import {AccountEmailsFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/accountEmails'; import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import AccountEmails from 'sentry/views/settings/account/accountEmails'; jest.mock('scroll-to-element', () => {}); const ENDPOINT = '/users/me/emails/'; describe('AccountEmails', function () { beforeEach(function () { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: ENDPOINT, body: AccountEmailsFixture(), }); }); it('renders with emails', function () { render(); }); it('can remove an email', async function () { const mock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: ENDPOINT, method: 'DELETE', statusCode: 200, }); render(); expect(mock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await (await screen.findAllByRole('button', {name: 'Remove email'}))[0]! ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( ENDPOINT, expect.objectContaining({ method: 'DELETE', data: { email: '', }, }) ); }); it('can change a secondary email to primary an email', async function () { const mock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: ENDPOINT, method: 'PUT', statusCode: 200, }); render(); expect(mock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await (await screen.findAllByRole('button', {name: 'Set as primary'}))[0]! ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( ENDPOINT, expect.objectContaining({ method: 'PUT', data: { email: '', }, }) ); }); it('can resend verification email', async function () { const mock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `${ENDPOINT}confirm/`, method: 'POST', statusCode: 200, }); render(); expect(mock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await (await screen.findAllByRole('button', {name: 'Resend verification'}))[0]! ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${ENDPOINT}confirm/`, expect.objectContaining({ method: 'POST', data: { email: '', }, }) ); }); it('can add a secondary email', async function () { const mock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: ENDPOINT, method: 'POST', statusCode: 200, }); render(); expect(mock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); const mockGetResponseBody = [ ...AccountEmailsFixture(), { email: '', isPrimary: false, isVerified: false, }, ]; const mockGet = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: ENDPOINT, method: 'GET', statusCode: 200, body: mockGetResponseBody, }); const textbox = await screen.findByRole('textbox'); expect(screen.getAllByLabelText('Remove email')).toHaveLength( AccountEmailsFixture().filter(email => !email.isPrimary).length ); await userEvent.type(textbox, '{enter}'); expect(screen.getAllByLabelText('Remove email')).toHaveLength( mockGetResponseBody.filter(email => !email.isPrimary).length ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( ENDPOINT, expect.objectContaining({ method: 'POST', data: { email: '', }, }) ); expect(mockGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith( ENDPOINT, expect.objectContaining({ method: 'GET', }) ); }); });