const newAmount = formatCurrency(budget.reservedBudget); const budgetName = getReservedBudgetDisplayName({ plan: pendingChanges.planDetails, categories: adjustedCategories, hadCustomDynamicSampling: subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling, }); return `${newAmount} for ${budgetName}`; }); results.push( tct('Reserved [budgetWord] updated to [reservedBudgets]', { budgetWord: reservedBudgetChanges.length === 1 ? 'budget' : 'budgets', reservedBudgets: oxfordizeArray(reservedBudgetChanges), }) ); } return results; } getChanges() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; const results: { [key: string]: React.ReactNode[]; } = {}; if (!pendingChanges) { return results; } const onDemandChanges = this.getOnDemandChanges(); const planChanges = this.getPlanChanges(); // the on-demand effective date should always be before // or the same as the plan effective date if (onDemandChanges.length && pendingChanges.onDemandEffectiveDate) { results[pendingChanges.onDemandEffectiveDate] = onDemandChanges; } if (planChanges.length && pendingChanges.effectiveDate) { if (pendingChanges.effectiveDate in results) { results[pendingChanges.effectiveDate]!.unshift(...planChanges); } else { results[pendingChanges.effectiveDate] = planChanges; } } return results; } render() { const {subscription} = this.props; const {pendingChanges} = subscription; if (!pendingChanges) { return null; } const changes = this.getChanges(); if (!Object.keys(changes)?.length) { return null; } return ( {Object.entries(changes).map(([effectiveDate, items]) => (
{tct('The following changes will take effect on [date]:', { date: {moment(effectiveDate).format('ll')}, })} {, itemIdx) => (
  • {item}
  • ))}
    ); } } const PendingLists = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-auto-rows: auto; gap: ${space(1.5)}; `; const ItemList = styled('ul')` margin-bottom: 0; `; export default PendingChanges;