// This is the entry point of Sentry's frontend application. Want to
// understand how app boots? Read on!
// 1. Load the `bootstrap` and `initializeMain` functions
// a. Execute and wait for `bootstrap` to complete.
// Bootstrapping loads early-runtime configuration. See the
// client_config.py backend view for more details.
// Bootstrapping will do different things depending on if the app is
// running in SPA mode vs being booted from the django rendered layout
// template.
// - SPA mode loads client-config via a HTTP request.
// - Django rendered mode loads client-config from a window global.
// 2. Once the app has been bootstrapped with the client-config data we can
// initialize the app.
// a. The locale module will be initialized using `initializeLocale`. See this
// function in app/bootstrap/initializeLocale to understand the priority
// for how it determines the locale
// This also handles lazily loading non English locale files if needed.
// There is no English locale file as our locale strings are keyed using
// the English strings.
// b. Call `initalizeApp`, which starts most everything else
// 3. App initialization does the following...
// a. Initialize the ConfigStore with client-config data.
// b. Initialize the Sentry SDK. This includes setting up integrations for
// routing and tracing.
// c. The component is rendered. See step 4 for more details.
// d. Run global init-queue tasks. These are essentially functions registered
// in the `window.__onSentryInit` array from outside of the app. This is
// specifically for old-style pages rendered as django templates, but
// still need React frontend components.
// This also includes exporting some globals into the window.
// 4. Once the app is fully initialized we begin rendering React components. To
// understand the rendering tree from this point forward it's best to follow
// the component tree from
// For a quick overview, here's what most render trees will look like:
// <-- Provides emotions theme in context
// |
// <-- Matches URLs and renders nested views
// |
// <-- The App view handles initializing basic
// | parts of the application (such as loading
// | your org list)
// |
// <-- Most routes live within the
// OrganizationLayout, which handles loading
// details for the org, projects, and teams.
// Did you read through this whole thing and don't even work here? [1]
// [1]: https://sentry.io/careers/
async function app() {
// We won't need initalizeMainImport until we complete bootstrapping.
// Initaite the fetch, just don't await it until we need it.
const initalizeMainImport = import('sentry/bootstrap/initializeMain');
const bootstrapImport = import('sentry/bootstrap');
const {bootstrap} = await bootstrapImport;
const config = await bootstrap();
if (config.sentryMode === 'SELF_HOSTED') {
const {initializeMain} = await initalizeMainImport;
// We have split up the imports this way so that locale is initialized as
// early as possible, (e.g. before `registerHooks` is imported otherwise the
// imports in `registerHooks` will not be in the correct locale.
const registerHooksImport = import('getsentry/registerHooks');
const initalizeBundleMetricsImport = import('getsentry/initializeBundleMetrics');
// getsentry augments Sentry's application through a 'hook' mechanism. Sentry
// provides various hooks into parts of its application. Thus all getsentry
// functionality is initialized by registering its hook functions.
const {default: registerHooks} = await registerHooksImport;
const {initializeMain} = await initalizeMainImport;
const {initializeBundleMetrics} = await initalizeBundleMetricsImport;