import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Location} from 'history'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import {loadOrganizationTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import PageFiltersContainer from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/container'; import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {PageFilters, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {canUseMetricsData} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting'; import {PerformanceEventViewProvider} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/performanceEventViewContext'; import useRouteAnalyticsEventNames from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/useRouteAnalyticsEventNames'; import useRouteAnalyticsParams from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/useRouteAnalyticsParams'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import usePrevious from 'sentry/utils/usePrevious'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import {getLandingDisplayFromParam} from './landing/utils'; import {generatePerformanceEventView, getDefaultStatsPeriod} from './data'; import {StarfishLanding} from './landing'; import {addRoutePerformanceContext, getSelectedProjectPlatforms} from './utils'; type Props = { location: Location; router: InjectedRouter; selection: PageFilters; demoMode?: boolean; }; type State = { error?: string; }; function PerformanceContent({selection, location, demoMode, router}: Props) { const api = useApi(); const organization = useOrganization(); const {projects} = useProjects(); const mounted = useRef(false); const previousDateTime = usePrevious(selection.datetime); const [state, setState] = useState({error: undefined}); const withStaticFilters = canUseMetricsData(organization); const eventView = generatePerformanceEventView( location, projects, { withStaticFilters, }, organization ); function getOnboardingProject(): Project | undefined { // XXX used by getsentry to bypass onboarding for the upsell demo state. if (demoMode) { return undefined; } if (projects.length === 0) { return undefined; } // Current selection is 'my projects' or 'all projects' if (eventView.project.length === 0 || eventView.project[0] === ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS) { const filtered = projects.filter(p => p.firstTransactionEvent === false); if (filtered.length === projects.length) { return filtered[0]; } } // Any other subset of projects. const filtered = projects.filter( p => eventView.project.includes(parseInt(, 10)) && p.firstTransactionEvent === false ); if (filtered.length === eventView.project.length) { return filtered[0]; } return undefined; } const onboardingProject = getOnboardingProject(); useRouteAnalyticsEventNames( 'performance_views.overview.view', 'Performance Views: Transaction overview view' ); useRouteAnalyticsParams({ project_platforms: getSelectedProjectPlatforms(location, projects), show_onboarding: onboardingProject !== undefined, tab: getLandingDisplayFromParam(location)?.field, }); useEffect(() => { if (!mounted.current) { loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection); addRoutePerformanceContext(selection); mounted.current = true; return; } if (!isEqual(previousDateTime, selection.datetime)) { loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection); addRoutePerformanceContext(selection); } }, [ selection.datetime, previousDateTime, selection, api, organization, onboardingProject, location, projects, ]); function setError(newError?: string) { if ( typeof newError === 'object' || (Array.isArray(newError) && typeof newError[0] === 'object') ) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setExtra('error', newError); Sentry.captureException(new Error('setError failed with error type.')); }); return; } setState({...state, error: newError}); } return ( ); } export default withPageFilters(PerformanceContent);