import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {Rule, SourceSuggestion} from './types'; import {MethodType, RuleType, SourceSuggestionType} from './types'; function getRuleLabel(type: RuleType) { switch (type) { case RuleType.ANYTHING: return t('Anything'); case RuleType.IMEI: return t('IMEI numbers'); case RuleType.MAC: return t('MAC addresses'); case RuleType.EMAIL: return t('Email addresses'); case RuleType.PEMKEY: return t('PEM keys'); case RuleType.URLAUTH: return t('Auth in URLs'); case RuleType.USSSN: return t('US social security numbers'); case RuleType.USER_PATH: return t('Usernames in filepaths'); case RuleType.UUID: return t('UUIDs'); case RuleType.CREDITCARD: return t('Credit card numbers'); case RuleType.PASSWORD: return t('Password fields'); case RuleType.IP: return t('IP addresses'); case RuleType.PATTERN: return t('Regex matches'); default: return ''; } } function getMethodLabel(type: MethodType) { switch (type) { case MethodType.MASK: return { label: t('Mask'), description: t('Replace with ****'), }; case MethodType.HASH: return { label: t('Hash'), description: t('Replace with DEADBEEF'), }; case MethodType.REMOVE: return { label: t('Remove'), description: t('Replace with null'), }; case MethodType.REPLACE: return { label: t('Replace'), description: t('Replace with Placeholder'), }; default: return { label: '', }; } } const binarySuggestions: SourceSuggestion[] = [ { type: SourceSuggestionType.BINARY, value: '&&', }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.BINARY, value: '||', }, ]; const unarySuggestions: SourceSuggestion[] = [ { type: SourceSuggestionType.UNARY, value: '!', }, ]; const valueSuggestions: SourceSuggestion[] = [ { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '**', description: t('all default PII fields'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'password', description: t('attributes named "password"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$error.value', description: t('the exception value'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$message', description: t('the log message'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'extra.MyValue', description: t('the key "MyValue" in "Additional Data"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'extra.**', description: t('everything in "Additional Data"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$http.headers.x-custom-token', description: t('the X-Custom-Token HTTP header'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$user.ip_address', description: t('the user IP address'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$', description: t('the local variable "foo"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'contexts.device.timezone', description: t('the timezone in the device context'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'tags.server_name', description: t('the tag "server_name"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$attachments.**', description: t('all attachments'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: "$attachments.'logfile.txt'", description: t('all attachments named "logfile.txt"'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$minidump', description: t('the entire minidump of a native crash report'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: '$minidump.heap_memory', description: t('the heap memory region in a native crash report'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'code_file', description: t('the pathname of a code module in a native crash report'), }, { type: SourceSuggestionType.VALUE, value: 'debug_file', description: t('the pathname of a debug module in a native crash report'), }, ]; export { binarySuggestions, getMethodLabel, getRuleLabel, unarySuggestions, valueSuggestions, }; export function getRuleDescription(rule: Rule) { const {method, type, source} = rule; const methodLabel = getMethodLabel(method); const typeLabel = getRuleLabel(type); const descriptionDetails: string[] = []; descriptionDetails.push(`[${methodLabel.label}]`); descriptionDetails.push( rule.type === RuleType.PATTERN ? `[${rule.pattern}]` : `[${typeLabel}]` ); if (rule.method === MethodType.REPLACE && rule.placeholder) { descriptionDetails.push(`with [${rule.placeholder}]`); } return `${descriptionDetails.join(' ')} ${t('from')} [${source}]`; }