import $ from 'jquery'; import {Client, Request, paramsToQueryArgs} from 'app/api'; import GroupActions from 'app/actions/groupActions'; import {PROJECT_MOVED} from 'app/constants/apiErrorCodes'; jest.unmock('app/api'); describe('api', function() { let sandbox; let api; beforeEach(function() { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); api = new Client(); }); afterEach(function() { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('paramsToQueryArgs()', function() { it('should convert itemIds properties to id array', function() { expect( paramsToQueryArgs({ itemIds: [1, 2, 3], query: 'is:unresolved', // itemIds takes precedence }) ).toEqual({id: [1, 2, 3]}); }); it('should extract query property if no itemIds', function() { expect( paramsToQueryArgs({ query: 'is:unresolved', foo: 'bar', }) ).toEqual({query: 'is:unresolved'}); }); it('should convert params w/o itemIds or query to undefined', function() { expect( paramsToQueryArgs({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', // paramsToQueryArgs ignores these }) ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should keep environment when query is provided', function() { expect( paramsToQueryArgs({ query: 'is:unresolved', environment: 'production', }) ).toEqual({query: 'is:unresolved', environment: 'production'}); }); it('should exclude environment when it is null/undefined', function() { expect( paramsToQueryArgs({ query: 'is:unresolved', environment: null, }) ).toEqual({query: 'is:unresolved'}); }); }); describe('Client', function() { beforeEach(function() { sandbox.stub($, 'ajax'); }); describe('cancel()', function() { it('should abort any open XHR requests', function() { let req1 = new Request({ abort: sinon.stub(), }); let req2 = new Request({ abort: sinon.stub(), }); api.activeRequests = { 1: req1, 2: req2, }; api.clear(); expect(req1.xhr.abort.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); expect(req2.xhr.abort.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); it('does not call success callback if 302 was returned because of a project slug change', function() { let successCb = jest.fn(); api.activeRequests = {id: {alive: true}}; api.wrapCallback('id', successCb)({ responseJSON: { detail: { code: PROJECT_MOVED, message: '...', extra: { slug: 'new-slug', }, }, }, }); expect(successCb).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('handles error callback', function() { sandbox.stub(api, 'wrapCallback', (id, func) => func); let errorCb = jest.fn(); let args = ['test', true, 1]; api.handleRequestError( { id: 'test', path: 'test', requestOptions: {error: errorCb}, }, ...args ); expect(errorCb).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...args); api.wrapCallback.restore(); }); it('handles undefined error callback', function() { expect(() => api.handleRequestError( { id: 'test', path: 'test', requestOptions: {}, }, {}, {} ) ).not.toThrow(); }); describe('bulkUpdate()', function() { beforeEach(function() { sandbox.stub(api, '_wrapRequest'); sandbox.stub(GroupActions, 'update'); // stub GroupActions.update call from api.update }); it('should use itemIds as query if provided', function() { api.bulkUpdate({ orgId: '1337', projectId: '1337', itemIds: [1, 2, 3], data: {status: 'unresolved'}, query: 'is:resolved', }); expect(api._wrapRequest.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); let requestArgs = api._wrapRequest.getCall(0).args[1]; expect(requestArgs.query).toEqual({id: [1, 2, 3]}); }); it('should use query as query if itemIds are absent', function() { api.bulkUpdate({ orgId: '1337', projectId: '1337', itemIds: null, data: {status: 'unresolved'}, query: 'is:resolved', }); expect(api._wrapRequest.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); let requestArgs = api._wrapRequest.getCall(0).args[1]; expect(requestArgs.query).toEqual({query: 'is:resolved'}); }); }); describe('merge()', function() { // TODO: this is totally copypasta from the test above. We need to refactor // these API methods/tests. beforeEach(function() { sandbox.stub(api, '_wrapRequest'); sandbox.stub(GroupActions, 'merge'); // stub GroupActions.merge call from api.merge }); it('should use itemIds as query if provided', function() { api.merge({ orgId: '1337', projectId: '1337', itemIds: [1, 2, 3], data: {status: 'unresolved'}, query: 'is:resolved', }); expect(api._wrapRequest.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); let requestArgs = api._wrapRequest.getCall(0).args[1]; expect(requestArgs.query).toEqual({id: [1, 2, 3]}); }); it('should use query as query if itemIds are absent', function() { api.merge({ orgId: '1337', projectId: '1337', itemIds: null, data: {status: 'unresolved'}, query: 'is:resolved', }); expect(api._wrapRequest.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); let requestArgs = api._wrapRequest.getCall(0).args[1]; expect(requestArgs.query).toEqual({query: 'is:resolved'}); }); }); });