import * as React from 'react'; import ExternalLink from 'app/components/links/externalLink'; import {t, tct} from 'app/locale'; import {Organization} from 'app/types'; export enum Query { FOR_REVIEW = 'is:unresolved is:for_review assigned_or_suggested:[me, none]', UNRESOLVED = 'is:unresolved', IGNORED = 'is:ignored', REPROCESSING = 'is:reprocessing', } type OverviewTab = { name: string; /** Emitted analytics event tab name */ analyticsName: string; /** Will fetch a count to display on this tab */ count: boolean; /** Tabs can be disabled via flag */ enabled: boolean; /** Tooltip text for each tab */ tooltipTitle: React.ReactNode; /** Tooltip text to be hoverable when text has links */ tooltipHoverable?: boolean; }; /** * Get a list of currently active tabs */ export function getTabs(organization: Organization) { const tabs: Array<[string, OverviewTab]> = [ [ Query.UNRESOLVED, { name: t('All Unresolved'), analyticsName: 'unresolved', count: true, enabled: true, tooltipTitle: t(`All unresolved issues.`), }, ], [ Query.FOR_REVIEW, { name: t('For Review'), analyticsName: 'needs_review', count: true, enabled: true, tooltipTitle: t(`Issues are marked for review when they are created, unresolved, or unignored. Mark an issue reviewed to move it out of this list. Issues are automatically marked reviewed in 7 days.`), }, ], [ Query.IGNORED, { name: t('Ignored'), analyticsName: 'ignored', count: true, enabled: true, tooltipTitle: t(`Ignored issues don’t trigger alerts. When their ignore conditions are met they become Unresolved and are flagged for review.`), }, ], [ Query.REPROCESSING, { name: t('Reprocessing'), analyticsName: 'reprocessing', count: true, enabled: organization.features.includes('reprocessing-v2'), tooltipTitle: tct( `These [link:reprocessing issues] will take some time to complete. Any new issues that are created during reprocessing will be flagged for review.`, { link: ( ), } ), tooltipHoverable: true, }, ], ]; return tabs.filter(([_query, tab]) => tab.enabled); } /** * @returns queries that should have counts fetched */ export function getTabsWithCounts(organization: Organization) { const tabs = getTabs(organization); return tabs.filter(([_query, tab]) => tab.count).map(([query]) => query); } export function isForReviewQuery(query: string | undefined) { return !!query && /\bis:for_review\b/.test(query); } // the tab counts will look like 99+ export const TAB_MAX_COUNT = 99; type QueryCount = { count: number; hasMore: boolean; }; export type QueryCounts = Partial>; export enum IssueSortOptions { DATE = 'date', NEW = 'new', PRIORITY = 'priority', FREQ = 'freq', USER = 'user', TREND = 'trend', INBOX = 'inbox', } export function getSortLabel(key: string) { switch (key) { case IssueSortOptions.NEW: return t('First Seen'); case IssueSortOptions.PRIORITY: return t('Priority'); case IssueSortOptions.FREQ: return t('Events'); case IssueSortOptions.USER: return t('Users'); case IssueSortOptions.TREND: return t('Relative Change'); case IssueSortOptions.INBOX: return t('Date Added'); case IssueSortOptions.DATE: default: return t('Last Seen'); } } export enum IssueDisplayOptions { EVENTS = 'events', SESSIONS = 'sessions', } export function getDisplayLabel(key: IssueDisplayOptions) { switch (key) { case IssueDisplayOptions.SESSIONS: return t('Events as %'); case IssueDisplayOptions.EVENTS: default: return t('Event Count'); } }