{tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has enabled Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may join the organization by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider or via your standard account authentication.`, { orgSlug: {inviteDetails.orgSlug}, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } )}
)}{tct( 'To continue, [orgSlug] requires all members to configure two-factor authentication.', {orgSlug: inviteDetails.orgSlug} )}
{t( `To continue, you must either create a new account, or login to an existing Sentry account.` )}
)} {inviteDetails.hasAuthProvider && ({inviteDetails.requireSso ? tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has required Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may create an account by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider.`, { orgSlug: {inviteDetails.orgSlug}, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } ) : tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has enabled Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may create an account by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider.`, { orgSlug: {inviteDetails.orgSlug}, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } )}