import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import type {PromptData} from 'sentry/actionCreators/prompts'; import {DataCategory} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import getDaysSinceDate from 'sentry/utils/getDaysSinceDate'; import { BILLION, DEFAULT_TRIAL_DAYS, GIGABYTE, MILLION, RESERVED_BUDGET_QUOTA, TRIAL_PLANS, UNLIMITED, UNLIMITED_RESERVED, } from 'getsentry/constants'; import type { BillingConfig, BillingMetricHistory, EventBucket, Plan, ProductTrial, Subscription, } from 'getsentry/types'; import {PlanName, PlanTier} from 'getsentry/types'; import titleCase from 'getsentry/utils/titleCase'; import {displayPriceWithCents} from 'getsentry/views/amCheckout/utils'; export const MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600_000; function isNum(val: unknown): val is number { return typeof val === 'number'; } // TODO(brendan): remove condition for 0 once -1 is the value we use to represent unlimited reserved quota export function isUnlimitedReserved(value: number | null | undefined): boolean { return value === UNLIMITED_RESERVED; } export const getSlot = ( events?: number, price?: number, slots?: EventBucket[], shouldMinimize = false ) => { let s = 0; if (!slots?.length || (typeof events !== 'number' && typeof price !== 'number')) { return 0; } const byEvents = typeof events === 'number'; const value = isNum(events) ? events : isNum(price) ? price : null; if (value === null) { return 0; } const slotKey = byEvents ? 'events' : 'price'; while (value > slots[s]![slotKey]) { s++; if (s >= slots.length - 1) { if (shouldMinimize) { return Math.max(s - 1, 0); } return Math.min(s, slots.length - 1); } } // If the specified number of events does not match any of the slots we have, // we return the slot down if shouldMinimize is true, otherwise we always return // the next slot up (ie. 500 events when the slots are [50, 5000] would return 50 // when shouldMinimize is true, and 5000 when it is false or unspecified) if ( shouldMinimize && ((byEvents && slots[s]![slotKey] !== events) || (!byEvents && slots[s]![slotKey] !== price)) ) { return Math.max(s - 1, 0); } return Math.min(s, slots.length - 1); }; type ReservedSku = | Subscription['reservedErrors'] | Subscription['reservedTransactions'] | Subscription['reservedAttachments'] | number | null; /** * isAbbreviated: Shortens the number using K for thousand, M for million, etc * Useful for Errors/Transactions but not recommended to be used * with Attachments because "1K GB" is hard to read. * isGifted: For gifted data volumes, 0 is displayed as 0 instead of unlimited. * useUnitScaling: For Attachments only. Scale from KB -> MB -> GB -> TB -> etc */ type FormatOptions = { fractionDigits?: number; isAbbreviated?: boolean; isGifted?: boolean; useUnitScaling?: boolean; }; /** * This expects values from CustomerSerializer, which contains quota/reserved * quantities for the data categories that we sell. * * Note: reservedQuantity for Attachments should be in GIGABYTES * If isReservedBudget is true, the reservedQuantity is in cents */ export function formatReservedWithUnits( reservedQuantity: ReservedSku, dataCategory: string, options: FormatOptions = { isAbbreviated: false, useUnitScaling: false, isGifted: false, }, isReservedBudget = false ): string { if (isReservedBudget) { return displayPriceWithCents({cents: reservedQuantity ?? 0}); } if (dataCategory !== DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS) { return formatReservedNumberToString(reservedQuantity, options); } // convert reservedQuantity to BYTES to check for unlimited const usageGb = reservedQuantity ? reservedQuantity * GIGABYTE : reservedQuantity; if (isUnlimitedReserved(usageGb)) { return !options.isGifted ? UNLIMITED : '0 GB'; } if (!options.useUnitScaling) { const formatted = formatReservedNumberToString(reservedQuantity, options); return `${formatted} GB`; } return formatAttachmentUnits(reservedQuantity || 0, 3); } /** * This expects values from CustomerUsageEndpoint, which contains usage * quantities for the data categories that we sell. * * Note: usageQuantity for Attachments should be in BYTES */ export function formatUsageWithUnits( usageQuantity = 0, dataCategory: string, options: FormatOptions = {isAbbreviated: false, useUnitScaling: false} ) { if (dataCategory === DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS) { if (options.useUnitScaling) { return formatAttachmentUnits(usageQuantity); } const usageGb = usageQuantity / GIGABYTE; return options.isAbbreviated ? `${displayNumber(usageGb)} GB` : `${usageGb.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2})} GB`; } if (dataCategory === DataCategory.PROFILE_DURATION) { const usageProfileHours = usageQuantity / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR; if (usageProfileHours === 0) { return '0'; } return options.isAbbreviated ? displayNumber(usageProfileHours, 1) : usageProfileHours.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 1}); } return options.isAbbreviated ? displayNumber(usageQuantity, 0) : usageQuantity.toLocaleString(); } /** * Do not export. * Helper method for formatReservedWithUnits */ function formatReservedNumberToString( reservedQuantity: ReservedSku, options: FormatOptions = { isAbbreviated: false, isGifted: false, useUnitScaling: false, fractionDigits: 0, } ): string { // "null" indicates that there's no quota for it. if (!defined(reservedQuantity)) { return '0'; } if (reservedQuantity === RESERVED_BUDGET_QUOTA) { return 'N/A'; } if (isUnlimitedReserved(reservedQuantity) && !options.isGifted) { return UNLIMITED; } return options.isAbbreviated ? displayNumber(reservedQuantity, options.fractionDigits) : reservedQuantity.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 1}); } /** * Do not export. * Use formatReservedWithUnits or formatUsageWithUnits instead. * * This function is different from sentry/utils/formatBytes. Note the * difference between *a-bytes (base 10) vs *i-bytes (base 2), which means that: * - 1000 megabytes is equal to 1 gigabyte * - 1024 mebibytes is equal to 1024 gibibytes * * We will use base 10 throughout billing for attachments. This function formats * quota/usage values for display. * * For storage/memory/file sizes, please take a look at the function in * sentry/utils/formatBytes. */ function formatAttachmentUnits(bytes: number, u = 0) { const units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const threshold = 1000; while (bytes >= threshold) { bytes /= threshold; u += 1; } return bytes.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) + ' ' + units[u]; } /** * Do not export. * Use formatReservedWithUnits or formatUsageWithUnits with options.isAbbreviated to true */ function displayNumber(n: number, fractionDigits = 0) { if (n >= BILLION) { return (n / BILLION).toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) + 'B'; } if (n >= MILLION) { return (n / MILLION).toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 1}) + 'M'; } if (n >= 1000) { return (n / 1000).toFixed().toLocaleString() + 'K'; } // Do not show decimals return n.toFixed(fractionDigits).toLocaleString(); } /** * Utility functions for Pricing Plans */ export const isEnterprise = (subscription: Subscription) => ['e1', 'enterprise'].some(p => subscription.plan.startsWith(p)); export const isTrialPlan = (plan: string) => TRIAL_PLANS.includes(plan); export const hasPerformance = (plan?: Plan) => { return ( // Older plans will have Transactions plan?.categories?.includes(DataCategory.TRANSACTIONS) || // AM3 Onwards will have Spans plan?.categories?.includes(DataCategory.SPANS) ); }; export const hasPartnerMigrationFeature = (organization: Organization) => organization.features.includes('partner-billing-migration'); export const hasActiveVCFeature = (organization: Organization) => organization.features.includes('vc-marketplace-active-customer'); export const isDeveloperPlan = (plan?: Plan) => plan?.name === PlanName.DEVELOPER; export const isBizPlanFamily = (plan?: Plan) => plan?.name === PlanName.BUSINESS || plan?.name === PlanName.BUSINESS_BUNDLE || plan?.name === PlanName.BUSINESS_SPONSORED; export const isTeamPlanFamily = (plan?: Plan) => plan?.name === PlanName.TEAM || plan?.name === PlanName.TEAM_BUNDLE || plan?.name === PlanName.TEAM_SPONSORED; export const isBusinessTrial = (subscription: Subscription) => { return ( subscription.isTrial && !subscription.isPerformancePlanTrial && !subscription.isEnterpriseTrial ); }; export function isAmPlan(planId?: string) { return typeof planId === 'string' && planId.startsWith('am'); } function isAm2Plan(planId?: string) { return typeof planId === 'string' && planId.startsWith('am2'); } export function isAm3Plan(planId?: string) { return typeof planId === 'string' && planId.startsWith('am3'); } export function isAm3DsPlan(planId?: string) { return typeof planId === 'string' && planId.startsWith('am3') && planId.includes('_ds'); } export function isAmEnterprisePlan(planId?: string) { return ( typeof planId === 'string' && planId.startsWith('am') && (planId.endsWith('_ent') || planId.endsWith('_ent_auf') || planId.endsWith('_ent_ds') || planId.endsWith('_ent_ds_auf')) ); } export function hasJustStartedPlanTrial(subscription: Subscription) { return subscription.isTrial && subscription.isTrialStarted; } export const displayPlanName = (plan?: Plan | null) => { return isAmEnterprisePlan(plan?.id) ? 'Enterprise' : (plan?.name ?? '[unavailable]'); }; export const getAmPlanTier = (plan: string) => { if (isAm3Plan(plan)) { return PlanTier.AM3; } if (isAm2Plan(plan)) { return PlanTier.AM2; } if (isAmPlan(plan)) { return PlanTier.AM1; } return null; }; /** * Promotion utility functions that are based off of formData which has the plan as a string * instead of a Plan */ export const getBusinessPlanOfTier = (plan: string) => plan.startsWith('am2_') ? 'am2_business' : 'am1_business'; export const isTeamPlan = (plan: string) => plan.includes('team'); /** * Get the number of days left on trial */ export function getTrialDaysLeft(subscription: Subscription): number { // trial end is in the future return -1 * getDaysSinceDate(subscription.trialEnd ?? ''); } /** * Get the number of days left on contract */ export function getContractDaysLeft(subscription: Subscription): number { // contract period end is in the future return -1 * getDaysSinceDate(subscription.contractPeriodEnd ?? ''); } /** * Return a sorted list of plans the user can upgrade to. * Used to find the best plan for an org to upgrade to * based on a particular feature to unlock. */ function sortPlansForUpgrade(billingConfig: BillingConfig, subscription: Subscription) { // Filter plans down to just user selectable plans types of the orgs current // contract interval. Sorted by price as features will become progressively // more available. let plans = billingConfig.planList .sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price) .filter(p => p.userSelectable && p.billingInterval === subscription.billingInterval); // If we're dealing with plans that are *not part of a tier* Then we can // assume special case that there is only one plan. if ( === null && plans.length === 0) { plans = billingConfig.planList; } return plans; } export function getBestPlanForUnlimitedMembers( billingConfig: BillingConfig, subscription: Subscription ) { const plans = sortPlansForUpgrade(billingConfig, subscription); // the best plan is the first one that has unlimited members return plans.find(p => p.maxMembers === null); } export function getTrialLength(_organization: Organization) { // currently only doing trials of 14 days return DEFAULT_TRIAL_DAYS; } export function formatBalance(value: number) { return value < 0 ? `${displayPriceWithCents({cents: 0 - value})} credit` : `${displayPriceWithCents({cents: value})} owed`; } export enum UsageAction { START_TRIAL = 'start_trial', ADD_EVENTS = 'add_events', REQUEST_ADD_EVENTS = 'request_add_events', REQUEST_UPGRADE = 'request_upgrade', SEND_TO_CHECKOUT = 'send_to_checkout', } /** * Return the best action that user can take so that organization * can get more events. */ export function getBestActionToIncreaseEventLimits( organization: Organization, subscription: Subscription ) { const isPaidPlan = subscription.planDetails?.price > 0; const hasBillingPerms = organization.access?.includes('org:billing'); // free orgs can increase event limits by trialing if (!isPaidPlan && subscription.canTrial) { return UsageAction.START_TRIAL; } // paid plans should add events without changing plans if (isPaidPlan && hasPerformance(subscription.planDetails)) { return hasBillingPerms ? UsageAction.ADD_EVENTS : UsageAction.REQUEST_ADD_EVENTS; } // otherwise, we want them to upgrade to a different plan return hasBillingPerms ? UsageAction.SEND_TO_CHECKOUT : UsageAction.REQUEST_UPGRADE; } /** * Returns a name for the plan that we can display to users */ export function getFriendlyPlanName(subscription: Subscription) { const {name} = subscription.planDetails; switch (name) { case 'Trial': return 'Business Trial'; default: return name; } } export function hasAccessToSubscriptionOverview( subscription: Subscription, organization: Organization ) { return organization.access.includes('org:billing') || subscription.canSelfServe; } /** * Returns the soft cap type for the given metric history category that can be * displayed to users if applicable. Returns null for if no soft cap type. */ export function getSoftCapType(metricHistory: BillingMetricHistory): string | null { if (metricHistory.softCapType) { return titleCase(metricHistory.softCapType.replace(/_/g, ' ')); } if (metricHistory.trueForward) { return 'True Forward'; } return null; } /** * Returns: * active trial with latest end date, if available, else * available trial with most trial days, else * most recently ended trial, else * null, * in that order. */ export function getProductTrial( productTrials: ProductTrial[] | null, category: DataCategory ): ProductTrial | null { const trialsForCategory = productTrials ?.filter(pt => pt.category === category) .sort((a, b) => b.endDate?.localeCompare(a.endDate ?? '') || 0) ?? []; const activeProductTrial = getActiveProductTrial(trialsForCategory, category); if (activeProductTrial) { return activeProductTrial; } const longestAvailableTrial = getPotentialProductTrial(trialsForCategory, category); if (longestAvailableTrial) { return longestAvailableTrial; } return trialsForCategory[0] ?? null; } /** * Returns the currently active product trial for the specified category if there is one, * otherwise, returns null. */ export function getActiveProductTrial( productTrials: ProductTrial[] | null, category: DataCategory ): ProductTrial | null { if (!productTrials) { return null; } const currentTrials = productTrials .filter( pt => pt.category === category && pt.isStarted && getDaysSinceDate(pt.endDate ?? '') <= 0 ) .sort((a, b) => b.endDate?.localeCompare(a.endDate ?? '') || 0); return currentTrials[0] ?? null; } /** * Returns the longest available trial for the specified category if there is one, * otherwise, returns null. */ export function getPotentialProductTrial( productTrials: ProductTrial[] | null, category: DataCategory ): ProductTrial | null { if (!productTrials) { return null; } const potentialTrials = productTrials .filter( pt => pt.category === category && !pt.isStarted && getDaysSinceDate(pt.endDate ?? '') <= 0 ) .sort((a, b) => (b.lengthDays ?? 0) - (a.lengthDays ?? 0)); return potentialTrials[0] ?? null; } export function trialPromptIsDismissed(prompt: PromptData, subscription: Subscription) { const {snoozedTime, dismissedTime} = prompt || {}; const time = snoozedTime || dismissedTime; if (!time) { return false; } const onDemandPeriodStart = new Date(subscription.onDemandPeriodStart); return time >= onDemandPeriodStart.getTime() / 1000; } export function partnerPlanEndingModalIsDismissed( prompt: PromptData, subscription: Subscription, timeframe: string ) { const {snoozedTime, dismissedTime} = prompt || {}; const time = snoozedTime || dismissedTime; if (!time) { return false; } const lastDaysLeft = moment(subscription.contractPeriodEnd).diff( moment.unix(time), 'days' ); switch (timeframe) { case 'zero': return lastDaysLeft <= 0; case 'two': return lastDaysLeft <= 2 && lastDaysLeft > 0; case 'week': return lastDaysLeft <= 7 && lastDaysLeft > 2; case 'month': return lastDaysLeft <= 30 && lastDaysLeft > 7; default: return true; } }