import {useCallback, useMemo} from 'react'; import partition from 'lodash/partition'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import { type Column, explodeField, generateFieldAsString, isAggregateFieldOrEquation, type QueryFieldValue, type Sort, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import { decodeInteger, decodeList, decodeScalar, decodeSorts, } from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {getDatasetConfig} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/datasetConfig/base'; import {DisplayType, WidgetType} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import type {ThresholdsConfig} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/buildSteps/thresholdsStep/thresholdsStep'; import {MAX_NUM_Y_AXES} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/buildSteps/yAxisStep/yAxisSelector'; import {useQueryParamState} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/hooks/useQueryParamState'; import {DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/utils'; import type {Thresholds} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgets/common/types'; export type WidgetBuilderStateQueryParams = { dataset?: WidgetType; description?: string; displayType?: DisplayType; field?: string[]; legendAlias?: string[]; limit?: number; query?: string[]; selectedAggregate?: number; sort?: string[]; thresholds?: string; title?: string; yAxis?: string[]; }; export const BuilderStateAction = { SET_TITLE: 'SET_TITLE', SET_DESCRIPTION: 'SET_DESCRIPTION', SET_DISPLAY_TYPE: 'SET_DISPLAY_TYPE', SET_DATASET: 'SET_DATASET', SET_FIELDS: 'SET_FIELDS', SET_Y_AXIS: 'SET_Y_AXIS', SET_QUERY: 'SET_QUERY', SET_SORT: 'SET_SORT', SET_LIMIT: 'SET_LIMIT', SET_LEGEND_ALIAS: 'SET_LEGEND_ALIAS', SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE: 'SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE', SET_STATE: 'SET_STATE', SET_THRESHOLDS: 'SET_THRESHOLDS', } as const; type WidgetAction = | {payload: string; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_TITLE} | {payload: string; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_DESCRIPTION} | {payload: DisplayType; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE} | {payload: WidgetType; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET} | {payload: Column[]; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS} | {payload: Column[]; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_Y_AXIS} | {payload: string[]; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_QUERY} | {payload: Sort[]; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_SORT} | {payload: number; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_LIMIT} | {payload: string[]; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_LEGEND_ALIAS} | {payload: number | undefined; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE} | {payload: WidgetBuilderStateQueryParams; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_STATE} | { payload: ThresholdsConfig | undefined; type: typeof BuilderStateAction.SET_THRESHOLDS; }; export interface WidgetBuilderState { dataset?: WidgetType; description?: string; displayType?: DisplayType; fields?: Column[]; legendAlias?: string[]; limit?: number; query?: string[]; selectedAggregate?: number; sort?: Sort[]; thresholds?: Thresholds; title?: string; yAxis?: Column[]; } function useWidgetBuilderState(): { dispatch: (action: WidgetAction) => void; state: WidgetBuilderState; } { const [title, setTitle] = useQueryParamState({fieldName: 'title'}); const [description, setDescription] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'description', }); const [displayType, setDisplayType] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'displayType', deserializer: deserializeDisplayType, }); const [dataset, setDataset] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'dataset', deserializer: deserializeDataset, }); const [fields, setFields] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'field', decoder: decodeList, deserializer: deserializeFields, serializer: serializeFields, }); const [yAxis, setYAxis] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'yAxis', decoder: decodeList, deserializer: deserializeFields, serializer: serializeFields, }); const [query, setQuery] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'query', decoder: decodeList, deserializer: deserializeQuery, }); const [sort, setSort] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'sort', decoder: decodeSorts, serializer: serializeSorts, }); const [limit, setLimit] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'limit', decoder: decodeScalar, deserializer: deserializeLimit, }); const [legendAlias, setLegendAlias] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'legendAlias', decoder: decodeList, }); const [selectedAggregate, setSelectedAggregate] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'selectedAggregate', decoder: decodeScalar, deserializer: deserializeSelectedAggregate, }); const [thresholds, setThresholds] = useQueryParamState({ fieldName: 'thresholds', decoder: decodeScalar, deserializer: deserializeThresholds, serializer: serializeThresholds, }); const state = useMemo( () => ({ title, description, displayType, dataset, fields, yAxis, query, sort, limit, legendAlias, thresholds, // The selected aggregate is the last aggregate for big number widgets // if it hasn't been explicitly set selectedAggregate: displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER && defined(fields) && fields.length > 1 ? selectedAggregate ?? fields.length - 1 : undefined, }), [ title, description, displayType, dataset, fields, yAxis, query, sort, limit, legendAlias, selectedAggregate, thresholds, ] ); const dispatch = useCallback( (action: WidgetAction) => { switch (action.type) { case BuilderStateAction.SET_TITLE: setTitle(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_DESCRIPTION: setDescription(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE: setDisplayType(action.payload); const [aggregates, columns] = partition(fields, field => { const fieldString = generateFieldAsString(field); return isAggregateFieldOrEquation(fieldString); }); const columnsWithoutAlias = => { return {...column, alias: undefined}; }); const aggregatesWithoutAlias = => { return {...aggregate, alias: undefined}; }); const yAxisWithoutAlias = yAxis?.map(axis => { return {...axis, alias: undefined}; }); if (action.payload === DisplayType.TABLE) { setYAxis([]); setLegendAlias([]); const newFields = [ ...columnsWithoutAlias, ...aggregatesWithoutAlias, ...(yAxisWithoutAlias ?? []), ]; setFields(newFields); // Keep the sort if it's already contained in the new fields // Otherwise, reset sorting to the first field if ( newFields.length > 0 && !newFields.find(field => generateFieldAsString(field) === sort?.[0]?.field) ) { setSort([ { kind: 'desc', field: generateFieldAsString(newFields[0] as QueryFieldValue), }, ]); } } else if (action.payload === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER) { // TODO: Reset the selected aggregate here for widgets with equations setSort([]); setYAxis([]); setLegendAlias([]); // Columns are ignored for big number widgets because there is no grouping setFields([...aggregatesWithoutAlias, ...(yAxisWithoutAlias ?? [])]); setQuery(query?.slice(0, 1)); } else { setFields(columnsWithoutAlias); setYAxis([ ...aggregatesWithoutAlias.slice(0, MAX_NUM_Y_AXES), ...(yAxisWithoutAlias?.slice(0, MAX_NUM_Y_AXES) ?? []), ]); } setThresholds(undefined); setSelectedAggregate(undefined); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET: setDataset(action.payload); let nextDisplayType = displayType; if (action.payload === WidgetType.ISSUE) { // Issues only support table display type setDisplayType(DisplayType.TABLE); nextDisplayType = DisplayType.TABLE; } const config = getDatasetConfig(action.payload); setFields( config.defaultWidgetQuery.fields?.map(field => explodeField({field})) ); if ( nextDisplayType === DisplayType.TABLE || nextDisplayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER ) { setYAxis([]); setFields( config.defaultWidgetQuery.fields?.map(field => explodeField({field})) ); setSort( nextDisplayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER ? [] : decodeSorts(config.defaultWidgetQuery.orderby) ); } else { setFields([]); setYAxis( config.defaultWidgetQuery.aggregates?.map(aggregate => explodeField({field: aggregate}) ) ); setSort(decodeSorts(config.defaultWidgetQuery.orderby)); } setThresholds(undefined); setQuery([config.defaultWidgetQuery.conditions]); setSelectedAggregate(undefined); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS: setFields(action.payload); const isRemoved = action.payload.length < (fields?.length ?? 0); if ( displayType === DisplayType.TABLE && action.payload.length > 0 && !action.payload.find( field => generateFieldAsString(field) === sort?.[0]?.field ) ) { if (dataset === WidgetType.ISSUE) { // Issue widgets can sort their tables by limited fields that aren't // in the fields array. return; } if (isRemoved) { setSort([ { kind: 'desc', field: generateFieldAsString(action.payload[0] as QueryFieldValue), }, ]); } else { // Find the index of the first field that doesn't match the old fields. const changedFieldIndex = action.payload.findIndex( field => !fields?.find( originalField => generateFieldAsString(originalField) === generateFieldAsString(field) ) ); if (changedFieldIndex !== -1) { // At this point, we can assume the fields are the same length so // using the changedFieldIndex in action.payload is safe. setSort([ { kind: sort?.[0]?.kind ?? 'desc', field: generateFieldAsString( action.payload[changedFieldIndex] as QueryFieldValue ), }, ]); } } } if ( displayType !== DisplayType.TABLE && displayType !== DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER && action.payload.length > 0 ) { // Adding a grouping, so default the sort to the first aggregate if possible setSort([ { kind: 'desc', field: generateFieldAsString( (yAxis?.[0] as QueryFieldValue) ?? (action.payload[0] as QueryFieldValue) ), }, ]); } break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_Y_AXIS: setYAxis(action.payload); if (action.payload.length > 0 && fields?.length === 0) { // Clear the sort if there is no grouping setSort([]); } break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_QUERY: setQuery(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_SORT: setSort(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_LIMIT: setLimit(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_LEGEND_ALIAS: setLegendAlias(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE: setSelectedAggregate(action.payload); break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_STATE: setDataset(action.payload.dataset); setDescription(action.payload.description); setDisplayType(action.payload.displayType); if (action.payload.field) { setFields(deserializeFields(action.payload.field)); } setLegendAlias(action.payload.legendAlias); setLimit(action.payload.limit); setQuery(action.payload.query); setSelectedAggregate(action.payload.selectedAggregate); setSort(decodeSorts(action.payload.sort)); setTitle(action.payload.title); if (action.payload.yAxis) { setYAxis(deserializeFields(action.payload.yAxis)); } break; case BuilderStateAction.SET_THRESHOLDS: setThresholds(action.payload); break; default: break; } }, [ setTitle, setDescription, setDisplayType, setDataset, setFields, setYAxis, setQuery, setSort, setLimit, setLegendAlias, setSelectedAggregate, setThresholds, fields, yAxis, displayType, query, sort, dataset, ] ); return { state, dispatch, }; } /** * Decodes the display type from the query params * Returns the default display type if the value is not a valid display type */ function deserializeDisplayType(value: string): DisplayType { if (Object.values(DisplayType).includes(value as DisplayType)) { return value as DisplayType; } return DisplayType.TABLE; } /** * Decodes the dataset from the query params * Returns the default dataset if the value is not a valid dataset */ function deserializeDataset(value: string): WidgetType { if (Object.values(WidgetType).includes(value as WidgetType)) { return value as WidgetType; } return WidgetType.ERRORS; } /** * Takes fields from the query params in list form and converts * them into a list of fields and functions */ function deserializeFields(fields: string[]): Column[] { return => { try { const {field, alias} = JSON.parse(stringifiedField); return explodeField({field, alias}); } catch (error) { return explodeField({field: stringifiedField, alias: undefined}); } }); } /** * Takes fields in the field and function format and coverts * them into a list of strings compatible with query params */ export function serializeFields(fields: Column[]): string[] { return => { if (field.alias) { return JSON.stringify({ field: generateFieldAsString(field), alias: field.alias, }); } return generateFieldAsString(field); }); } function serializeSorts(sorts: Sort[]): string[] { return => { const direction = sort.kind === 'desc' ? '-' : ''; return `${direction}${sort.field}`; }); } /** * Decodes the limit from the query params * Returns the default limit if the value is not a valid limit */ function deserializeLimit(value: string): number { return decodeInteger(value, DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT); } function deserializeSelectedAggregate(value: string): number | undefined { return decodeInteger(value); } /** * Decodes the query from the query params * Returns an array with an empty string if the query is empty */ function deserializeQuery(queries: string[]): string[] { if (queries.length === 0) { return ['']; } return queries; } function deserializeThresholds(value: string): ThresholdsConfig | undefined { if (value === '') { return undefined; } return JSON.parse(value); } export function serializeThresholds(thresholds: ThresholdsConfig): string { return JSON.stringify(thresholds); } export default useWidgetBuilderState;