/** * Common constants here */ // palette generated via: https://gka.github.io/palettes/#colors=444674,69519A,E1567C,FB7D46,F2B712|steps=20|bez=1|coL=1 export const CHART_PALETTE = [ ['#444674'], ['#444674', '#f2b712'], ['#444674', '#d6567f', '#f2b712'], ['#444674', '#a35488', '#ef7061', '#f2b712'], ['#444674', '#895289', '#d6567f', '#f38150', '#f2b712'], ['#444674', '#7a5088', '#b85586', '#e9626e', '#f58c46', '#f2b712'], ['#444674', '#704f87', '#a35488', '#d6567f', '#ef7061', '#f59340', '#f2b712'], [ '#444674', '#694e86', '#955389', '#c15584', '#e65d73', '#f27a58', '#f6983b', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#644d85', '#895289', '#b05587', '#d6567f', '#ec6868', '#f38150', '#f69b38', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#614c84', '#815189', '#a35488', '#c65683', '#e35a78', '#ef7061', '#f4884b', '#f59f34', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#5c4c82', '#7a5088', '#9a5389', '#b85586', '#d7567f', '#e9626e', '#f1785a', '#f58c46', '#f5a132', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#5b4b82', '#764f88', '#925289', '#ae5487', '#c85682', '#e2587a', '#ec6b66', '#f37d54', '#f59143', '#f5a42f', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#584b80', '#704f87', '#895289', '#a35488', '#bd5585', '#d6567f', '#e75f71', '#ef7061', '#f38150', '#f59340', '#f5a52d', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#574b80', '#6d4e87', '#855189', '#9d5389', '#b35586', '#ca5682', '#e2577b', '#eb666a', '#f0765b', '#f4854d', '#f6953e', '#f5a62c', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#564a7f', '#694e86', '#805089', '#955389', '#ab5487', '#c15584', '#d6567f', '#e65d73', '#ed6c65', '#f27a58', '#f5894a', '#f6983b', '#f5a72b', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#544a7f', '#674d85', '#7a5088', '#8f5289', '#a35488', '#b85586', '#cd5681', '#e1567c', '#e9626e', '#ef7061', '#f37d54', '#f58c46', '#f69a39', '#f5a829', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#524a7e', '#644d85', '#784f88', '#895289', '#9e5389', '#b05587', '#c45683', '#d6567f', '#e55b76', '#ec6868', '#f0745c', '#f38150', '#f58e44', '#f69b38', '#f4a928', '#f2b712', ], [ '#444674', '#524a7e', '#624d84', '#744f88', '#865189', '#985389', '#aa5488', '#bc5585', '#cd5681', '#df567c', '#e86070', '#ed6c64', '#f17959', '#f4854e', '#f59242', '#f59e35', '#f4aa27', '#f2b712', ], ] as const; export type ChartColorPalette = typeof CHART_PALETTE; type ColorLength = (typeof CHART_PALETTE)['length']; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-restricted-types type TupleOf = A['length'] extends N ? A : TupleOf; type ValidLengthArgument = TupleOf[number]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-restricted-types type NextTuple = T extends [ infer _First, ...infer Rest, ] ? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-restricted-types {[K in A['length']]: Rest extends [] ? never : Rest[0]} & NextTuple< Rest, [...A, unknown] > : Record; type NextMap = NextTuple>; type Next = NextMap[R]; /** * Returns the color palette for a given number of series. * If length argument is statically analyzable, the return type will be narrowed * to the specific color palette index. * @TODO(jonasbadalic) Clarify why we return length+1. For a given length of 1, we should * return a single color, not two colors. It smells like either a bug or off by one error. * @param length - The number of series to return a color palette for? */ export function getChartColorPalette( length: Length | number ): Exclude], undefined> { // @TODO(jonasbadalic) we guarantee type safety and sort of guarantee runtime safety by clamping and // the palette is not sparse, but we should probably add a runtime check here as well. const index = Math.max(0, Math.min(CHART_PALETTE.length - 1, length + 1)); return CHART_PALETTE[index] as Exclude], undefined>; }