import {Location} from 'history'; import {COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED} from 'app/components/gridEditable'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'app/constants/globalSelectionHeader'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import {NewQuery, Organization, Project, SelectValue} from 'app/types'; import EventView from 'app/utils/discover/eventView'; import {decodeScalar} from 'app/utils/queryString'; import {MutableSearch} from 'app/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import {getCurrentLandingDisplay, LandingDisplayField} from './landing/utils'; import { getVitalDetailTableMehStatusFunction, getVitalDetailTablePoorStatusFunction, vitalNameFromLocation, } from './vitalDetail/utils'; export const DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD = '24h'; export const COLUMN_TITLES = [ 'transaction', 'project', 'tpm', 'p50', 'p95', 'failure rate', 'apdex', 'users', 'user misery', ]; export enum PERFORMANCE_TERM { APDEX = 'apdex', TPM = 'tpm', THROUGHPUT = 'throughput', FAILURE_RATE = 'failureRate', P50 = 'p50', P75 = 'p75', P95 = 'p95', P99 = 'p99', LCP = 'lcp', FCP = 'fcp', USER_MISERY = 'userMisery', STATUS_BREAKDOWN = 'statusBreakdown', DURATION_DISTRIBUTION = 'durationDistribution', USER_MISERY_NEW = 'userMiseryNew', APDEX_NEW = 'apdexNew', APP_START_COLD = 'appStartCold', APP_START_WARM = 'appStartWarm', SLOW_FRAMES = 'slowFrames', FROZEN_FRAMES = 'frozenFrames', STALL_PERCENTAGE = 'stallPercentage', } export type TooltipOption = SelectValue & { tooltip: string; }; export function getAxisOptions(organization: Organization): TooltipOption[] { return [ { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APDEX_NEW), value: 'apdex()', label: t('Apdex'), }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.TPM), value: 'tpm()', label: t('Transactions Per Minute'), }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.FAILURE_RATE), value: 'failure_rate()', label: t('Failure Rate'), }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P50), value: 'p50()', label: t('p50 Duration'), }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P95), value: 'p95()', label: t('p95 Duration'), }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P99), value: 'p99()', label: t('p99 Duration'), }, ]; } export type AxisOption = TooltipOption & { field: string; backupOption?: AxisOption; label: string; isDistribution?: boolean; isLeftDefault?: boolean; isRightDefault?: boolean; }; export function getFrontendAxisOptions(organization: Organization): AxisOption[] { return [ { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.LCP), value: `p75(lcp)`, label: t('LCP p75'), field: 'p75(measurements.lcp)', isLeftDefault: true, backupOption: { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.FCP), value: `p75(fcp)`, label: t('FCP p75'), field: 'p75(measurements.fcp)', }, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'lcp_distribution', label: t('LCP Distribution'), field: 'measurements.lcp', isDistribution: true, isRightDefault: true, backupOption: { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'fcp_distribution', label: t('FCP Distribution'), field: 'measurements.fcp', isDistribution: true, }, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.TPM), value: 'tpm()', label: t('Transactions Per Minute'), field: 'tpm()', }, ]; } export function getFrontendOtherAxisOptions(organization: Organization): AxisOption[] { return [ { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P50), value: `p50()`, label: t('Duration p50'), field: 'p50(transaction.duration)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P75), value: `p75()`, label: t('Duration p75'), field: 'p75(transaction.duration)', isLeftDefault: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P95), value: `p95()`, label: t('Duration p95'), field: 'p95(transaction.duration)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'duration_distribution', label: t('Duration Distribution'), field: 'transaction.duration', isDistribution: true, isRightDefault: true, }, ]; } export function getBackendAxisOptions(organization: Organization): AxisOption[] { return [ { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P50), value: `p50()`, label: t('Duration p50'), field: 'p50(transaction.duration)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P75), value: `p75()`, label: t('Duration p75'), field: 'p75(transaction.duration)', isLeftDefault: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P95), value: `p95()`, label: t('Duration p95'), field: 'p95(transaction.duration)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.P99), value: `p99()`, label: t('Duration p99'), field: 'p99(transaction.duration)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.TPM), value: 'tpm()', label: t('Transactions Per Minute'), field: 'tpm()', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.FAILURE_RATE), value: 'failure_rate()', label: t('Failure Rate'), field: 'failure_rate()', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'duration_distribution', label: t('Duration Distribution'), field: 'transaction.duration', isDistribution: true, isRightDefault: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APDEX), value: 'apdex()', label: t('Apdex'), field: 'apdex()', }, ]; } export function getMobileAxisOptions(organization: Organization): AxisOption[] { return [ { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_COLD), value: `p50(measurements.app_start_cold)`, label: t('Cold Start Duration p50'), field: 'p50(measurements.app_start_cold)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_COLD), value: `p75(measurements.app_start_cold)`, label: t('Cold Start Duration p75'), field: 'p75(measurements.app_start_cold)', isLeftDefault: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_COLD), value: `p95(measurements.app_start_cold)`, label: t('Cold Start Duration p95'), field: 'p95(measurements.app_start_cold)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_COLD), value: `p99(measurements.app_start_cold)`, label: t('Cold Start Duration p99'), field: 'p99(measurements.app_start_cold)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'app_start_cold_distribution', label: t('Cold Start Distribution'), field: 'measurements.app_start_cold', isDistribution: true, isRightDefault: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_WARM), value: `p50(measurements.app_start_warm)`, label: t('Warm Start Duration p50'), field: 'p50(measurements.app_start_warm)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_WARM), value: `p75(measurements.app_start_warm)`, label: t('Warm Start Duration p75'), field: 'p75(measurements.app_start_warm)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_WARM), value: `p95(measurements.app_start_warm)`, label: t('Warm Start Duration p95'), field: 'p95(measurements.app_start_warm)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APP_START_WARM), value: `p99(measurements.app_start_warm)`, label: t('Warm Start Duration p99'), field: 'p99(measurements.app_start_warm)', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.DURATION_DISTRIBUTION), value: 'app_start_warm_distribution', label: t('Warm Start Distribution'), field: 'measurements.app_start_warm', isDistribution: true, }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.TPM), value: 'tpm()', label: t('Transactions Per Minute'), field: 'tpm()', }, { tooltip: getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.FAILURE_RATE), value: 'failure_rate()', label: t('Failure Rate'), field: 'failure_rate()', }, ]; } type TermFormatter = (organization: Organization) => string; export const PERFORMANCE_TERMS: Record = { apdex: () => t( 'Apdex is the ratio of both satisfactory and tolerable response times to all response times. To adjust the tolerable threshold, go to performance settings.' ), tpm: () => t('TPM is the number of recorded transaction events per minute.'), throughput: () => t('Throughput is the number of recorded transaction events per minute.'), failureRate: () => t( 'Failure rate is the percentage of recorded transactions that had a known and unsuccessful status.' ), p50: () => t('p50 indicates the duration that 50% of transactions are faster than.'), p75: () => t('p75 indicates the duration that 75% of transactions are faster than.'), p95: () => t('p95 indicates the duration that 95% of transactions are faster than.'), p99: () => t('p99 indicates the duration that 99% of transactions are faster than.'), lcp: () => t('Largest contentful paint (LCP) is a web vital meant to represent user load times'), fcp: () => t('First contentful paint (FCP) is a web vital meant to represent user load times'), userMisery: organization => t( "User Misery is a score that represents the number of unique users who have experienced load times 4x your organization's apdex threshold of %sms.", organization.apdexThreshold ), statusBreakdown: () => t( 'The breakdown of transaction statuses. This may indicate what type of failure it is.' ), durationDistribution: () => t( 'Distribution buckets counts of transactions at specifics times for your current date range' ), userMiseryNew: () => t( "User Misery is a score that represents the number of unique users who have experienced load times 4x the project's configured threshold. Adjust project threshold in project performance settings." ), apdexNew: () => t( 'Apdex is the ratio of both satisfactory and tolerable response times to all response times. To adjust the tolerable threshold, go to project performance settings.' ), appStartCold: () => t('Cold start is a measure of the application start up time from scratch.'), appStartWarm: () => t('Warm start is a measure of the application start up time while still in memory.'), slowFrames: () => t('The count of the number of slow frames in the transaction.'), frozenFrames: () => t('The count of the number of frozen frames in the transaction.'), stallPercentage: () => t( 'The percentage of the transaction duration in which the application is in a stalled state.' ), }; export function getTermHelp( organization: Organization, term: keyof typeof PERFORMANCE_TERMS ): string { if (!PERFORMANCE_TERMS.hasOwnProperty(term)) { return ''; } return PERFORMANCE_TERMS[term](organization); } function generateGenericPerformanceEventView( _organization: Organization, location: Location ): EventView { const {query} = location; const fields = [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'tpm()', 'p50()', 'p95()', 'failure_rate()', 'apdex()', 'count_unique(user)', 'count_miserable(user)', 'user_misery()', ]; const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Performance'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields, version: 2, }; const widths = Array(savedQuery.fields.length).fill(COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED); widths[savedQuery.fields.length - 1] = '110'; savedQuery.widths = widths; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-tpm'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // This is not an override condition since we want the duration to appear in the search bar as a default. if (!conditions.hasFilter('transaction.duration')) { conditions.setFilterValues('transaction.duration', ['<15m']); } // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions.addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']); return eventView; } function generateBackendPerformanceEventView( _organization: Organization, location: Location ): EventView { const {query} = location; const fields = [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'transaction.op', 'http.method', 'tpm()', 'p50()', 'p95()', 'failure_rate()', 'apdex()', 'count_unique(user)', 'count_miserable(user)', 'user_misery()', ]; const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Performance'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields, version: 2, }; const widths = Array(savedQuery.fields.length).fill(COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED); widths[savedQuery.fields.length - 1] = '110'; savedQuery.widths = widths; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-tpm'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // This is not an override condition since we want the duration to appear in the search bar as a default. if (!conditions.hasFilter('transaction.duration')) { conditions.setFilterValues('transaction.duration', ['<15m']); } // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions.addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']); return eventView; } function generateMobilePerformanceEventView( _organization: Organization, location: Location, projects: Project[], genericEventView: EventView ): EventView { const {query} = location; const fields = [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'transaction.op', 'tpm()', 'p75(measurements.app_start_cold)', 'p75(measurements.app_start_warm)', 'p75(measurements.frames_slow_rate)', 'p75(measurements.frames_frozen_rate)', ]; // At this point, all projects are mobile projects. // If in addition to that, all projects are react-native projects, // then show the stall percentage as well. const projectIds = genericEventView.project; if (projectIds.length > 0 && projectIds[0] !== ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS) { const selectedProjects = projects.filter(p => projectIds.includes(parseInt(, 10)) ); if ( selectedProjects.length > 0 && selectedProjects.every(project => project.platform === 'react-native') ) { // TODO(tonyx): remove these once the SDKs are ready fields.pop(); fields.pop(); fields.push('p75(measurements.stall_percentage)'); } } const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Performance'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields: [...fields, 'count_unique(user)', 'count_miserable(user)', 'user_misery()'], version: 2, }; const widths = Array(savedQuery.fields.length).fill(COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED); widths[savedQuery.fields.length - 1] = '110'; savedQuery.widths = widths; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-tpm'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // This is not an override condition since we want the duration to appear in the search bar as a default. if (!conditions.hasFilter('transaction.duration')) { conditions.setFilterValues('transaction.duration', ['<15m']); } // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions.addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']); return eventView; } function generateFrontendPageloadPerformanceEventView( _organization: Organization, location: Location ): EventView { const {query} = location; const fields = [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'tpm()', 'p75(measurements.fcp)', 'p75(measurements.lcp)', 'p75(measurements.fid)', 'p75(measurements.cls)', 'count_unique(user)', 'count_miserable(user)', 'user_misery()', ]; const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Performance'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields, version: 2, }; const widths = Array(savedQuery.fields.length).fill(COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED); widths[savedQuery.fields.length - 1] = '110'; savedQuery.widths = widths; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-tpm'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // This is not an override condition since we want the duration to appear in the search bar as a default. if (!conditions.hasFilter('transaction.duration')) { conditions.setFilterValues('transaction.duration', ['<15m']); } // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions .addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']) .addFilterValues('transaction.op', ['pageload']); return eventView; } function generateFrontendOtherPerformanceEventView( _organization: Organization, location: Location ): EventView { const {query} = location; const fields = [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'transaction.op', 'tpm()', 'p50(transaction.duration)', 'p75(transaction.duration)', 'p95(transaction.duration)', 'count_unique(user)', 'count_miserable(user)', 'user_misery()', ]; const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Performance'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields, version: 2, }; const widths = Array(savedQuery.fields.length).fill(COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED); widths[savedQuery.fields.length - 1] = '110'; savedQuery.widths = widths; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-tpm'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // This is not an override condition since we want the duration to appear in the search bar as a default. if (!conditions.hasFilter('transaction.duration')) { conditions.setFilterValues('transaction.duration', ['<15m']); } // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions .addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']) .addFilterValues('!transaction.op', ['pageload']); return eventView; } export function generatePerformanceEventView( organization, location, projects, isTrends = false ) { const eventView = generateGenericPerformanceEventView(organization, location); if (isTrends) { return eventView; } const display = getCurrentLandingDisplay(location, projects, eventView); switch (display?.field) { case LandingDisplayField.FRONTEND_PAGELOAD: return generateFrontendPageloadPerformanceEventView(organization, location); case LandingDisplayField.FRONTEND_OTHER: return generateFrontendOtherPerformanceEventView(organization, location); case LandingDisplayField.BACKEND: return generateBackendPerformanceEventView(organization, location); case LandingDisplayField.MOBILE: return generateMobilePerformanceEventView( organization, location, projects, eventView ); default: return eventView; } } export function generatePerformanceVitalDetailView( _organization: Organization, location: Location ): EventView { const {query} = location; const vitalName = vitalNameFromLocation(location); const hasStartAndEnd = query.start && query.end; const savedQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: t('Vitals Performance Details'), query: 'event.type:transaction', projects: [], fields: [ 'team_key_transaction', 'transaction', 'project', 'count_unique(user)', 'count()', `p50(${vitalName})`, `p75(${vitalName})`, `p95(${vitalName})`, getVitalDetailTablePoorStatusFunction(vitalName), getVitalDetailTableMehStatusFunction(vitalName), ], version: 2, }; if (!query.statsPeriod && !hasStartAndEnd) { savedQuery.range = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } savedQuery.orderby = decodeScalar(query.sort, '-count'); const searchQuery = decodeScalar(query.query, ''); const conditions = new MutableSearch(searchQuery); // If there is a bare text search, we want to treat it as a search // on the transaction name. if (conditions.freeText.length > 0) { // the query here is a user entered condition, no need to escape it conditions.setFilterValues( 'transaction', [`*${conditions.freeText.join(' ')}*`], false ); conditions.freeText = []; } savedQuery.query = conditions.formatString(); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(savedQuery, location); eventView.additionalConditions .addFilterValues('event.type', ['transaction']) .addFilterValues('has', [vitalName]); return eventView; }