import {Component, createRef} from 'react'; import type {SingleValueProps} from 'react-select'; import {components} from 'react-select'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import type {ControlProps} from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectControl'; import SelectControl from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectControl'; import type {InputProps} from 'sentry/components/input'; import Input from 'sentry/components/input'; import {Tag} from 'sentry/components/tag'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {pulse} from 'sentry/styles/animations'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {SelectValue} from 'sentry/types'; import type { AggregateParameter, AggregationKeyWithAlias, Column, ColumnType, QueryFieldValue, ValidateColumnTypes, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {AGGREGATIONS, DEPRECATED_FIELDS} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {SESSIONS_OPERATIONS} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/releaseWidget/fields'; import ArithmeticInput from './arithmeticInput'; import type {FieldValue, FieldValueColumns} from './types'; import {FieldValueKind} from './types'; export type FieldValueOption = SelectValue<FieldValue>; type FieldOptions = Record<string, FieldValueOption>; // Intermediate type that combines the current column // data with the AggregateParameter type. type ParameterDescription = | { dataType: ColumnType; kind: 'value'; required: boolean; value: string; placeholder?: string; } | { kind: 'column'; options: FieldValueOption[]; required: boolean; value: FieldValue | null; } | { dataType: string; kind: 'dropdown'; options: SelectValue<string>[]; required: boolean; value: string; placeholder?: string; }; type Props = { fieldOptions: FieldOptions; fieldValue: QueryFieldValue; onChange: (fieldValue: QueryFieldValue) => void; className?: string; disabled?: boolean; error?: string; /** * Function to filter the options that are used as parameters for function/aggregate. */ filterAggregateParameters?: ( option: FieldValueOption, fieldValue?: QueryFieldValue ) => boolean; /** * Filter the options in the primary selector. Useful if you only want to * show a subset of selectable items. * * NOTE: This is different from passing an already filtered fieldOptions * list, as tag items in the list may be used as parameters to functions. */ filterPrimaryOptions?: (option: FieldValueOption) => boolean; /** * The number of columns to render. Columns that do not have a parameter will * render an empty parameter placeholder. Leave blank to avoid adding spacers. */ gridColumns?: number; hideParameterSelector?: boolean; hidePrimarySelector?: boolean; /** * Whether or not to add labels inside of the input fields, currently only * used for the metric alert builder. */ inFieldLabels?: boolean; /** * This will be displayed in the select if there are no fields */ noFieldsMessage?: string; otherColumns?: Column[]; placeholder?: string; /** * Whether or not to add the tag explaining the FieldValueKind of each field */ shouldRenderTag?: boolean; skipParameterPlaceholder?: boolean; takeFocus?: boolean; }; // Type for completing generics in react-select type OptionType = { label: string; value: FieldValue; }; class QueryField extends Component<Props> { FieldSelectComponents = { SingleValue: ({data, ...props}: SingleValueProps<OptionType>) => { return ( <components.SingleValue data={data} {...props}> <span data-test-id="label">{data.label}</span> {data.value && this.renderTag(data.value.kind, data.label)} </components.SingleValue> ); }, }; FieldSelectStyles = { singleValue(provided: React.CSSProperties) { const custom = { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', }; return {...provided, ...custom}; }, }; handleFieldChange = (selected?: FieldValueOption | null) => { if (!selected) { return; } const {value} = selected; const current = this.props.fieldValue; let fieldValue: QueryFieldValue = cloneDeep(this.props.fieldValue); switch (value.kind) { case FieldValueKind.TAG: case FieldValueKind.MEASUREMENT: case FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT: case FieldValueKind.BREAKDOWN: case FieldValueKind.FIELD: fieldValue = {kind: 'field', field:}; break; case FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS: fieldValue = { kind: 'calculatedField', field:, }; break; case FieldValueKind.FUNCTION: if (current.kind === 'function') { fieldValue = { kind: 'function', function: [ as AggregationKeyWithAlias, current.function[1], current.function[2], current.function[3], ], }; } else { fieldValue = { kind: 'function', function: [ as AggregationKeyWithAlias, '', undefined, undefined, ], }; } break; case FieldValueKind.EQUATION: fieldValue = { kind: 'equation', field:, alias:, }; break; default: throw new Error('Invalid field type found in column picker'); } if (value.kind === FieldValueKind.FUNCTION) { value.meta.parameters.forEach((param: AggregateParameter, i: number) => { if (fieldValue.kind !== 'function') { return; } if (param.kind === 'column') { const field = this.getFieldOrTagOrMeasurementValue(fieldValue.function[i + 1]); if (field === null) { fieldValue.function[i + 1] = param.defaultValue || ''; } else if ( (field.kind === FieldValueKind.FIELD || field.kind === FieldValueKind.TAG || field.kind === FieldValueKind.MEASUREMENT || field.kind === FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT || field.kind === FieldValueKind.METRICS || field.kind === FieldValueKind.BREAKDOWN) && validateColumnTypes(param.columnTypes as ValidateColumnTypes, field) ) { // New function accepts current field. fieldValue.function[i + 1] =; } else { // field does not fit within new function requirements, use the default. fieldValue.function[i + 1] = param.defaultValue || ''; fieldValue.function[i + 2] = undefined; fieldValue.function[i + 3] = undefined; } } else { fieldValue.function[i + 1] = param.defaultValue || ''; } }); if (fieldValue.kind === 'function') { if (value.meta.parameters.length === 0) { fieldValue.function = [fieldValue.function[0], '', undefined, undefined]; } else if (value.meta.parameters.length === 1) { fieldValue.function[2] = undefined; fieldValue.function[3] = undefined; } else if (value.meta.parameters.length === 2) { fieldValue.function[3] = undefined; } } } this.triggerChange(fieldValue); }; handleEquationChange = (value: string) => { const newColumn = cloneDeep(this.props.fieldValue); if (newColumn.kind === FieldValueKind.EQUATION) { newColumn.field = value; } this.triggerChange(newColumn); }; handleFieldParameterChange = ({value}) => { const newColumn = cloneDeep(this.props.fieldValue); if (newColumn.kind === 'function') { newColumn.function[1] =; } this.triggerChange(newColumn); }; handleDropdownParameterChange = (index: number) => { return (value: SelectValue<string>) => { const newColumn = cloneDeep(this.props.fieldValue); if (newColumn.kind === 'function') { newColumn.function[index] = value.value; } this.triggerChange(newColumn); }; }; handleScalarParameterChange = (index: number) => { return (value: string) => { const newColumn = cloneDeep(this.props.fieldValue); if (newColumn.kind === 'function') { newColumn.function[index] = value; } this.triggerChange(newColumn); }; }; triggerChange(fieldValue: QueryFieldValue) { this.props.onChange(fieldValue); } getFieldOrTagOrMeasurementValue( name: string | undefined, functions: string[] = [] ): FieldValue | null { const {fieldOptions} = this.props; if (name === undefined) { return null; } const fieldName = `field:${name}`; if (fieldOptions[fieldName]) { return fieldOptions[fieldName].value; } const measurementName = `measurement:${name}`; if (fieldOptions[measurementName]) { return fieldOptions[measurementName].value; } const spanOperationBreakdownName = `span_op_breakdown:${name}`; if (fieldOptions[spanOperationBreakdownName]) { return fieldOptions[spanOperationBreakdownName].value; } const equationName = `equation:${name}`; if (fieldOptions[equationName]) { return fieldOptions[equationName].value; } const tagName = name.indexOf('tags[') === 0 ? `tag:${name.replace(/tags\[(.*?)\]/, '$1')}` : `tag:${name}`; if (fieldOptions[tagName]) { return fieldOptions[tagName].value; } if (name.length > 0) { // Custom Measurement. Probably not appearing in field options because // no metrics found within selected time range if (name.startsWith('measurements.')) { return { kind: FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT, meta: { name, dataType: 'number', functions, }, }; } // Likely a tag that was deleted but left behind in a saved query // Cook up a tag option so select control works. return { kind: FieldValueKind.TAG, meta: { name, dataType: 'string', unknown: true, }, }; } return null; } getFieldData() { let field: FieldValue | null = null; const {fieldValue} = this.props; let {fieldOptions} = this.props; if (fieldValue?.kind === 'function') { const funcName = `function:${fieldValue.function[0]}`; if (fieldOptions[funcName] !== undefined) { field = fieldOptions[funcName].value; } } if (fieldValue?.kind === 'field' || fieldValue?.kind === 'calculatedField') { field = this.getFieldOrTagOrMeasurementValue(fieldValue.field); fieldOptions = this.appendFieldIfUnknown(fieldOptions, field); } let parameterDescriptions: ParameterDescription[] = []; // Generate options and values for each parameter. if ( field && field.kind === FieldValueKind.FUNCTION && field.meta.parameters.length > 0 && fieldValue?.kind === FieldValueKind.FUNCTION ) { parameterDescriptions = (param, index: number): ParameterDescription => { if (param.kind === 'column') { const fieldParameter = this.getFieldOrTagOrMeasurementValue( fieldValue.function[1], [fieldValue.function[0]] ); fieldOptions = this.appendFieldIfUnknown(fieldOptions, fieldParameter); return { kind: 'column', value: fieldParameter, required: param.required, options: Object.values(fieldOptions).filter( ({value}) => (value.kind === FieldValueKind.FIELD || value.kind === FieldValueKind.TAG || value.kind === FieldValueKind.MEASUREMENT || value.kind === FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT || value.kind === FieldValueKind.METRICS || value.kind === FieldValueKind.BREAKDOWN) && validateColumnTypes(param.columnTypes as ValidateColumnTypes, value) ), }; } if (param.kind === 'dropdown') { return { kind: 'dropdown', options: param.options, dataType: param.dataType, required: param.required, value: (fieldValue.kind === 'function' && fieldValue.function[index + 1]) || param.defaultValue || '', }; } return { kind: 'value', value: (fieldValue.kind === 'function' && fieldValue.function[index + 1]) || param.defaultValue || '', dataType: param.dataType, required: param.required, placeholder: param.placeholder, }; } ); } return {field, fieldOptions, parameterDescriptions}; } appendFieldIfUnknown( fieldOptions: FieldOptions, field: FieldValue | null ): FieldOptions { if (!field) { return fieldOptions; } if (field && field.kind === FieldValueKind.TAG && field.meta.unknown) { // Clone the options so we don't mutate other rows. fieldOptions = Object.assign({}, fieldOptions); fieldOptions[] = {label:, value: field}; } else if (field && field.kind === FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT) { fieldOptions = Object.assign({}, fieldOptions); fieldOptions[`measurement:${}`] = { label:, value: field, }; } return fieldOptions; } renderParameterInputs(parameters: ParameterDescription[]): React.ReactNode[] { const { disabled, inFieldLabels, filterAggregateParameters, hideParameterSelector, skipParameterPlaceholder, fieldValue, } = this.props; const inputs = ParameterDescription, index: number) => { if (descriptor.kind === 'column' && descriptor.options.length > 0) { if (hideParameterSelector) { return null; } const aggregateParameters = filterAggregateParameters ? descriptor.options.filter(option => filterAggregateParameters(option, fieldValue) ) : descriptor.options; aggregateParameters.forEach(opt => { opt.trailingItems = this.renderTag(opt.value.kind, String(opt.label)); }); return ( <SelectControl key="select" name="parameter" menuPlacement="auto" placeholder={t('Select value')} options={aggregateParameters} value={descriptor.value} required={descriptor.required} onChange={this.handleFieldParameterChange} inFieldLabel={inFieldLabels ? t('Parameter: ') : undefined} disabled={disabled} styles={!inFieldLabels ? this.FieldSelectStyles : undefined} components={this.FieldSelectComponents} /> ); } if (descriptor.kind === 'value') { const inputProps = { required: descriptor.required, value: descriptor.value, onUpdate: this.handleScalarParameterChange(index + 1), placeholder: descriptor.placeholder, disabled, }; switch (descriptor.dataType) { case 'number': return ( <BufferedInput name="refinement" key="parameter:number" type="text" inputMode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?" {...inputProps} /> ); case 'integer': return ( <BufferedInput name="refinement" key="parameter:integer" type="text" inputMode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" {...inputProps} /> ); default: return ( <BufferedInput name="refinement" key="parameter:text" type="text" {...inputProps} /> ); } } if (descriptor.kind === 'dropdown') { return ( <SelectControl key="dropdown" name="dropdown" menuPlacement="auto" placeholder={t('Select value')} options={descriptor.options} value={descriptor.value} required={descriptor.required} onChange={this.handleDropdownParameterChange(index + 1)} inFieldLabel={inFieldLabels ? t('Parameter: ') : undefined} disabled={disabled} /> ); } throw new Error(`Unknown parameter type encountered for ${this.props.fieldValue}`); }); if (skipParameterPlaceholder) { return inputs; } // Add enough disabled inputs to fill the grid up. // We always have 1 input. const {gridColumns} = this.props; const requiredInputs = (gridColumns ?? inputs.length + 1) - inputs.length - 1; if (gridColumns !== undefined && requiredInputs > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < requiredInputs; i++) { inputs.push(<BlankSpace key={i} data-test-id="blankSpace" />); } } return inputs; } renderTag(kind: FieldValueKind, label: string) { const {shouldRenderTag} = this.props; if (shouldRenderTag === false) { return null; } let text, tagType; switch (kind) { case FieldValueKind.FUNCTION: text = 'f(x)'; tagType = 'success'; break; case FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT: case FieldValueKind.MEASUREMENT: text = 'field'; tagType = 'highlight'; break; case FieldValueKind.BREAKDOWN: text = 'field'; tagType = 'highlight'; break; case FieldValueKind.TAG: text = kind; tagType = 'warning'; break; case FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS: text = 'f(x)'; tagType = 'success'; break; case FieldValueKind.FIELD: text = DEPRECATED_FIELDS.includes(label) ? 'deprecated' : 'field'; tagType = 'highlight'; break; default: text = kind; } return <Tag type={tagType}>{text}</Tag>; } render() { const { className, takeFocus, filterPrimaryOptions, fieldValue, inFieldLabels, disabled, error, hidePrimarySelector, gridColumns, otherColumns, placeholder, noFieldsMessage, skipParameterPlaceholder, } = this.props; const {field, fieldOptions, parameterDescriptions} = this.getFieldData(); const allFieldOptions = filterPrimaryOptions ? Object.values(fieldOptions).filter(filterPrimaryOptions) : Object.values(fieldOptions); allFieldOptions.forEach(opt => { opt.trailingItems = this.renderTag(opt.value.kind, String(opt.label)); }); const selectProps: ControlProps<FieldValueOption> = { name: 'field', options: Object.values(allFieldOptions), placeholder: placeholder ?? t('(Required)'), value: field, onChange: this.handleFieldChange, inFieldLabel: inFieldLabels ? t('Function: ') : undefined, disabled, noOptionsMessage: () => noFieldsMessage, menuPlacement: 'auto', }; if (takeFocus && field === null) { selectProps.autoFocus = true; } const parameters = this.renderParameterInputs(parameterDescriptions); if (fieldValue?.kind === FieldValueKind.EQUATION) { return ( <Container className={className} gridColumns={1} tripleLayout={false} error={error !== undefined} data-test-id="queryField" > <ArithmeticInput name="arithmetic" key="parameter:text" type="text" required value={fieldValue.field} onUpdate={this.handleEquationChange} options={otherColumns} placeholder={t('Equation')} /> {error ? ( <ArithmeticError title={error}> <IconWarning color="errorText" data-test-id="arithmeticErrorWarning" /> </ArithmeticError> ) : null} </Container> ); } // if there's more than 2 parameters, set gridColumns to 2 so they go onto the next line instead const containerColumns = parameters.length > 2 ? 2 : gridColumns ? gridColumns : parameters.length + 1; let gridColumnsQuantity: undefined | number = undefined; if (skipParameterPlaceholder) { // if the selected field is a function and has parameters, we would like to display each value in separate columns. // Otherwise the field should be displayed in a column, taking up all available space and not displaying the "no parameter" field if (fieldValue.kind !== 'function') { gridColumnsQuantity = 1; } else { const operation = AGGREGATIONS[fieldValue.function[0]] ?? SESSIONS_OPERATIONS[fieldValue.function[0]]; if (operation?.parameters.length > 0) { if (containerColumns === 3 && operation.parameters.length === 1) { gridColumnsQuantity = 2; } else { gridColumnsQuantity = containerColumns; } } else { gridColumnsQuantity = 1; } } } return ( <Container className={className} gridColumns={gridColumnsQuantity ?? containerColumns} tripleLayout={gridColumns === 3 && parameters.length > 2} data-test-id="queryField" > {!hidePrimarySelector && ( <SelectControl {...selectProps} styles={!inFieldLabels ? this.FieldSelectStyles : undefined} components={this.FieldSelectComponents} /> )} {parameters} </Container> ); } } function validateColumnTypes( columnTypes: ValidateColumnTypes, input: FieldValueColumns ): boolean { if (typeof columnTypes === 'function') { return columnTypes({name:, dataType: input.meta.dataType}); } return (columnTypes as string[]).includes(input.meta.dataType); } const Container = styled('div')<{ gridColumns: number; tripleLayout: boolean; error?: boolean; }>` display: grid; ${p => p.tripleLayout ? `grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr;` : `grid-template-columns: repeat(${p.gridColumns}, 1fr) ${p.error ? 'auto' : ''};`} gap: ${space(1)}; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1; `; interface BufferedInputProps extends InputProps { onUpdate: (value: string) => void; value: string; } type InputState = {value: string}; /** * Because controlled inputs fire onChange on every key stroke, * we can't update the QueryField that often as it would re-render * the input elements causing focus to be lost. * * Using a buffered input lets us throttle rendering and enforce data * constraints better. */ class BufferedInput extends Component<BufferedInputProps, InputState> { constructor(props: BufferedInputProps) { super(props); this.input = createRef(); } state: InputState = { value: this.props.value, }; private input: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>; get isValid() { if (!this.input.current) { return true; } return this.input.current.validity.valid; } handleBlur = () => { if (this.props.required && this.state.value === '') { // Handle empty strings separately because we don't pass required // to input elements, causing isValid to return true this.setState({value: this.props.value}); } else if (this.isValid) { this.props.onUpdate(this.state.value); } else { this.setState({value: this.props.value}); } }; handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { if (this.isValid) { this.setState({value:}); } }; render() { const {onUpdate: _, ...props} = this.props; return ( <StyledInput {...props} ref={this.input} className="form-control" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} onBlur={this.handleBlur} /> ); } } // Set a min-width to allow shrinkage in grid. const StyledInput = styled(Input)` min-width: 50px; `; const BlankSpace = styled('div')` /* Match the height of the select boxes */ height: ${p =>}px; min-width: 50px; background: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary}; border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius}; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; &:after { font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; content: '${t('No parameter')}'; color: ${p => p.theme.subText}; } `; const ArithmeticError = styled(Tooltip)` color: ${p => p.theme.errorText}; animation: ${() => pulse(1.15)} 1s ease infinite; display: flex; `; export {QueryField};