import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo} from 'react'; import {fetchTagValues, loadOrganizationTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import {SearchQueryBuilder} from 'sentry/components/searchQueryBuilder'; import SmartSearchBar from 'sentry/components/smartSearchBar'; import {MAX_QUERY_LENGTH, NEGATION_OPERATOR, SEARCH_WILDCARD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {PageFilters} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Tag, TagCollection, TagValue} from 'sentry/types/group'; import {SavedSearchType} from 'sentry/types/group'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import {isAggregateField} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import { FieldKind, getFieldDefinition, REPLAY_CLICK_FIELDS, REPLAY_FIELDS, } from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import useTags from 'sentry/utils/useTags'; const SEARCH_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = new RegExp( `^${NEGATION_OPERATOR}|\\${SEARCH_WILDCARD}`, 'g' ); /** * Prepare query string (e.g. strip special characters like negation operator) */ function prepareQuery(searchQuery: string) { return searchQuery.replace(SEARCH_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, ''); } const getReplayFieldDefinition = (key: string) => getFieldDefinition(key, 'replay'); function fieldDefinitionsToTagCollection(fieldKeys: string[]): TagCollection { return Object.fromEntries( => [ key, { key, name: key, ...getReplayFieldDefinition(key), }, ]) ); } const REPLAY_FIELDS_AS_TAGS = fieldDefinitionsToTagCollection(REPLAY_FIELDS); const REPLAY_CLICK_FIELDS_AS_TAGS = fieldDefinitionsToTagCollection(REPLAY_CLICK_FIELDS); /** * Merges a list of supported tags and replay search fields into one collection. */ function getReplaySearchTags(supportedTags: TagCollection): TagCollection { const allTags = { ...REPLAY_FIELDS_AS_TAGS, ...REPLAY_CLICK_FIELDS_AS_TAGS, ...Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(supportedTags).map(key => [ key, { ...supportedTags[key], kind: getReplayFieldDefinition(key)?.kind ?? FieldKind.TAG, }, ]) ), }; // A hack used to "sort" the dictionary for SearchQueryBuilder. // Technically dicts are unordered but this works in dev. // To guarantee ordering, we need to implement filterKeySections. const keys = Object.keys(allTags); keys.sort(); return Object.fromEntries( => [key, allTags[key]])); } type Props = React.ComponentProps & { organization: Organization; pageFilters: PageFilters; }; function ReplaySearchBar(props: Props) { const {organization, pageFilters} = props; const api = useApi(); const projectIds = pageFilters.projects; const organizationTags = useTags(); useEffect(() => { loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, pageFilters); }, [api, organization.slug, pageFilters]); const replayTags = useMemo( () => getReplaySearchTags(organizationTags), [organizationTags] ); const getTagValues = useCallback( (tag: Tag, searchQuery: string): Promise => { if (isAggregateField(tag.key)) { // We can't really auto suggest values for aggregate fields // or measurements, so we simply don't return Promise.resolve([]); } const endpointParams = { start: pageFilters.datetime.start ? getUtcDateString(pageFilters.datetime.start) : undefined, end: pageFilters.datetime.end ? getUtcDateString(pageFilters.datetime.end) : undefined, statsPeriod: pageFilters.datetime.period, }; return fetchTagValues({ api, orgSlug: organization.slug, tagKey: tag.key, search: searchQuery, projectIds: projectIds?.map(String), endpointParams, includeReplays: true, }).then( tagValues => (tagValues as TagValue[]).map(({value}) => value), () => { throw new Error('Unable to fetch event field values'); } ); }, [ api, organization.slug, projectIds, pageFilters.datetime.end, pageFilters.datetime.period, pageFilters.datetime.start, ] ); const onSearch = props.onSearch; const onSearchWithAnalytics = useCallback( (query: string) => { onSearch?.(query); const conditions = new MutableSearch(query); const searchKeys ={key}) => key).filter(Boolean); if (searchKeys.length > 0) { trackAnalytics('', { search_keys: searchKeys.join(','), organization, }); } }, [onSearch, organization] ); if (organization.features.includes('search-query-builder-replays')) { return ( ); } return ( = 7.44.0)'), }, }} onSearch={onSearchWithAnalytics} /> ); } export default ReplaySearchBar;