import {Component} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import SelectControl from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectControl'; import {PanelItem} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import SelectMembers from 'sentry/components/selectMembers'; import TeamSelector from 'sentry/components/teamSelector'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {IssueAlertRuleAction, IssueAlertRuleCondition} from 'sentry/types/alerts'; interface OptionRecord { label: string; value: string; } type Props = { disabled: boolean; loading: boolean; memberValue: string | number; onChange: (action: IssueAlertRuleAction) => void; options: OptionRecord[]; organization: Organization; project: Project; ruleData: IssueAlertRuleAction | IssueAlertRuleCondition; teamValue: string | number; }; class MemberTeamFields extends Component { handleChange = (attribute: 'targetType' | 'targetIdentifier', newValue: string) => { const {onChange, ruleData} = this.props; if (newValue === ruleData[attribute]) { return; } const newData = { ...ruleData, [attribute]: newValue, }; /** * TargetIdentifiers between the targetTypes are not unique, and may wrongly map to something that has not been * selected. E.g. A member and project can both have the `targetIdentifier`, `'2'`. Hence we clear the identifier. **/ if (attribute === 'targetType') { newData.targetIdentifier = ''; } onChange(newData); }; handleChangeActorType = (optionRecord: OptionRecord) => { this.handleChange('targetType', optionRecord.value); }; handleChangeActorId = (optionRecord: OptionRecord & {[key: string]: any}) => { this.handleChange('targetIdentifier', optionRecord.value); }; render(): React.ReactElement { const { disabled, loading, project, organization, ruleData, memberValue, teamValue, options, } = this.props; const teamSelected = ruleData.targetType === teamValue; const memberSelected = ruleData.targetType === memberValue; const selectControlStyles = { control: provided => ({ ...provided, minHeight: '28px', height: '28px', }), }; return ( {(teamSelected || memberSelected) && ( {teamSelected ? ( ) : memberSelected ? ( ) : null} )} ); } } const PanelItemGrid = styled(PanelItem)` display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0; gap: ${space(2)}; `; const SelectWrapper = styled('div')` width: 200px; `; export default MemberTeamFields;