import {Fragment, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {FocusScope} from '@react-aria/focus'; import {useKeyboard} from '@react-aria/interactions'; import {AriaMenuOptions, useMenu} from '@react-aria/menu'; import { AriaPositionProps, OverlayProps, PositionAria, useOverlay, useOverlayPosition, } from '@react-aria/overlays'; import {useSeparator} from '@react-aria/separator'; import {mergeProps} from '@react-aria/utils'; import {useTreeState} from '@react-stately/tree'; import {Node} from '@react-types/shared'; import MenuControl from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenuControlV2'; import MenuItem, {MenuItemProps} from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenuItemV2'; import MenuSection from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenuSectionV2'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; type Props = { /** * If this is a submenu, it will in some cases need to close the root menu * (e.g. when a submenu item is clicked). */ closeRootMenu: () => void; /** * Whether this is a submenu */ isSubmenu: boolean; /** * Ref object to the trigger element, needed for useOverlayPosition() */ triggerRef: React.RefObject; /** * If this is a submenu, it will in some cases need to close itself (e.g. * when the user presses the arrow left key) */ closeCurrentSubmenu?: () => void; /** * Whether the menu should close when an item has been clicked/selected */ closeOnSelect?: boolean; /* * Title to display on top of the menu */ menuTitle?: string; onClose?: () => void; /** * Current width of the trigger element. This is used as the menu's minumum * width. */ triggerWidth?: number; } & AriaMenuOptions & Partial & Partial; function Menu({ offset = 8, crossOffset = 0, containerPadding = 0, placement = 'bottom left', closeOnSelect = true, triggerRef, triggerWidth, isSubmenu, menuTitle, closeRootMenu, closeCurrentSubmenu, isDismissable = true, shouldCloseOnBlur = true, ...props }: Props) { const state = useTreeState({...props, selectionMode: 'single'}); const stateCollection = [...state.collection]; // Implement focus states, keyboard navigation, aria-label,... const menuRef = useRef(null); const {menuProps} = useMenu({...props, selectionMode: 'single'}, state, menuRef); // If this is a submenu, pressing arrow left should close it (but not the // root menu). const {keyboardProps} = useKeyboard({ onKeyDown: e => { if (isSubmenu && e.key === 'ArrowLeft') { closeCurrentSubmenu?.(); return; } e.continuePropagation(); }, }); // Close the menu on outside interaction, blur, or Esc key press, and // control its position relative to the trigger button. See: // // const overlayRef = useRef(null); const {overlayProps} = useOverlay( { onClose: closeRootMenu, shouldCloseOnBlur, isDismissable, isOpen: true, }, overlayRef ); const {overlayProps: positionProps, placement: placementProp} = useOverlayPosition({ targetRef: triggerRef, overlayRef, offset, crossOffset, placement, containerPadding, isOpen: true, // useOverlayPosition's algorithm doesn't work well for submenus on viewport // scroll. Changing the boundary element (document.body by default) seems to // fix this. boundaryElement: document.querySelector('.app') ?? undefined, }); // Store whether this menu/submenu is the current focused one, which in a // nested, tree-like menu system should be the leaf submenu. This // information is used for controlling keyboard events. See: // modifiedMenuProps below. const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { // A submenu is a leaf when it does not contain any expanded submenu. This // logically follows from the tree-like structure and single-selection // nature of menus. const isLeafSubmenu = !stateCollection.some(node => { const isSection = node.hasChildNodes && !node.value.isSubmenu; // A submenu with key [key] is expanded if // state.selectionManager.isSelected([key]) = true return isSection ? [...node.childNodes].some(child => state.selectionManager.isSelected(`${child.key}`) ) : state.selectionManager.isSelected(`${node.key}`); }); setHasFocus(isLeafSubmenu); }, [state.selectionManager.selectedKeys]); // Menu props from useMenu, modified to disable keyboard events if the // current menu does not have focus. const modifiedMenuProps = { ...menuProps, ...(!hasFocus && { onKeyUp: () => null, onKeyDown: () => null, }), }; // Render a single menu item const renderItem = (node: Node, isLastNode: boolean) => { return ( ); }; // Render a submenu whose trigger button is a menu item const renderItemWithSubmenu = (node: Node, isLastNode: boolean) => { const trigger = ({props: submenuTriggerProps, ref: submenuTriggerRef}) => ( ); return ( state.selectionManager.clearSelection()} renderWrapAs="li" /> ); }; // Render a collection of menu items const renderCollection = (collection: Node[]) =>, i) => { const isLastNode = collection.length - 1 === i; const showSeparator = !isLastNode && (node.type === 'section' || collection[i + 1]?.type === 'section'); const {separatorProps} = useSeparator({elementType: 'li'}); let itemToRender: React.ReactNode; if (node.type === 'section') { itemToRender = ( {renderCollection([...node.childNodes])} ); } else { itemToRender = node.value.isSubmenu ? renderItemWithSubmenu(node, isLastNode) : renderItem(node, isLastNode); } return ( {itemToRender} {showSeparator && } ); }); return ( {menuTitle && {menuTitle}} {renderCollection(stateCollection)} ); } export default Menu; const Overlay = styled('div')<{placementProp: PositionAria['placement']}>` max-width: 24rem; border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius}; background: ${p => p.theme.backgroundElevated}; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px ${p => p.theme.translucentBorder}, ${p => p.theme.dropShadowHeavy}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; margin: ${space(1)} 0; ${p => p.placementProp === 'top' && `margin-bottom: 0;`} ${p => p.placementProp === 'bottom' && `margin-top: 0;`} /* Override z-index from useOverlayPosition */ z-index: ${p => p.theme.zIndex.dropdown} !important; `; const MenuWrap = styled('ul')` margin: 0; padding: ${space(0.5)} 0; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; &:focus { outline: none; } `; const MenuTitle = styled('div')` font-weight: 600; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; color: ${p => p.theme.headingColor}; white-space: nowrap; padding: ${space(0.25)} ${space(1.5)} ${space(0.75)}; margin-bottom: ${space(0.5)}; border-bottom: solid 1px ${p => p.theme.innerBorder}; `; const Separator = styled('li')` list-style-type: none; border-top: solid 1px ${p => p.theme.innerBorder}; margin: ${space(0.5)} ${space(1.5)}; `;