/*eslint-env node*/ module.exports = { presets: ['@babel/react', '@babel/env', '@babel/preset-typescript'], plugins: [ 'emotion', 'lodash', 'react-hot-loader/babel', '@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import', '@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread', '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', // NOTE: The order of the decorator and class-property plugins is important // here. Decorators must be processed first before class properties, see: // https://babeljs.io/docs/en/plugins#plugin-ordering ['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', {legacy: true}], ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', {loose: true}], ], env: { production: { plugins: [ [ 'transform-react-remove-prop-types', { mode: 'remove', // remove from bundle removeImport: true, // removes `prop-types` import statements classNameMatchers: [ 'SelectField', 'FormField', 'AsyncComponent', 'AsyncView', ], additionalLibraries: [/app\/sentryTypes$/], }, ], ['babel-plugin-add-react-displayname'], ], }, development: { plugins: [ ['emotion', {sourceMap: true, autoLabel: true}], '@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source', ], }, test: { plugins: [['emotion', {autoLabel: true}], 'dynamic-import-node'], }, }, };