import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {SubscriptionFixture} from 'getsentry-test/fixtures/subscription'; import {render, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {BillingType} from 'getsentry/types'; import ManagedNote from 'getsentry/views/subscriptionPage/managedNote'; describe('ManagedNote', function () { const organization = OrganizationFixture(); it('renders nothing when subscription can self-serve', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: true, }); const {container} = render(); expect(container).toBeEmptyDOMElement(); }); it('renders nothing for VC partner', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, partner: { externalId: 'x123x', name: 'Org', partnership: { id: 'VC', displayName: 'XX', supportNote: '', }, isActive: true, }, }); const {container} = render(); expect(container).toBeEmptyDOMElement(); }); it('renders sales message for invoiced subscriptions', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, type: BillingType.INVOICED, }); render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', ''); expect(screen.getByTestId('managed-note')).toHaveTextContent( 'Contact us at to make changes to your subscription.' ); }); it('renders sales message for custom price subscriptions', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, customPrice: 100, }); render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', ''); expect(screen.getByTestId('managed-note')).toHaveTextContent( 'Contact us at to make changes to your subscription.' ); }); it('renders GitHub marketplace message for GitHub partner', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, partner: { externalId: 'x123x', name: 'GitHub Org', partnership: { id: 'GH', displayName: 'GitHub', supportNote: '', }, isActive: true, }, }); render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '' ); expect(screen.getByTestId('managed-note')).toHaveTextContent( 'Visit the GitHub Marketplace to make changes to your subscription.' ); }); it('renders Heroku dashboard message for Heroku partner', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, partner: { externalId: 'x123x', name: 'Heroku Org', partnership: { id: 'HK', displayName: 'Heroku', supportNote: '', }, isActive: true, }, }); render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '' ); expect(screen.getByTestId('managed-note')).toHaveTextContent( 'Visit the Heroku Dashboard to make changes to your subscription.' ); }); it('renders default support message for other cases', function () { const subscription = SubscriptionFixture({ organization, canSelfServe: false, }); render(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', ''); expect(screen.getByTestId('managed-note')).toHaveTextContent( 'Contact us at to make changes to your subscription.' ); }); });