import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type {AggregationKeyWithAlias, LooseFieldKey} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {parsePeriodToHours} from 'sentry/utils/duration/parsePeriodToHours'; import {AggregationKey, MobileVital} from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import {WEB_VITAL_DETAILS} from 'sentry/utils/performance/vitals/constants'; import type {Trigger, UnsavedMetricRule} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types'; import { AlertRuleComparisonType, AlertRuleThresholdType, AlertRuleTriggerType, Dataset, Datasource, EventTypes, TimeWindow, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types'; import { DATA_SOURCE_TO_SET_AND_EVENT_TYPES, getQueryDatasource, isSessionAggregate, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/utils'; import type {AlertType, WizardRuleTemplate} from 'sentry/views/alerts/wizard/options'; export const DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME_WINDOW = 1; // 1min export const DEFAULT_CHANGE_TIME_WINDOW = 60; // 1h export const DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_TIME_WINDOW = 60; // 1h export const DEFAULT_CHANGE_COMP_DELTA = 10080; // 1w export const DEFAULT_AGGREGATE = 'count()'; export const DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_AGGREGATE = 'p95(transaction.duration)'; export const DATASET_EVENT_TYPE_FILTERS = { [Dataset.ERRORS]: 'event.type:error', [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: 'event.type:transaction', [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS]: 'event.type:transaction', } as const; export const DATASOURCE_EVENT_TYPE_FILTERS = { [Datasource.ERROR_DEFAULT]: 'event.type:[error, default]', [Datasource.ERROR]: 'event.type:error', [Datasource.DEFAULT]: 'event.type:default', [Datasource.TRANSACTION]: 'event.type:transaction', } as const; export type OptionConfig = { aggregations: AggregationKeyWithAlias[]; fields: LooseFieldKey[]; measurementKeys?: string[]; spanOperationBreakdownKeys?: string[]; }; /** * Allowed error aggregations for alerts */ export const errorFieldConfig: OptionConfig = { aggregations: [AggregationKey.COUNT, AggregationKey.COUNT_UNIQUE], fields: ['user'], }; const commonAggregations = [ AggregationKey.AVG, AggregationKey.P50, AggregationKey.P75, AggregationKey.P90, AggregationKey.P95, AggregationKey.P99, AggregationKey.P100, ]; const allAggregations = [ ...commonAggregations, AggregationKey.FAILURE_RATE, AggregationKey.APDEX, AggregationKey.COUNT, ]; export const DuplicateMetricFields: string[] = [ 'dataset', 'eventTypes', 'aggregate', 'query', 'timeWindow', 'thresholdPeriod', 'projects', 'environment', 'resolveThreshold', 'thresholdType', 'owner', 'name', 'projectId', 'comparisonDelta', 'seasonality', 'sensitivity', 'detectionType', ]; export const DuplicateTriggerFields: string[] = ['alertThreshold', 'label']; export const DuplicateActionFields: string[] = [ 'type', 'targetType', 'targetIdentifier', 'inputChannelId', 'options', ]; export const COMPARISON_DELTA_OPTIONS = [ {value: 5, label: t('same time 5 minutes ago')}, // 5 minutes {value: 15, label: t('same time 15 minutes ago')}, // 15 minutes {value: 60, label: t('same time one hour ago')}, // one hour {value: 1440, label: t('same time one day ago')}, // one day {value: 10080, label: t('same time one week ago')}, // one week {value: 43200, label: t('same time one month ago')}, // 30 days ]; export function getWizardAlertFieldConfig( alertType: AlertType, dataset: Dataset ): OptionConfig { if (alertType === 'custom_transactions' && dataset === Dataset.ERRORS) { return errorFieldConfig; } // If user selected apdex we must include that in the OptionConfig as it has a user specified column const aggregations = alertType === 'apdex' || alertType === 'custom_transactions' ? allAggregations : commonAggregations; const config: OptionConfig = { aggregations, fields: ['transaction.duration'], measurementKeys: [ ...Object.keys(WEB_VITAL_DETAILS), MobileVital.APP_START_COLD, MobileVital.APP_START_WARM, MobileVital.TIME_TO_INITIAL_DISPLAY, MobileVital.TIME_TO_FULL_DISPLAY, ], }; if ([Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS].includes(dataset)) { config.spanOperationBreakdownKeys = SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS; } return config; } /** * Allowed transaction aggregations for alerts */ export const transactionFieldConfig: OptionConfig = { aggregations: allAggregations, fields: ['transaction.duration'], spanOperationBreakdownKeys: SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS, measurementKeys: Object.keys(WEB_VITAL_DETAILS), }; export function createDefaultTrigger(label: AlertRuleTriggerType): Trigger { return { label, alertThreshold: '', actions: [], }; } export function createDefaultRule( defaultRuleOptions: Partial = {} ): UnsavedMetricRule { return { dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: [EventTypes.ERROR], aggregate: DEFAULT_AGGREGATE, query: '', timeWindow: 60, thresholdPeriod: 1, triggers: [ createDefaultTrigger(AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL), createDefaultTrigger(AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING), ], projects: [], environment: null, resolveThreshold: '', thresholdType: AlertRuleThresholdType.ABOVE, detectionType: AlertRuleComparisonType.STATIC, ...defaultRuleOptions, }; } export function getAlertTimeWindow(period: string | undefined): TimeWindow | undefined { if (!period) { return undefined; } const periodMinutes = parsePeriodToHours(period) * 60; if (periodMinutes < 0) { return undefined; } const timeWindows = Object.values(TimeWindow) .filter((value): value is TimeWindow => typeof value === 'number') .sort((a, b) => a - b); for (const timeWindow of timeWindows) { if (periodMinutes <= timeWindow) { return timeWindow; } } return undefined; } /** * Create an unsaved alert from a discover EventView object */ export function createRuleFromEventView(eventView: EventView): UnsavedMetricRule { const parsedQuery = getQueryDatasource(eventView.query); const datasetAndEventtypes = parsedQuery ? DATA_SOURCE_TO_SET_AND_EVENT_TYPES[parsedQuery.source] : DATA_SOURCE_TO_SET_AND_EVENT_TYPES.error; let aggregate = eventView.getYAxis(); if ( datasetAndEventtypes.dataset === 'transactions' && /^p\d{2,3}\(\)/.test(eventView.getYAxis()) ) { // p95() -> p95(transaction.duration) aggregate = eventView.getYAxis().slice(0, 3) + '(transaction.duration)'; } const defaultRule = createDefaultRule(); return { ...defaultRule, ...datasetAndEventtypes, query: parsedQuery?.query ?? eventView.query, aggregate, timeWindow: getAlertTimeWindow(eventView.interval) ?? defaultRule.timeWindow, environment: eventView.environment.length ? eventView.environment[0]! : null, }; } export function createRuleFromWizardTemplate( wizardTemplate: WizardRuleTemplate ): UnsavedMetricRule { const {eventTypes, aggregate, dataset, query} = wizardTemplate; const defaultRuleOptions: Partial = {}; if (isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { defaultRuleOptions.thresholdType = AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW; defaultRuleOptions.timeWindow = TimeWindow.ONE_HOUR; } if (aggregate.includes('apdex')) { defaultRuleOptions.thresholdType = AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW; } return { ...createDefaultRule(defaultRuleOptions), eventTypes: [eventTypes], aggregate, dataset, query: query ?? '', }; } export function getThresholdUnits( aggregate: string, comparisonType: AlertRuleComparisonType ): string { // cls is a number not a measurement of time if ( isSessionAggregate(aggregate) || comparisonType === AlertRuleComparisonType.CHANGE ) { return '%'; } if (aggregate.includes('measurements.cls')) { return ''; } if (aggregate.includes('duration') || aggregate.includes('measurements')) { return 'ms'; } return ''; }