import {Fragment} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import type {LocationDescriptorObject} from 'history'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import type {DateTimeObject} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {getSeriesApiInterval} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import DeprecatedAsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/deprecatedAsyncComponent'; import type {Alignments, Directions} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable/sortLink'; import SortLink from 'sentry/components/gridEditable/sortLink'; import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import SearchBar from 'sentry/components/searchBar'; import {DATA_CATEGORY_INFO, DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {DataCategoryInfo} from 'sentry/types/core'; import {Outcome} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import {hasDynamicSamplingCustomFeature} from 'sentry/utils/dynamicSampling/features'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import type {UsageSeries} from './types'; import type {TableStat} from './usageTable'; import UsageTable, {CellProject, CellStat} from './usageTable'; import {getOffsetFromCursor, getPaginationPageLink} from './utils'; type Props = { dataCategory: DataCategoryInfo; dataCategoryName: string; dataDatetime: DateTimeObject; getNextLocations: (project: Project) => Record; handleChangeState: ( nextState: { cursor?: string; query?: string; sort?: string; }, options?: {willUpdateRouter?: boolean} ) => LocationDescriptorObject; isSingleProject: boolean; loadingProjects: boolean; organization: Organization; projectIds: number[]; projects: Project[]; tableCursor?: string; tableQuery?: string; tableSort?: string; } & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['props']; type State = { projectStats: UsageSeries | undefined; } & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['state']; export enum SortBy { PROJECT = 'project', TOTAL = 'total', ACCEPTED = 'accepted', ACCEPTED_STORED = 'accepted_stored', FILTERED = 'filtered', INVALID = 'invalid', RATE_LIMITED = 'rate_limited', } class UsageStatsProjects extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent { static MAX_ROWS_USAGE_TABLE = 25; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { dataDatetime: prevDateTime, dataCategory: prevDataCategory, projectIds: prevProjectIds, } = prevProps; const { dataDatetime: currDateTime, dataCategory: currDataCategory, projectIds: currProjectIds, } = this.props; if ( prevDateTime.start !== currDateTime.start || prevDateTime.end !== currDateTime.end || prevDateTime.period !== currDateTime.period || prevDateTime.utc !== currDateTime.utc || prevDataCategory !== currDataCategory || !isEqual(prevProjectIds, currProjectIds) ) { this.reloadData(); } } getEndpoints(): ReturnType { return [['projectStats', this.endpointPath, {query: this.endpointQuery}]]; } get endpointPath() { const {organization} = this.props; return `/organizations/${organization.slug}/stats_v2/`; } get endpointQuery() { const {dataDatetime, dataCategory, projectIds, isSingleProject} = this.props; const queryDatetime = dataDatetime.start && dataDatetime.end ? { start: dataDatetime.start, end: dataDatetime.end, utc: dataDatetime.utc, } : { statsPeriod: dataDatetime.period || DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD, }; const groupBy = ['outcome', 'project']; const category: string[] = [dataCategory.apiName]; if ( hasDynamicSamplingCustomFeature(this.props.organization) && dataCategory.apiName === 'span' ) { groupBy.push('category'); category.push('span_indexed'); } // We do not need more granularity in the data so interval is '1d' return { ...queryDatetime, interval: getSeriesApiInterval(dataDatetime), groupBy, field: ['sum(quantity)'], // If only one project is in selected, display the entire project list project: isSingleProject ? [ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS] : projectIds, category, }; } get tableData() { const {projectStats} = this.state; const seriesData = this.mapSeriesToTable(projectStats); const showStoredOutcome = hasDynamicSamplingCustomFeature(this.props.organization) && this.props.dataCategory.apiName === 'span' && seriesData.hasStoredOutcome; return { headers: this.getTableHeader({showStoredOutcome}), showStoredOutcome, ...seriesData, }; } get tableSort(): { direction: number; key: SortBy; } { const {tableSort} = this.props; if (!tableSort) { return { key: SortBy.TOTAL, direction: 1, }; } let key: string = tableSort; let direction = -1; if (tableSort.charAt(0) === '-') { key = key.slice(1); direction = 1; } switch (key) { case SortBy.PROJECT: case SortBy.TOTAL: case SortBy.ACCEPTED: case SortBy.FILTERED: case SortBy.INVALID: case SortBy.RATE_LIMITED: return {key, direction}; default: return {key: SortBy.ACCEPTED, direction: -1}; } } get tableOffset() { const {tableCursor} = this.props; return getOffsetFromCursor(tableCursor); } /** * OrganizationStatsEndpointV2 does not have any performance issues. We use * client-side pagination to limit the number of rows on the table so the * page doesn't scroll too deeply for organizations with a lot of projects */ get pageLink() { const offset = this.tableOffset; const numRows = this.filteredProjects.length; return getPaginationPageLink({ numRows, pageSize: UsageStatsProjects.MAX_ROWS_USAGE_TABLE, offset, }); } get projectSelectionFilter(): (p: Project) => boolean { const {projectIds, isSingleProject} = this.props; const selectedProjects = new Set( => `${id}`)); // If 'My Projects' or 'All Projects' are selected return selectedProjects.size === 0 || selectedProjects.has('-1') || isSingleProject ? _p => true : p => selectedProjects.has(; } /** * Filter projects if there's a query */ get filteredProjects() { const {projects, tableQuery} = this.props; return tableQuery ? projects.filter( p => p.slug.includes(tableQuery) && p.hasAccess && this.projectSelectionFilter(p) ) : projects.filter(p => p.hasAccess && this.projectSelectionFilter(p)); } getTableHeader({showStoredOutcome}: {showStoredOutcome: boolean}) { const {key, direction} = this.tableSort; const getArrowDirection = (linkKey: SortBy): Directions => { if (linkKey !== key) { return undefined; } return direction > 0 ? 'desc' : 'asc'; }; return [ { key: SortBy.PROJECT, title: t('Project'), align: 'left', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.PROJECT), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.PROJECT), }, { key: SortBy.TOTAL, title: t('Total'), align: 'right', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.TOTAL), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.TOTAL), }, { key: SortBy.ACCEPTED, title: showStoredOutcome ? t('Accepted (Stored)') : t('Accepted'), align: 'right', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.ACCEPTED), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.ACCEPTED), }, { key: SortBy.FILTERED, title: t('Filtered'), align: 'right', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.FILTERED), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.FILTERED), }, { key: SortBy.RATE_LIMITED, title: t('Rate Limited'), align: 'right', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.RATE_LIMITED), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.RATE_LIMITED), }, { key: SortBy.INVALID, title: t('Invalid'), align: 'right', direction: getArrowDirection(SortBy.INVALID), onClick: () => this.handleChangeSort(SortBy.INVALID), }, ] .map(h => { const Cell = h.key === SortBy.PROJECT ? CellProject : CellStat; return ( ); }) .concat([]); // Extra column for displaying buttons etc. } getProjectLink(project: Project) { const {dataCategory, getNextLocations, organization} = this.props; const {performance, projectDetail, settings} = getNextLocations(project); if ( dataCategory === DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.transaction && organization.features.includes('performance-view') ) { return { projectLink: performance, projectSettingsLink: settings, }; } return { projectLink: projectDetail, projectSettingsLink: settings, }; } handleChangeSort = (nextKey: SortBy) => { const {handleChangeState} = this.props; const {key, direction} = this.tableSort; let nextDirection = 1; // Default to descending if (key === nextKey) { nextDirection = direction * -1; // Toggle if clicking on the same column } else if (nextKey === SortBy.PROJECT) { nextDirection = -1; // Default PROJECT to ascending } // The header uses SortLink, which takes a LocationDescriptor and pushes // that to the router. As such, we do not need to update the router in // handleChangeState return handleChangeState( {sort: `${nextDirection > 0 ? '-' : ''}${nextKey}`}, {willUpdateRouter: false} ); }; handleSearch = (query: string) => { const {handleChangeState, tableQuery} = this.props; if (query === tableQuery) { return; } if (!query) { handleChangeState({query: undefined, cursor: undefined}); return; } handleChangeState({query, cursor: undefined}); }; mapSeriesToTable(projectStats?: UsageSeries): { hasStoredOutcome: boolean; tableStats: TableStat[]; error?: Error; } { if (!projectStats) { return {tableStats: [], hasStoredOutcome: false}; } const stats: Record = {}; try { const baseStat: Partial = { [SortBy.TOTAL]: 0, [SortBy.ACCEPTED]: 0, [SortBy.ACCEPTED_STORED]: 0, [SortBy.FILTERED]: 0, [SortBy.INVALID]: 0, [SortBy.RATE_LIMITED]: 0, }; const projectList = this.filteredProjects; const projectSet = new Set( =>; projectStats.groups.forEach(group => { const {outcome, category, project: projectId} =; // Backend enum is singlar. Frontend enum is plural. if (category === 'span_indexed' && outcome !== Outcome.ACCEPTED) { // we need `span_indexed` data for `accepted_stored` only return; } if (!projectSet.has(projectId!.toString())) { return; } if (!stats[projectId!]) { stats[projectId!] = {...baseStat}; } if (outcome !== Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD && category !== 'span_indexed') { stats[projectId!]!.total += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } if (category === 'span_indexed' && outcome === Outcome.ACCEPTED) { stats[projectId!]!.accepted_stored += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; return; } if ( outcome === Outcome.ACCEPTED || outcome === Outcome.FILTERED || outcome === Outcome.INVALID ) { stats[projectId!]![outcome] += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } if ( outcome === Outcome.RATE_LIMITED || outcome === Outcome.CARDINALITY_LIMITED || outcome === Outcome.ABUSE ) { stats[projectId!]![SortBy.RATE_LIMITED] += group.totals['sum(quantity)']!; } }); // For projects without stats, fill in with zero let hasStoredOutcome = false; const tableStats: TableStat[] = => { const stat = stats[] ?? {...baseStat}; if ( stat[SortBy.ACCEPTED_STORED] > 0 && stat[SortBy.ACCEPTED_STORED] !== stat[SortBy.ACCEPTED] ) { hasStoredOutcome = true; } return { project: {...proj}, ...this.getProjectLink(proj), ...stat, }; }); const {key, direction} = this.tableSort; tableStats.sort((a, b) => { if (key === SortBy.PROJECT) { return b.project.slug.localeCompare(a.project.slug) * direction; } return a[key] !== b[key] ? (b[key] - a[key]) * direction : a.project.slug.localeCompare(b.project.slug); }); const offset = this.tableOffset; return { tableStats: tableStats.slice( offset, offset + UsageStatsProjects.MAX_ROWS_USAGE_TABLE ), hasStoredOutcome, }; } catch (err) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setContext('query', this.endpointQuery); scope.setContext('body', {...projectStats}); Sentry.captureException(err); }); return { tableStats: [], hasStoredOutcome: false, error: err, }; } } renderComponent() { const {error, errors, loading} = this.state; const {dataCategory, loadingProjects, tableQuery, isSingleProject} = this.props; const {headers, tableStats, showStoredOutcome} = this.tableData; return ( {isSingleProject && ( {t('All Projects')} )} {!isSingleProject && ( )} ); } } export default withProjects(UsageStatsProjects); const Container = styled('div')` margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; `; const Title = styled('div')` font-weight: ${p => p.theme.fontWeightBold}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeLarge}; color: ${p => p.theme.gray400}; display: flex; flex: 1; align-items: center; `; const PanelHeading = styled('div')` display: flex; margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; align-items: center; `;