import selectEvent from 'react-select-event'; import {render, screen, userEvent, waitFor} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import ApiNewToken from 'sentry/views/settings/account/apiNewToken'; describe('ApiNewToken', function () { it('renders', function () { render(, { context: TestStubs.routerContext(), }); }); it('renders with disabled "Create Token" button', async function () { render(, { context: TestStubs.routerContext(), }); expect(await screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Create Token'})).toBeDisabled(); }); it('submits with correct hierarchical scopes', async function () { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); const assignMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ method: 'POST', url: `/api-tokens/`, }); render(, { context: TestStubs.routerContext(), }); const createButton = await screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Create Token'}); const selectByValue = (name, value) =>'textbox', {name}), value); // Assigning Admin here will also grant read + write access to the resource await selectByValue('Project', 'Admin'); await selectByValue('Release', 'Admin'); await selectByValue('Team', 'Admin'); await selectByValue('Issue & Event', 'Admin'); await selectByValue('Organization', 'Admin'); await selectByValue('Member', 'Admin'); await; await waitFor(() => expect(assignMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/api-tokens/', expect.objectContaining({ data: expect.objectContaining({ scopes: expect.arrayContaining([ 'project:read', 'project:write', 'project:admin', 'project:releases', 'team:read', 'team:write', 'team:admin', 'event:read', 'event:write', 'event:admin', 'org:read', 'org:write', 'org:admin', 'org:integrations', 'member:read', 'member:write', 'member:admin', ]), }), }) ) ); }); });