import {queryToObj, objToQuery} from 'app/utils/stream'; describe('utils/stream', function() { describe('queryToObj()', function() { it('should convert a basic query string to a query object', function() { expect(queryToObj('is:unresolved')).toEqual({ __text: '', is: 'unresolved', }); expect(queryToObj('is:unresolved browser:"Chrome 36"')).toEqual({ __text: '', is: 'unresolved', browser: 'Chrome 36', }); expect(queryToObj('python is:unresolved browser:"Chrome 36"')).toEqual({ __text: 'python', is: 'unresolved', browser: 'Chrome 36', }); }); it('should convert separate query tokens into a single __text property', function() { expect(queryToObj('python exception')).toEqual({ __text: 'python exception', }); // NOTE: "python exception" is extracted despite being broken up by "is:unresolved" expect(queryToObj('python is:unresolved exception')).toEqual({ __text: 'python exception', is: 'unresolved', }); }); }); describe('objToQuery()', function() { it('should convert a query object to a query string', function() { expect( objToQuery({ is: 'unresolved', }) ).toEqual('is:unresolved'); expect( objToQuery({ is: 'unresolved', assigned: '', }) ).toEqual('is:unresolved'); expect( objToQuery({ is: 'unresolved', __text: 'python exception', }) ).toEqual('is:unresolved python exception'); }); it('should quote query values that contain spaces', function() { expect( objToQuery({ browser: 'Chrome 36', }) ).toEqual('browser:"Chrome 36"'); }); }); });