import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import { addErrorMessage, addLoadingMessage, addSuccessMessage, } from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {fetchOrganizationDetails} from 'sentry/actionCreators/organization'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {DataCategory} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {browserHistory} from 'sentry/utils/browserHistory'; import normalizeUrl from 'sentry/utils/url/normalizeUrl'; import {DEFAULT_TIER, MONTHLY, SUPPORTED_TIERS} from 'getsentry/constants'; import SubscriptionStore from 'getsentry/stores/subscriptionStore'; import type { DataCategories, EventBucket, OnDemandBudgets, Plan, PlanTier, PreviewData, Subscription, } from 'getsentry/types'; import {getSlot} from 'getsentry/utils/billing'; import trackGetsentryAnalytics from 'getsentry/utils/trackGetsentryAnalytics'; import trackMarketingEvent from 'getsentry/utils/trackMarketingEvent'; import type {CheckoutAPIData, CheckoutFormData} from 'getsentry/views/amCheckout/types'; import { normalizeOnDemandBudget, parseOnDemandBudgetsFromSubscription, trackOnDemandBudgetAnalytics, } from 'getsentry/views/onDemandBudgets/utils'; import {bigNumFormatter} from 'getsentry/views/spendAllocations/utils'; const CURRENCY_LOCALE = 'en-US'; /** * Includes $, and cents in the price when needed. * * 100.01 => $100.01 * 100.00 => $100 * 100.30 => $100.30 * -100 => -$100 */ type DisplayPriceTypes = { cents: number; formatBigNum?: boolean; }; // Intent details returned by CustomerSubscriptionEndpoint // when there is an error and customer card actions are // required. export type IntentDetails = { paymentIntent: string; paymentSecret: string; }; type APIDataProps = { formData: CheckoutFormData; isPreview?: boolean; onDemandBudget?: OnDemandBudgets; paymentIntent?: string; previewToken?: PreviewData['previewToken']; referrer?: string; shouldUpdateOnDemand?: boolean; }; export function displayPrice({cents, formatBigNum = false}: DisplayPriceTypes): string { const dollars = cents / 100; const prefix = dollars >= 0 ? '$' : '-$'; if (formatBigNum) { return prefix + bigNumFormatter(Math.abs(dollars)); } const hasCents = dollars % 1 !== 0; if (hasCents) { return displayPriceWithCents({cents}); } return prefix + Math.abs(dollars).toLocaleString(CURRENCY_LOCALE); } /** * Always include $ and cents in the price. * * $100.01 => $100.01 * $100.00 => $100.00 * $100.30 => $100.30 * -100 => -$100.00 */ export function displayPriceWithCents({ cents, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, }: { cents: number; maximumFractionDigits?: number; minimumFractionDigits?: number; }): string { const dollars = cents / 100; const prefix = dollars >= 0 ? '$' : '-$'; return ( prefix + Math.abs(dollars).toLocaleString(CURRENCY_LOCALE, { minimumFractionDigits: minimumFractionDigits ?? 2, maximumFractionDigits: maximumFractionDigits ?? 2, }) ); } type UnitPriceProps = { cents: number; maxDigits?: number; minDigits?: number; }; /** * Includes cents in the price when needed and excludes $ for separate formatting. * Note: Use `displayPrice` if prices can be negative (ex: credits) * * 100.01 => 100.01 * 100.00 => 100 * 100.30 => 100.30 * -100 => -100 */ export function formatPrice({cents}: {cents: number}): string { return displayPrice({cents}).replace('$', ''); } /** * Format per unit price for events, * where errors and transactions default to 5 digits * and attachments should use 2 digits. */ export function displayUnitPrice({ cents, minDigits = 5, maxDigits = 7, }: UnitPriceProps): string { const dollars = cents / 100; return ( '$' + dollars.toLocaleString(CURRENCY_LOCALE, { minimumFractionDigits: minDigits, maximumFractionDigits: maxDigits, }) ); } export function getBucket({ buckets, events, price, shouldMinimize = false, }: { buckets?: EventBucket[]; events?: number; price?: number; shouldMinimize?: boolean; // the slot strategy when `events` does not exist in `buckets` }): EventBucket { if (buckets) { const slot = getSlot(events, price, buckets, shouldMinimize); if (slot in buckets) { return buckets[slot]!; } } throw new Error('Invalid data category for plan'); } type ReservedTotalProps = { plan: Plan; reserved: { [categoryKey in DataCategory]?: number; }; amount?: number; creditCategory?: string; discountType?: string; maxDiscount?: number; }; /** * Returns the total plan price (including prices for reserved categories) in cents. */ export function getReservedPriceCents({ plan, reserved, amount, discountType, maxDiscount, creditCategory, }: ReservedTotalProps): number { let reservedCents = plan.basePrice; if (amount && discountType && creditCategory) { reservedCents = getDiscountedPrice({ basePrice: reservedCents, amount, discountType, creditCategory, }); } Object.entries(reserved).forEach( ([category, quantity]) => (reservedCents += getBucket({ events: quantity, buckets: plan.planCategories[category as DataCategories], }).price) ); if (amount && maxDiscount) { const discount = Math.min(maxDiscount, (reservedCents * amount) / 10000); reservedCents -= discount; } return reservedCents; } /** * Gets the price in cents per reserved category, and returns the * reserved total in dollars. */ export function getReservedTotal({ plan, reserved, amount, discountType, maxDiscount, creditCategory, }: ReservedTotalProps): string { return formatPrice({ cents: getReservedPriceCents({ plan, reserved, amount, discountType, maxDiscount, creditCategory, }), }); } type DiscountedPriceProps = { amount: number; basePrice: number; creditCategory: string; discountType: string; }; /** * Gets the price in cents after the discount is applied. */ export function getDiscountedPrice({ basePrice, discountType, amount, creditCategory, }: DiscountedPriceProps): number { let price = basePrice; if (discountType === 'percentPoints' && creditCategory === 'subscription') { const discount = (basePrice * amount) / 10000; price = basePrice - discount; } else if (discountType === 'amountCents') { price = basePrice - amount; } return price; } /** * Returns the short billing interval name. */ export function getShortInterval(billingInterval: string): string { return billingInterval === MONTHLY ? 'mo' : 'yr'; } function getAttachmentsWithUnit(gigabytes: number): string { return `${gigabytes.toLocaleString()} GB`; } /** * Used by RangeSlider. As such, a value of zero is not equivalent to unlimited. */ export function getEventsWithUnit( events: number, dataType: string ): string | number | null { if (!events) { return null; } if (dataType === DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS) { return getAttachmentsWithUnit(events).replace(' ', ''); } if (events >= 1_000_000_000) { return `${events / 1_000_000_000}B`; } if (events >= 1_000_000) { return `${events / 1_000_000}M`; } if (events >= 1_000) { return `${events / 1_000}K`; } return events; } function recordAnalytics( organization: Organization, subscription: Subscription, data: CheckoutAPIData, isMigratingPartnerAccount: boolean ) { trackMarketingEvent('Upgrade', {plan: data.plan}); const currentData = { plan: data.plan, errors: data.reservedErrors, transactions: data.reservedTransactions, attachments: data.reservedAttachments, replays: data.reservedReplays, monitorSeats: data.reservedMonitorSeats, spans: data.reservedSpans, profileDuration: data.reservedProfileDuration, uptime: data.reservedUptime, }; const previousData = { plan: subscription.plan, errors: subscription.categories.errors?.reserved || undefined, transactions: subscription.categories.transactions?.reserved || undefined, attachments: subscription.categories.attachments?.reserved || undefined, replays: subscription.categories.replays?.reserved || undefined, monitorSeats: subscription.categories.monitorSeats?.reserved || undefined, profileDuration: subscription.categories.profileDuration?.reserved || undefined, spans: subscription.categories.spans?.reserved || undefined, uptime: subscription.categories.uptime?.reserved || undefined, }; trackGetsentryAnalytics('checkout.upgrade', { organization, subscription, previous_plan: previousData.plan, previous_errors: previousData.errors, previous_transactions: previousData.transactions, previous_attachments: previousData.attachments, previous_replays: previousData.replays, previous_monitorSeats: previousData.monitorSeats, previous_profileDuration: previousData.profileDuration, previous_spans: previousData.spans, previous_uptime: previousData.uptime, ...currentData, }); let {onDemandBudget} = data; if (onDemandBudget) { onDemandBudget = normalizeOnDemandBudget(onDemandBudget); const previousOnDemandBudget = parseOnDemandBudgetsFromSubscription(subscription); trackOnDemandBudgetAnalytics( organization, previousOnDemandBudget, onDemandBudget, 'checkout' ); } if ( currentData.transactions && previousData.transactions && currentData.transactions > previousData.transactions ) { trackGetsentryAnalytics('checkout.transactions_upgrade', { organization, subscription, plan: data.plan, previous_transactions: previousData.transactions, transactions: currentData.transactions, }); } if (isMigratingPartnerAccount) { trackGetsentryAnalytics('partner_billing_migration.checkout.completed', { subscription, organization, applyNow: data.applyNow ?? false, daysLeft: moment(subscription.contractPeriodEnd).diff(moment(), 'days'), partner: subscription.partner?, }); } } export function stripeHandleCardAction( intentDetails: IntentDetails, stripeInstance?: stripe.Stripe, onSuccess?: () => void, onError?: (errorMessage?: string) => void ) { if (!stripeInstance) { return; } // Use stripe client library to handle additional actions. // This allows us to complete 3DS and MFA during checkout. stripeInstance .handleCardAction(intentDetails.paymentSecret) .then((result: stripe.PaymentIntentResponse) => { if (result.error) { let message = 'Your payment could not be authorized. Please try a different card, or try again later.'; if ( ['card_error', 'validation_error'].includes(result.error.type) && result.error.message ) { message = result.error.message; } onError?.(message); return; } // With our intent confirmed we can complete checkout. onSuccess?.(); }); } /** @internal exported for tests only */ export function getCheckoutAPIData({ formData, onDemandBudget, previewToken, paymentIntent, referrer, shouldUpdateOnDemand = true, }: APIDataProps) { const formatReservedData = (value: number | null | undefined) => value ?? undefined; const reservedData = { reservedErrors: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.errors), reservedTransactions: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.transactions), reservedAttachments: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.attachments), reservedReplays: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.replays), reservedMonitorSeats: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.monitorSeats), reservedProfileDuration: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.profileDuration), reservedSpans: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.spans), reservedUptime: formatReservedData(formData.reserved.uptime), } satisfies Partial< // Enforce plural spelling against the enums in DataCategory Record<`reserved${Capitalize}`, number | undefined> >; const onDemandMaxSpend = shouldUpdateOnDemand ? (formData.onDemandMaxSpend ?? 0) : undefined; let data: CheckoutAPIData = { ...reservedData, onDemandBudget, plan: formData.plan, onDemandMaxSpend, referrer: referrer || 'billing', ...(previewToken && {previewToken}), ...(paymentIntent && {paymentIntent}), }; if (formData.applyNow) { data = {, applyNow: true, }; } return data; } export async function fetchPreviewData( organization: Organization, api: Client, formData: CheckoutFormData, onLoading: () => void, onSuccess: (previewData: PreviewData) => void, onError: (error: any) => void ) { onLoading?.(); const data = getCheckoutAPIData({formData, isPreview: true}); try { const previewData: PreviewData = await api.requestPromise( `/customers/${organization.slug}/subscription/preview/`, { method: 'GET', data, } ); onSuccess?.(previewData); } catch (error) { onError?.(error); Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setExtras({data}); Sentry.captureException(error); }); } } export async function submitCheckout( organization: Organization, subscription: Subscription, previewData: PreviewData, formData: CheckoutFormData, api: Client, onFetchPreviewData: () => void, onHandleCardAction: (intentDetails: IntentDetails) => void, onSubmitting?: (b: boolean) => void, intentId?: string, referrer = 'billing', codecovReferrer = 'checkout', shouldUpdateOnDemand = true ) { const endpoint = `/customers/${organization.slug}/subscription/`; let {onDemandBudget} = formData; if (onDemandBudget) { onDemandBudget = normalizeOnDemandBudget(onDemandBudget); } // this is necessary for recording partner billing migration-specific analytics after // the migration is successful (during which the flag is flipped off) const isMigratingPartnerAccount = organization.features.includes( 'partner-billing-migration' ); const data = getCheckoutAPIData({ formData, onDemandBudget, previewToken: previewData?.previewToken, paymentIntent: intentId, referrer, shouldUpdateOnDemand, }); addLoadingMessage(t('Saving changes\u{2026}')); try { onSubmitting?.(true); await api.requestPromise(endpoint, { method: 'PUT', data, }); addSuccessMessage(t('Success')); recordAnalytics(organization, subscription, data, isMigratingPartnerAccount); // refresh org and subscription state // useApi cancels open requests on unmount by default, so we create a new Client to ensure this // request doesn't get cancelled fetchOrganizationDetails(new Client(), organization.slug); SubscriptionStore.loadData(organization.slug); browserHistory.push( normalizeUrl( `/settings/${organization.slug}/billing/overview/?open_codecov_modal=1&referrer=${codecovReferrer}` ) ); } catch (error) { const body = error.responseJSON; if (body?.previewToken) { onSubmitting?.(false); addErrorMessage(t('Your preview expired, please review changes and submit again')); onFetchPreviewData?.(); } else if (body?.paymentIntent && body?.paymentSecret && body?.detail) { // When an error response contains payment intent information // we can retry the payment using the client-side confirmation flow // in stripe. // We don't re-enable the button here as we don't want users clicking it // while there are UI transitions happening. addErrorMessage(body.detail); const intent: IntentDetails = { paymentIntent: body.paymentIntent, paymentSecret: body.paymentSecret, }; onHandleCardAction?.(intent); } else { const msg = body?.detail || t('An unknown error occurred while saving your subscription'); addErrorMessage(msg); onSubmitting?.(false); // Don't capture 402 errors as that status code is used for // customer credit card failures. if (error.status !== 402) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setExtras({data}); Sentry.captureException(error); }); } } } } export function getToggleTier(checkoutTier: PlanTier | undefined) { // cannot toggle from or to AM3 if (checkoutTier === DEFAULT_TIER || !checkoutTier || SUPPORTED_TIERS.length === 0) { return null; } if (SUPPORTED_TIERS.length === 1) { return SUPPORTED_TIERS[0]; } const tierIndex = SUPPORTED_TIERS.indexOf(checkoutTier); // can toggle between AM1 and AM2 for AM1 customers if (tierIndex === SUPPORTED_TIERS.length - 1) { return SUPPORTED_TIERS[tierIndex - 1]; } return SUPPORTED_TIERS[tierIndex + 1]; }