import {Fragment} from 'react'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import {CodeSnippet} from 'sentry/components/codeSnippet'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; export interface QuickStartProps { dsnKey?: string; orgSlug?: string; slug?: string; } const VALUE_DEFAULTS = { dsnKey: '', orgSlug: '', slug: '', }; function withDefaultProps(props: QuickStartProps): Required { return merge(VALUE_DEFAULTS, props); } export function PythonCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.crons import monitor # Add this decorator to instrument your python function @monitor(monitor_slug='${slug}') def tell_the_world(msg): print(msg)`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Python SDK (min v1.17.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
); } export function PythonCeleryCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug, dsnKey} = withDefaultProps(props); const setupCode = `import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.crons import monitor from sentry_sdk.integrations.celery import CeleryIntegration # @signals.celeryd_init.connect @signals.beat_init.connect def init_sentry(**kwargs): sentry_sdk.init( dsn='${dsnKey}', integrations=[CeleryIntegration()], ) `; const linkTaskCode = `@app.task @monitor(monitor_slug='${slug}') def tell_the_world(msg): print(msg) `; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Python SDK (min v1.17.0), then initialize Sentry either in [celerydInit:celeryd_init] or [beatInit:beat_init] signal:', { celerydInit: , beatInit: , installLink: ( ), } )}
{t('Link your Celery task to your Monitor:')}
); } export function CLICronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug, dsnKey} = withDefaultProps(props); const script = `# Example for a Python script: export SENTRY_DSN=${dsnKey} sentry-cli monitors run ${slug} -- python path/to/file`; return (
{tct( 'Make sure to [installLink:install the Sentry CLI] (min v2.16.1), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function CurlCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug, orgSlug, dsnKey} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `# Notify Sentry your job is running: curl -X POST \\ '${orgSlug}/monitors/${slug}/checkins/' \\ --header 'Authorization: DSN ${dsnKey}' \\ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ --data-raw '{"status": "in_progress"}' # Execute your scheduled task here... # Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: curl -X PUT \\ '${orgSlug}/monitors/${slug}/checkins/latest/' \\ --header 'Authorization: DSN ${dsnKey}' \\ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ --data-raw '{"status": "ok"}'`; const checkInFailCode = `# Notify Sentry your job has failed: curl -X PUT \\ '${orgSlug}/monitors/${slug}/checkins/latest/' \\ --header 'Authorization: DSN ${dsnKey}' \\ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ --data-raw '{"status": "error"}'`; return ( {checkInSuccessCode}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function PHPCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `// 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: $event = Event::createCheckIn(); $checkIn = new CheckIn( monitorSlug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::inProgress(), ); $event->setCheckIn($checkIn); SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->captureEvent($event); // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: $event = Event::createCheckIn(); $event->setCheckIn(new CheckIn( id: $checkIn->getId(), monitorSlug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::ok(), )); SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->captureEvent($event);`; const checkInFailCode = `// 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: $event = Event::createCheckIn(); $event->setCheckIn(new CheckIn( id: $checkIn->getId(), monitorSlug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::error(), )); SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->captureEvent($event);`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry PHP SDK (min v3.16.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function PHPLaravelCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('emails:send') ->everyHour() ->sentryMonitor('${slug}'); // add this line }`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry PHP Laravel SDK (min v3.3.1), then add the [sentryMonitor:sentryMonitor()] call to your scheduled tasks defined in your [kernel:app/Console/Kernel.php] file:', { sentryMonitor: , kernel: , installLink: ( ), } )}
); }