import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart'; import type {FieldValue} from 'sentry/components/forms/types'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {SelectValue} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {TagCollection} from 'sentry/types/group'; import type {OrganizationSummary} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import { aggregateFunctionOutputType, aggregateOutputType, AGGREGATIONS, getEquationAliasIndex, isEquation, isEquationAlias, isLegalYAxisType, type QueryFieldValue, SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS, stripDerivedMetricsPrefix, stripEquationPrefix, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import type {MeasurementCollection} from 'sentry/utils/measurements/measurements'; import type {Widget, WidgetQuery} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import {DisplayType, WidgetType} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import { appendFieldIfUnknown, type FieldValueOption, } from 'sentry/views/discover/table/queryField'; import {FieldValueKind} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/types'; import {generateFieldOptions} from 'sentry/views/discover/utils'; import {IssueSortOptions} from 'sentry/views/issueList/utils'; import type {FlatValidationError, ValidationError} from '../utils'; import {getNumEquations} from '../utils'; import {DISABLED_SORT, TAG_SORT_DENY_LIST} from './releaseWidget/fields'; // Used in the widget builder to limit the number of lines plotted in the chart export const DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT = 5; const RESULTS_LIMIT = 10; // Both dashboards and widgets use the 'new' keyword when creating export const NEW_DASHBOARD_ID = 'new'; export enum DataSet { EVENTS = 'events', ISSUES = 'issues', RELEASES = 'releases', METRICS = 'metrics', ERRORS = 'error-events', TRANSACTIONS = 'transaction-like', } export enum SortDirection { HIGH_TO_LOW = 'high_to_low', LOW_TO_HIGH = 'low_to_high', } export const sortDirections = { [SortDirection.HIGH_TO_LOW]: t('High to low'), [SortDirection.LOW_TO_HIGH]: t('Low to high'), }; export const displayTypes = { [DisplayType.AREA]: t('Area Chart'), [DisplayType.BAR]: t('Bar Chart'), [DisplayType.LINE]: t('Line Chart'), [DisplayType.TABLE]: t('Table'), [DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER]: t('Big Number'), }; export function getDiscoverDatasetFromWidgetType(widgetType: WidgetType) { switch (widgetType) { case WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS: return DiscoverDatasets.METRICS_ENHANCED; case WidgetType.ERRORS: return DiscoverDatasets.ERRORS; default: return undefined; } } export function mapErrors( data: ValidationError, update: FlatValidationError ): FlatValidationError { Object.keys(data).forEach((key: string) => { const value = data[key]; if (typeof value === 'string') { update[key] = value; return; } // Recurse into nested objects. if (Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[0] === 'string') { update[key] = value[0]; return; } if (Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[0] === 'object') { update[key] = (value as ValidationError[]).map(item => mapErrors(item, {})); } else { update[key] = mapErrors(value as ValidationError, {}); } }); return update; } export const generateOrderOptions = ({ aggregates, columns, widgetType, }: { aggregates: string[]; columns: string[]; widgetType: WidgetType; }): SelectValue[] => { const isRelease = widgetType === WidgetType.RELEASE; const options: SelectValue[] = []; let equations = 0; (isRelease ? [, ...columns] : [...aggregates, ...columns] ) .filter(field => !!field) .filter(field => !DISABLED_SORT.includes(field)) .filter(field => (isRelease ? !TAG_SORT_DENY_LIST.includes(field) : true)) .forEach(field => { let alias; const label = stripEquationPrefix(field); // Equations are referenced via a standard alias following this pattern if (isEquation(field)) { alias = `equation[${equations}]`; equations += 1; } options.push({label, value: alias ?? field}); }); return options; }; export function normalizeQueries({ displayType, queries, widgetType, }: { displayType: DisplayType; queries: Widget['queries']; widgetType?: Widget['widgetType']; }): Widget['queries'] { const isTimeseriesChart = getIsTimeseriesChart(displayType); const isTabularChart = [DisplayType.TABLE, DisplayType.TOP_N].includes(displayType); queries = cloneDeep(queries); if ([DisplayType.TABLE, DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER].includes(displayType)) { // Some display types may only support at most 1 query. queries = queries.slice(0, 1); } else if (isTimeseriesChart) { // Timeseries charts supports at most 3 queries. queries = queries.slice(0, 3); } queries = => { const {fields = [], columns} = query; if (isTabularChart) { // If the groupBy field has values, port everything over to the columnEditCollect field. query.fields = [ Set([...fields, ...columns])]; } else { // If columnEditCollect has field values , port everything over to the groupBy field. query.fields = fields.filter(field => !columns.includes(field)); } if ( getIsTimeseriesChart(displayType) && !query.columns.filter(column => !!column).length ) { // The orderby is only applicable for timeseries charts when there's a // grouping selected, if all fields are empty then we also reset the orderby query.orderby = ''; return query; } const queryOrderBy = widgetType === WidgetType.RELEASE ? stripDerivedMetricsPrefix(queries[0].orderby) : queries[0].orderby; const rawOrderBy = trimStart(queryOrderBy, '-'); const resetOrderBy = // Raw Equation from Top N only applies to timeseries (isTabularChart && isEquation(rawOrderBy)) || // Not contained as tag, field, or function (!isEquation(rawOrderBy) && !isEquationAlias(rawOrderBy) && ![...query.columns, ...query.aggregates].includes(rawOrderBy)) || // Equation alias and not contained (isEquationAlias(rawOrderBy) && getEquationAliasIndex(rawOrderBy) > getNumEquations([...query.columns, ...query.aggregates]) - 1); const orderBy = (!resetOrderBy && trimStart(queryOrderBy, '-')) || (widgetType === WidgetType.ISSUE ? queryOrderBy ?? IssueSortOptions.DATE : generateOrderOptions({ widgetType: widgetType ?? WidgetType.DISCOVER, columns: queries[0].columns, aggregates: queries[0].aggregates, })[0]?.value); if (!orderBy) { query.orderby = ''; return query; } // A widget should be descending if: // - There is no orderby, so we're defaulting to desc // - Not an issues widget since issues doesn't support descending and // the original ordering was descending const isDescending = !query.orderby || (widgetType !== WidgetType.ISSUE && queryOrderBy.startsWith('-')); query.orderby = isDescending ? `-${String(orderBy)}` : String(orderBy); return query; }); if (isTabularChart) { return queries; } // Filter out non-aggregate fields queries = => { let aggregates = query.aggregates; if (isTimeseriesChart) { // Filter out fields that will not generate numeric output types aggregates = aggregates.filter(aggregate => isLegalYAxisType(aggregateOutputType(aggregate)) ); } if (isTimeseriesChart && aggregates.length && aggregates.length > 3) { // Timeseries charts supports at most 3 fields. aggregates = aggregates.slice(0, 3); } return { ...query, fields: aggregates.length ? aggregates : ['count()'], columns: query.columns ? query.columns : [], aggregates: aggregates.length ? aggregates : ['count()'], }; }); if (isTimeseriesChart) { // For timeseries widget, all queries must share identical set of fields. const referenceAggregates = [...queries[0].aggregates]; queryLoop: for (const query of queries) { if (referenceAggregates.length >= 3) { break; } if (isEqual(referenceAggregates, query.aggregates)) { continue; } for (const aggregate of query.aggregates) { if (referenceAggregates.length >= 3) { break queryLoop; } if (!referenceAggregates.includes(aggregate)) { referenceAggregates.push(aggregate); } } } queries = => { return { ...query, columns: query.columns ? query.columns : [], aggregates: referenceAggregates, fields: referenceAggregates, }; }); } if (DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER === displayType) { // For world map chart, cap fields of the queries to only one field. queries = => { return { ...query, fields: query.aggregates.slice(0, 1), aggregates: query.aggregates.slice(0, 1), orderby: '', columns: [], }; }); } return queries; } export function getParsedDefaultWidgetQuery(query = ''): WidgetQuery | undefined { // "any" was needed here because it doesn't pass in getsentry const urlSeachParams = new URLSearchParams(query) as any; const parsedQuery = Object.fromEntries(urlSeachParams.entries()); if (!Object.keys(parsedQuery).length) { return undefined; } const columns = parsedQuery.columns ? getFields(parsedQuery.columns) : []; const aggregates = parsedQuery.aggregates ? getFields(parsedQuery.aggregates) : []; const fields = [...columns, ...aggregates]; return { ...parsedQuery, fields, columns, aggregates, } as WidgetQuery; } export function getFields(fieldsString: string): string[] { // Use a negative lookahead to avoid splitting on commas inside equation fields return fieldsString.split(/,(?![^(]*\))/g); } export function getAmendedFieldOptions({ measurements, organization, tags, }: { measurements: MeasurementCollection; organization: OrganizationSummary; tags: TagCollection; }) { return generateFieldOptions({ organization, tagKeys: Object.values(tags).map(({key}) => key), measurementKeys: Object.values(measurements).map(({key}) => key), spanOperationBreakdownKeys: SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS, }); } // Extract metric names from aggregation functions present in the widget queries export function getMetricFields(queries: WidgetQuery[]) { return queries.reduce((acc, query) => { for (const field of [...query.aggregates, ...query.columns]) { const fieldParameter = /\(([^)]*)\)/.exec(field)?.[1]; if (fieldParameter && !acc.includes(fieldParameter)) { acc.push(fieldParameter); } } return acc; }, []); } // Used to limit the number of results of the "filter your results" fields dropdown export const MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS = 5; // Used to set the max height of the smartSearchBar menu export const MAX_MENU_HEIGHT = 250; // Any function/field choice for Big Number widgets is legal since the // data source is from an endpoint that is not timeseries-based. // The function/field choice for World Map widget will need to be numeric-like. // Column builder for Table widget is already handled above. export function doNotValidateYAxis(displayType: DisplayType) { return displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER; } export function filterPrimaryOptions({ option, widgetType, displayType, }: { displayType: DisplayType; option: FieldValueOption; widgetType?: WidgetType; }) { if (widgetType === WidgetType.RELEASE) { if (displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { return [ FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, FieldValueKind.FIELD, FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS, ].includes(option.value.kind); } if (displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N) { return option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.TAG; } } // Only validate function names for timeseries widgets and // world map widgets. if (!doNotValidateYAxis(displayType) && option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.FUNCTION) { const primaryOutput = aggregateFunctionOutputType(, undefined); if (primaryOutput) { // If a function returns a specific type, then validate it. return isLegalYAxisType(primaryOutput); } } return [FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS].includes( option.value.kind ); } export function getResultsLimit(numQueries: number, numYAxes: number) { if (numQueries === 0 || numYAxes === 0) { return DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT; } return Math.floor(RESULTS_LIMIT / (numQueries * numYAxes)); } export function getIsTimeseriesChart(displayType: DisplayType) { return [DisplayType.LINE, DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.BAR].includes(displayType); } // Handle adding functions to the field options // Field and equations are already compatible export function getFieldOptionFormat( field: QueryFieldValue ): [string, FieldValueOption] | null { if (field.kind === 'function') { // Show the ellipsis if there are parameters that actually have values const ellipsis = field.function.slice(1).map(Boolean).filter(Boolean).length > 0 ? '\u2026' : ''; const functionName = field.alias || field.function[0]; return [ `function:${functionName}`, { label: `${functionName}(${ellipsis})`, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, meta: { name: functionName, parameters: AGGREGATIONS[field.function[0]] => ({ ...param, columnTypes: props => { // HACK: Forcibly allow the parameter if it's already set, this allows // us to render the option even if it's not compatible with the dataset. if ( === field.function[1]) { return true; } // default behavior if (typeof param.columnTypes === 'function') { return param.columnTypes(props); } return param.columnTypes; }, })), }, }, }, ]; } return null; } /** * Adds the incompatible functions (i.e. functions that aren't already * in the field options) to the field options. This updates fieldOptions * in place and returns the keys that were added for extra validation/filtering * * The function depends on the consistent structure of field definition for * functions where the first element is the function name and the second * element is the first argument to the function, which is a field/tag. */ export function addIncompatibleFunctions( fields: QueryFieldValue[], fieldOptions: Record> ): Set { const injectedFieldKeys: Set = new Set(); fields.forEach(field => { // Inject functions that aren't compatible with the current dataset if (field.kind === 'function') { const functionName = field.alias || field.function[0]; if (!(`function:${functionName}` in fieldOptions)) { const formattedField = getFieldOptionFormat(field); if (formattedField) { const [key, value] = formattedField; fieldOptions[key] = value; injectedFieldKeys.add(key); // If the function needs to be injected, inject the parameter as a tag // as well if it isn't already an option if ( field.function[1] && !fieldOptions[`field:${field.function[1]}`] && !fieldOptions[`tag:${field.function[1]}`] ) { fieldOptions = appendFieldIfUnknown(fieldOptions, { kind: FieldValueKind.TAG, meta: { dataType: 'string', name: field.function[1], unknown: true, }, }); } } } } }); return injectedFieldKeys; }