import type {CloudResourceContext} from '@sentry/core'; import type {CultureContext} from 'sentry/components/events/contexts/knownContext/culture'; import type {MissingInstrumentationContext} from 'sentry/components/events/contexts/knownContext/missingInstrumentation'; import type { AggregateSpanType, RawSpanType, TraceContextType, } from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import type {SymbolicatorStatus} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/types'; import type {RawCrumb} from './breadcrumbs'; import type {Image} from './debugImage'; import type {IssueAttachment, IssueCategory, IssueType} from './group'; import type {PlatformKey} from './project'; import type {Release} from './release'; import type {RawStacktrace, StackTraceMechanism, StacktraceType} from './stacktrace'; export type Level = 'error' | 'fatal' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'sample' | 'unknown'; /** * Grouping Configuration. */ export type EventGroupComponent = { contributes: boolean; hint: string | null; id: string; name: string | null; values: EventGroupComponent[] | string[]; }; export type EventGroupingConfig = { base: string | null; changelog: string; delegates: string[]; hidden: boolean; id: string; latest: boolean; risk: number; strategies: string[]; }; export type VariantEvidence = { desc: string; fingerprint: string; cause_span_hashes?: string[]; cause_span_ids?: string[]; offender_span_hashes?: string[]; offender_span_ids?: string[]; op?: string; parent_span_hashes?: string[]; parent_span_ids?: string[]; }; type EventGroupVariantKey = | 'built-in-fingerprint' | 'custom-fingerprint' | 'app' | 'default' | 'system'; export const enum EventGroupVariantType { CHECKSUM = 'checksum', FALLBACK = 'fallback', CUSTOM_FINGERPRINT = 'custom-fingerprint', BUILT_IN_FINGERPRINT = 'built-in-fingerprint', COMPONENT = 'component', SALTED_COMPONENT = 'salted-component', PERFORMANCE_PROBLEM = 'performance-problem', } interface BaseVariant { description: string | null; hash: string | null; hashMismatch: boolean; key: string; type: string; } interface FallbackVariant extends BaseVariant { type: EventGroupVariantType.FALLBACK; } interface ChecksumVariant extends BaseVariant { type: EventGroupVariantType.CHECKSUM; } interface HasComponentGrouping { client_values?: string[]; component?: EventGroupComponent; config?: EventGroupingConfig; matched_rule?: string; values?: string[]; } interface ComponentVariant extends BaseVariant, HasComponentGrouping { type: EventGroupVariantType.COMPONENT; } interface CustomFingerprintVariant extends BaseVariant, HasComponentGrouping { type: EventGroupVariantType.CUSTOM_FINGERPRINT; } interface BuiltInFingerprintVariant extends BaseVariant, HasComponentGrouping { type: EventGroupVariantType.BUILT_IN_FINGERPRINT; } interface SaltedComponentVariant extends BaseVariant, HasComponentGrouping { type: EventGroupVariantType.SALTED_COMPONENT; } interface PerformanceProblemVariant extends BaseVariant { evidence: VariantEvidence; type: EventGroupVariantType.PERFORMANCE_PROBLEM; } export type EventGroupVariant = | FallbackVariant | ChecksumVariant | ComponentVariant | SaltedComponentVariant | CustomFingerprintVariant | BuiltInFingerprintVariant | PerformanceProblemVariant; export type EventGroupInfo = Record; /** * SDK Update metadata */ type EnableIntegrationSuggestion = { enables: SDKUpdatesSuggestion[]; integrationName: string; type: 'enableIntegration'; integrationUrl?: string | null; }; export type UpdateSdkSuggestion = { enables: SDKUpdatesSuggestion[]; newSdkVersion: string; sdkName: string; type: 'updateSdk'; sdkUrl?: string | null; }; type ChangeSdkSuggestion = { enables: SDKUpdatesSuggestion[]; newSdkName: string; type: 'changeSdk'; sdkUrl?: string | null; }; export type SDKUpdatesSuggestion = | EnableIntegrationSuggestion | UpdateSdkSuggestion | ChangeSdkSuggestion; /** * Frames, Threads and Event interfaces. */ export interface Thread { crashed: boolean; current: boolean; id: number; rawStacktrace: RawStacktrace; stacktrace: StacktraceType | null; heldLocks?: Record | null; name?: string | null; state?: string | null; } export type Lock = { type: LockType; address?: string | null; class_name?: string | null; package_name?: string | null; thread_id?: number | null; }; export enum LockType { LOCKED = 1, WAITING = 2, SLEEPING = 4, BLOCKED = 8, } export type Frame = { absPath: string | null; colNo: number | null; context: Array<[number, string | null]>; filename: string | null; function: string | null; inApp: boolean; instructionAddr: string | null; lineNo: number | null; module: string | null; package: string | null; platform: PlatformKey | null; rawFunction: string | null; symbol: string | null; symbolAddr: string | null; trust: any | null; vars: Record | null; addrMode?: string; lock?: Lock | null; // map exists if the frame has a source map map?: string | null; mapUrl?: string | null; minGroupingLevel?: number; origAbsPath?: string | null; sourceLink?: string | null; symbolicatorStatus?: SymbolicatorStatus; }; export enum FrameBadge { GROUPING = 'grouping', } export type ExceptionValue = { mechanism: StackTraceMechanism | null; module: string | null; rawStacktrace: RawStacktrace; stacktrace: StacktraceType | null; threadId: number | null; type: string; value: string; frames?: Frame[] | null; }; export type ExceptionType = { excOmitted: any | null; hasSystemFrames: boolean; values?: ExceptionValue[]; }; // This type is incomplete export type EventMetadata = { current_level?: number; directive?: string; filename?: string; function?: string; message?: string; origin?: string; stripped_crash?: boolean; title?: string; type?: string; uri?: string; value?: string; }; export enum EventOrGroupType { ERROR = 'error', CSP = 'csp', HPKP = 'hpkp', EXPECTCT = 'expectct', EXPECTSTAPLE = 'expectstaple', NEL = 'nel', DEFAULT = 'default', TRANSACTION = 'transaction', AGGREGATE_TRANSACTION = 'aggregateTransaction', GENERIC = 'generic', } /** * Event interface types. */ export enum EntryType { EXCEPTION = 'exception', MESSAGE = 'message', REQUEST = 'request', STACKTRACE = 'stacktrace', TEMPLATE = 'template', CSP = 'csp', EXPECTCT = 'expectct', EXPECTSTAPLE = 'expectstaple', HPKP = 'hpkp', BREADCRUMBS = 'breadcrumbs', THREADS = 'threads', THREAD_STATE = 'thread-state', THREAD_TAGS = 'thread-tags', DEBUGMETA = 'debugmeta', SPANS = 'spans', RESOURCES = 'resources', } export type EntryDebugMeta = { data: { images?: Array; sdk_info?: { sdk_name: string; version_major: number; version_minor: number; version_patchlevel: number; }; }; type: EntryType.DEBUGMETA; }; export type EntryBreadcrumbs = { data: { values: RawCrumb[]; }; type: EntryType.BREADCRUMBS; }; export type EntryThreads = { data: { values?: Thread[]; }; type: EntryType.THREADS; }; export type EntryException = { data: ExceptionType; type: EntryType.EXCEPTION; }; export type EntryStacktrace = { data: StacktraceType; type: EntryType.STACKTRACE; }; export type EntrySpans = { data: RawSpanType[]; type: EntryType.SPANS; }; export type AggregateEntrySpans = { data: AggregateSpanType[]; type: EntryType.SPANS; }; type EntryMessage = { data: { formatted: string; params?: Record | any[]; }; type: EntryType.MESSAGE; }; export interface EntryRequestDataDefault { apiTarget: null; method: string | null; url: string; cookies?: Array<[key: string, value: string] | null>; data?: string | null | Record | Array<[key: string, value: any]>; env?: Record | null; fragment?: string | null; headers?: Array<[key: string, value: string] | null>; inferredContentType?: | null | 'application/json' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data'; query?: Array<[key: string, value: string] | null> | string; } export interface EntryRequestDataGraphQl extends Omit { apiTarget: 'graphql'; data: { query: string; variables: Record; operationName?: string; }; } export type EntryRequest = { data: EntryRequestDataDefault | EntryRequestDataGraphQl; type: EntryType.REQUEST; }; type EntryTemplate = { data: Frame; type: EntryType.TEMPLATE; }; type EntryCsp = { data: Record; type: EntryType.CSP; }; type EntryGeneric = { data: Record; type: EntryType.EXPECTCT | EntryType.EXPECTSTAPLE | EntryType.HPKP; }; type EntryResources = { data: any; // Data is unused here type: EntryType.RESOURCES; }; export type Entry = | EntryDebugMeta | EntryBreadcrumbs | EntryThreads | EntryException | EntryStacktrace | EntrySpans | EntryMessage | EntryRequest | EntryTemplate | EntryCsp | EntryGeneric | EntryResources; // Contexts: export interface BaseContext { type: string; } export enum DeviceContextKey { ARCH = 'arch', BATTERY_LEVEL = 'battery_level', BATTERY_STATUS = 'battery_status', BATTERY_TEMPERATURE = 'battery_temperature', BOOT_TIME = 'boot_time', BRAND = 'brand', CHARGING = 'charging', CPU_DESCRIPTION = 'cpu_description', DEVICE_TYPE = 'device_type', DEVICE_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = 'device_unique_identifier', EXTERNAL_FREE_STORAGE = 'external_free_storage', EXTERNAL_STORAGE_SIZE = 'external_storage_size', EXTERNAL_TOTAL_STORAGE = 'external_total_storage', FAMILY = 'family', FREE_MEMORY = 'free_memory', FREE_STORAGE = 'free_storage', LOW_MEMORY = 'low_memory', MANUFACTURER = 'manufacturer', MEMORY_SIZE = 'memory_size', MODEL = 'model', MODEL_ID = 'model_id', NAME = 'name', ONLINE = 'online', ORIENTATION = 'orientation', PROCESSOR_COUNT = 'processor_count', PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY = 'processor_frequency', SCREEN_DENSITY = 'screen_density', SCREEN_DPI = 'screen_dpi', SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS = 'screen_height_pixels', SCREEN_RESOLUTION = 'screen_resolution', SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS = 'screen_width_pixels', SIMULATOR = 'simulator', STORAGE_SIZE = 'storage_size', SUPPORTS_ACCELEROMETER = 'supports_accelerometer', SUPPORTS_AUDIO = 'supports_audio', SUPPORTS_GYROSCOPE = 'supports_gyroscope', SUPPORTS_LOCATION_SERVICE = 'supports_location_service', SUPPORTS_VIBRATION = 'supports_vibration', USABLE_MEMORY = 'usable_memory', } // export interface DeviceContext extends Partial>, BaseContext { type: 'device'; [DeviceContextKey.NAME]: string; [DeviceContextKey.ARCH]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.BATTERY_LEVEL]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.BATTERY_STATUS]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.BATTERY_TEMPERATURE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.BOOT_TIME]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.BRAND]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.CHARGING]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.CPU_DESCRIPTION]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.DEVICE_TYPE]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.DEVICE_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.EXTERNAL_FREE_STORAGE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_SIZE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.EXTERNAL_TOTAL_STORAGE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.FAMILY]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.FREE_MEMORY]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.FREE_STORAGE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.LOW_MEMORY]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.MANUFACTURER]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.MEMORY_SIZE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.MODEL]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.MODEL_ID]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.ONLINE]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.ORIENTATION]?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'; [DeviceContextKey.PROCESSOR_COUNT]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SCREEN_DENSITY]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SCREEN_DPI]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SCREEN_HEIGHT_PIXELS]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SCREEN_RESOLUTION]?: string; [DeviceContextKey.SCREEN_WIDTH_PIXELS]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SIMULATOR]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.STORAGE_SIZE]?: number; [DeviceContextKey.SUPPORTS_ACCELEROMETER]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.SUPPORTS_AUDIO]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.SUPPORTS_GYROSCOPE]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.SUPPORTS_LOCATION_SERVICE]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.SUPPORTS_VIBRATION]?: boolean; [DeviceContextKey.USABLE_MEMORY]?: number; // This field is deprecated in favour of locale field in culture context language?: string; // This field is deprecated in favour of timezone field in culture context timezone?: string; } enum RuntimeContextKey { BUILD = 'build', NAME = 'name', RAW_DESCRIPTION = 'raw_description', VERSION = 'version', } // interface RuntimeContext extends Partial>, BaseContext { type: 'runtime'; [RuntimeContextKey.BUILD]?: string; [RuntimeContextKey.NAME]?: string; [RuntimeContextKey.RAW_DESCRIPTION]?: string; [RuntimeContextKey.VERSION]?: number; } type OSContext = { build: string; kernel_version: string; name: string; type: string; version: string; }; export enum OtelContextKey { ATTRIBUTES = 'attributes', RESOURCE = 'resource', } // OpenTelemetry Context // interface OtelContext extends Partial>, BaseContext { type: 'otel'; [OtelContextKey.ATTRIBUTES]?: Record; [OtelContextKey.RESOURCE]?: Record; } export enum UnityContextKey { COPY_TEXTURE_SUPPORT = 'copy_texture_support', EDITOR_VERSION = 'editor_version', INSTALL_MODE = 'install_mode', RENDERING_THREADING_MODE = 'rendering_threading_mode', TARGET_FRAME_RATE = 'target_frame_rate', } // Unity Context // TODO(Priscila): Add this context to the docs export interface UnityContext { [UnityContextKey.COPY_TEXTURE_SUPPORT]: string; [UnityContextKey.EDITOR_VERSION]: string; [UnityContextKey.INSTALL_MODE]: string; [UnityContextKey.RENDERING_THREADING_MODE]: string; [UnityContextKey.TARGET_FRAME_RATE]: string; type: 'unity'; } export enum MemoryInfoContextKey { ALLOCATED_BYTES = 'allocated_bytes', FRAGMENTED_BYTES = 'fragmented_bytes', HEAP_SIZE_BYTES = 'heap_size_bytes', HIGH_MEMORY_LOAD_THRESHOLD_BYTES = 'high_memory_load_threshold_bytes', TOTAL_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_BYTES = 'total_available_memory_bytes', MEMORY_LOAD_BYTES = 'memory_load_bytes', TOTAL_COMMITTED_BYTES = 'total_committed_bytes', PROMOTED_BYTES = 'promoted_bytes', PINNED_OBJECTS_COUNT = 'pinned_objects_count', PAUSE_TIME_PERCENTAGE = 'pause_time_percentage', INDEX = 'index', FINALIZATION_PENDING_COUNT = 'finalization_pending_count', COMPACTED = 'compacted', CONCURRENT = 'concurrent', PAUSE_DURATIONS = 'pause_durations', } // MemoryInfo Context // TODO(Priscila): Add this context to the docs export interface MemoryInfoContext { type: 'Memory Info' | 'memory_info'; [MemoryInfoContextKey.FINALIZATION_PENDING_COUNT]: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.COMPACTED]: boolean; [MemoryInfoContextKey.CONCURRENT]: boolean; [MemoryInfoContextKey.PAUSE_DURATIONS]: number[]; [MemoryInfoContextKey.TOTAL_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.MEMORY_LOAD_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.TOTAL_COMMITTED_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.PROMOTED_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.PINNED_OBJECTS_COUNT]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.PAUSE_TIME_PERCENTAGE]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.INDEX]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.ALLOCATED_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.FRAGMENTED_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.HEAP_SIZE_BYTES]?: number; [MemoryInfoContextKey.HIGH_MEMORY_LOAD_THRESHOLD_BYTES]?: number; } export enum ThreadPoolInfoContextKey { MIN_WORKER_THREADS = 'min_worker_threads', MIN_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS = 'min_completion_port_threads', MAX_WORKER_THREADS = 'max_worker_threads', MAX_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS = 'max_completion_port_threads', AVAILABLE_WORKER_THREADS = 'available_worker_threads', AVAILABLE_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS = 'available_completion_port_threads', } // ThreadPoolInfo Context // TODO(Priscila): Add this context to the docs export interface ThreadPoolInfoContext { type: 'ThreadPool Info' | 'threadpool_info'; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.MIN_WORKER_THREADS]: number; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.MIN_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS]: number; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.MAX_WORKER_THREADS]: number; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.MAX_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS]: number; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.AVAILABLE_WORKER_THREADS]: number; [ThreadPoolInfoContextKey.AVAILABLE_COMPLETION_PORT_THREADS]: number; } export type MetricAlertContextType = { alert_rule_id?: string; }; export enum ProfileContextKey { PROFILE_ID = 'profile_id', PROFILER_ID = 'profiler_id', } export interface ProfileContext { [ProfileContextKey.PROFILE_ID]?: string; [ProfileContextKey.PROFILER_ID]?: string; } export enum ReplayContextKey { REPLAY_ID = 'replay_id', } export interface ReplayContext { [ReplayContextKey.REPLAY_ID]: string; type: string; } export interface BrowserContext { name: string; version: string; } export interface ResponseContext { data: unknown; type: 'response'; } // event.contexts.flags can be overriden by the user so the type is not strict export type FeatureFlag = {flag?: string; result?: boolean}; export type Flags = {values?: FeatureFlag[]}; export type EventContexts = { 'Current Culture'?: CultureContext; 'Memory Info'?: MemoryInfoContext; 'ThreadPool Info'?: ThreadPoolInfoContext; browser?: BrowserContext; client_os?: OSContext; cloud_resource?: CloudResourceContext; culture?: CultureContext; device?: DeviceContext; feedback?: Record; flags?: Flags; memory_info?: MemoryInfoContext; metric_alert?: MetricAlertContextType; missing_instrumentation?: MissingInstrumentationContext; os?: OSContext; otel?: OtelContext; // TODO (udameli): add better types here // once perf issue data shape is more clear performance_issue?: any; profile?: ProfileContext; replay?: ReplayContext; response?: ResponseContext; runtime?: RuntimeContext; threadpool_info?: ThreadPoolInfoContext; trace?: TraceContextType; unity?: UnityContext; }; export type Measurement = {value: number; type?: string; unit?: string}; export type EventTag = {key: string; value: string}; export type EventUser = { data?: string | null; email?: string; id?: string; ip_address?: string; name?: string | null; username?: string | null; }; export type PerformanceDetectorData = { causeSpanIds: string[]; offenderSpanIds: string[]; parentSpanIds: string[]; issueType?: IssueType; }; export type EventEvidenceDisplay = { important: boolean; name: string; value: string; }; export type EventOccurrence = { detectionTime: string; eventId: string; /** * Arbitrary data that vertical teams can pass to assist with rendering the page. * This is intended mostly for use with customizing the UI, not in the generic UI. */ evidenceData: Record; /** * Data displayed in the evidence table. Used in all issue types besides errors. */ evidenceDisplay: EventEvidenceDisplay[]; fingerprint: string[]; id: string; issueTitle: string; resourceId: string; subtitle: string; type: number; }; type EventRelease = Pick< Release, | 'commitCount' | 'data' | 'dateCreated' | 'dateReleased' | 'deployCount' | 'id' | 'lastCommit' | 'lastDeploy' | 'ref' | 'status' | 'url' | 'userAgent' | 'version' | 'versionInfo' >; interface EventBase { contexts: EventContexts; crashFile: IssueAttachment | null; culprit: string; dateReceived: string; dist: string | null; entries: Entry[]; errors: any[]; eventID: string; fingerprints: string[]; id: string; location: string | null; message: string; metadata: EventMetadata; occurrence: EventOccurrence | null; projectID: string; size: number; tags: EventTag[]; title: string; type: | EventOrGroupType.CSP | EventOrGroupType.DEFAULT | EventOrGroupType.EXPECTCT | EventOrGroupType.EXPECTSTAPLE | EventOrGroupType.HPKP; user: EventUser | null; _meta?: Record; context?: Record; dateCreated?: string; device?: Record; endTimestamp?: number; groupID?: string; groupingConfig?: { enhancements: string; id: string; }; issueCategory?: IssueCategory; latestEventID?: string | null; measurements?: Record; nextEventID?: string | null; oldestEventID?: string | null; packages?: Record; platform?: PlatformKey; previousEventID?: string | null; projectSlug?: string; release?: EventRelease | null; resolvedWith?: string[]; sdk?: { name: string; version: string; } | null; sdkUpdates?: SDKUpdatesSuggestion[]; userReport?: any; } interface TraceEventContexts extends EventContexts { browser?: BrowserContext; profile?: ProfileContext; } export interface EventTransaction extends Omit { contexts: TraceEventContexts; endTimestamp: number; // EntryDebugMeta is required for profiles to render in the span // waterfall with the correct symbolication statuses entries: Array< EntrySpans | EntryRequest | EntryDebugMeta | AggregateEntrySpans | EntryBreadcrumbs >; startTimestamp: number; type: EventOrGroupType.TRANSACTION; perfProblem?: PerformanceDetectorData; } export interface AggregateEventTransaction extends Omit< EventTransaction, | 'crashFile' | 'culprit' | 'dist' | 'dateReceived' | 'errors' | 'location' | 'metadata' | 'message' | 'occurrence' | 'type' | 'size' | 'user' | 'eventID' | 'fingerprints' | 'id' | 'projectID' | 'tags' | 'title' > { count: number; frequency: number; total: number; type: EventOrGroupType.AGGREGATE_TRANSACTION; } export interface EventError extends Omit { entries: Array< EntryException | EntryStacktrace | EntryRequest | EntryThreads | EntryDebugMeta >; type: EventOrGroupType.ERROR; } export type Event = EventError | EventTransaction | EventBase; // Response from EventIdLookupEndpoint // /organizations/${orgSlug}/eventids/${eventId}/ export type EventIdResponse = { event: Event; eventId: string; groupId: string; organizationSlug: string; projectSlug: string; };