import {DataCategoryExact} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {OrganizationSummary} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import {NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_PATHNAMES} from 'sentry/views/settings/account/notifications/constants'; /** * Which fine-tuning parts are grouped by project */ const notificationsByProject = ['alerts', 'email', 'workflow', 'spikeProtection']; export const isGroupedByProject = (notificationType: string): boolean => notificationsByProject.includes(notificationType); export const getParentKey = (notificationType: string): string => { return isGroupedByProject(notificationType) ? 'project' : 'organization'; }; export const groupByOrganization = ( projects: Project[] ): Record => { return projects.reduce< Record >((acc, project) => { const orgSlug = project.organization.slug; if (acc.hasOwnProperty(orgSlug)) { acc[orgSlug]!.projects.push(project); } else { acc[orgSlug] = { organization: project.organization, projects: [project], }; } return acc; }, {}); }; /** * Returns a link to docs on explaining how to manage quotas for that event type */ export function getDocsLinkForEventType( event: DataCategoryExact | string // TODO(isabella): get rid of strings after removing need for backward compatibility on gs ) { switch (event) { case DataCategoryExact.TRANSACTION: // For pre-AM3 plans prior to June 11th, 2024 return ''; case DataCategoryExact.SPAN: case DataCategoryExact.SPAN_INDEXED: case 'span_indexed': // For post-AM3 plans after June 11th, 2024 return ''; case DataCategoryExact.ATTACHMENT: return ''; case DataCategoryExact.REPLAY: return ''; case DataCategoryExact.MONITOR_SEAT: return ''; case DataCategoryExact.PROFILE_DURATION: return ''; default: return ''; } } /** * Returns the corresponding notification type name from the router path name */ export function getNotificationTypeFromPathname(routerPathname: string) { const result = Object.entries(NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_PATHNAMES).find( ([_, pathname]) => pathname === routerPathname ) ?? [routerPathname]; return result[0]; }