import {LocationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/locationFixture'; import {act, renderHook} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import type {Column} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import {useNavigate} from 'sentry/utils/useNavigate'; import {DisplayType, WidgetType} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import {WidgetBuilderProvider} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/contexts/widgetBuilderContext'; import useWidgetBuilderState, { BuilderStateAction, serializeFields, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetBuilder/hooks/useWidgetBuilderState'; import {FieldValueKind} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/types'; jest.mock('sentry/utils/useLocation'); jest.mock('sentry/utils/useNavigate'); const mockedUsedLocation = jest.mocked(useLocation); const mockedUseNavigate = jest.mocked(useNavigate); describe('useWidgetBuilderState', () => { let mockNavigate!: jest.Mock; beforeEach(() => { mockNavigate = jest.fn(); mockedUseNavigate.mockReturnValue(mockNavigate); jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('returns the widget builder state from the query params', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { title: 'test', description: 'lalala this is a description', }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.title).toBe('test'); expect(result.current.state.description).toBe('lalala this is a description'); }); it('sets the new title and description in the query params', () => { const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_TITLE, payload: 'new title', }); }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DESCRIPTION, payload: 'new description', }); }); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({title: 'new title'}), }), {replace: true} ); expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({description: 'new description'}), }), {replace: true} ); }); describe('display type', () => { it('returns the display type from the query params', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: {displayType: DisplayType.AREA}, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.AREA); }); it('returns a default display type from the query params when the display type is not valid', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: {displayType: 'invalid'}, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.TABLE); }); it('sets the display type in the query params', () => { const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.AREA, }); }); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({displayType: DisplayType.AREA}), }), {replace: true} ); }); it('persists the values when going from timeseries to timeseries', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: ['event.type'], yAxis: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.LINE); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.AREA, }); }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.AREA); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('concatenates the values when going from timeseries to table', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: ['event.type'], yAxis: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.LINE); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.TABLE); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('separates the values when going from table to timeseries', () => { // remember, this takes up to 3 yAxes mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, field: [ 'event.type', 'potato', 'count()', 'count_unique(user)', 'count_unique(potato)', 'count_unique(thisIsRemoved)', ], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.TABLE); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, {field: 'potato', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'potato', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'thisIsRemoved', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.LINE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.LINE); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, {field: 'potato', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'potato', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('does not duplicate fields when switching dataset in line chart then display type to table', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, yAxis: ['count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('does not duplicate fields when changing display from table to chart', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, field: ['count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.SPANS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', 'span.duration', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.LINE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', 'span.duration', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('does not duplicate fields when switching dataset in big number then display type to table', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, field: ['count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('sets the aggregate as fields when switching to big number', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, field: ['event.type', 'count()'], sort: ['-count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([]); }); it('selects the first filter when switching to big number', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { field: ['event.type', 'count()', 'count_unique(user)'], query: ['event.type:test', 'event.type:test2'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.query).toEqual(['event.type:test', 'event.type:test2']); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, }); }); expect(result.current.state.query).toEqual(['event.type:test']); }); it('resets selectedAggregate when the display type is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({query: {selectedAggregate: '0'}}) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBeUndefined(); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBeUndefined(); }); it('resets thresholds when the display type is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, thresholds: '{"max_values":{"max1":200,"max2":300},"unit":"milliseconds"}', }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.thresholds).toEqual({ max_values: {max1: 200, max2: 300}, unit: 'milliseconds', }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.thresholds).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('dataset', () => { it('returns the dataset from the query params', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({query: {dataset: WidgetType.ISSUE}}) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.dataset).toBe(WidgetType.ISSUE); }); it('sets the dataset in the query params', () => { const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.METRICS, }); }); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({dataset: WidgetType.METRICS}), }), {replace: true} ); }); it('returns errors as the default dataset', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue(LocationFixture({query: {dataset: 'invalid'}})); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.dataset).toBe(WidgetType.ERRORS); }); it('resets the display type to table when the dataset is switched to issues', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: {dataset: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, displayType: DisplayType.LINE}, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.LINE); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.ISSUE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.displayType).toBe(DisplayType.TABLE); }); it('resets the fields, yAxis, query, and sort when the dataset is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { title: 'This title should persist', description: 'This description should persist', dataset: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, field: ['event.type', 'potato', 'count()'], yAxis: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], query: ['event.type = "test"'], sort: ['-testField'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.SPANS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.title).toBe('This title should persist'); expect(result.current.state.description).toBe('This description should persist'); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', 'span.duration', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([]); expect(result.current.state.query).toEqual(['']); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([ { field: 'count(span.duration)', kind: 'desc', }, ]); }); it('resets the yAxis when the dataset is switched from anything to issues', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, yAxis: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], displayType: DisplayType.LINE, }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.ISSUE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([]); }); it('resets the sort when the display type is switched and the sort is not in the new fields', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: ['testField', 'testField2'], sort: [''], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: '', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([ { field: 'testField', kind: 'desc', }, ]); }); it('keeps sort when the sort is in the new fields', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: ['testField', 'testField2'], sort: ['-testField'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.TABLE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([ { field: 'testField', kind: 'desc', }, ]); }); it('resets selectedAggregate when the dataset is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { selectedAggregate: '0', displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, field: ['count_unique(1)', 'count_unique(2)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBe(0); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.SPANS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBeUndefined(); }); it('resets the sort when the dataset is switched for big number widgets', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, sort: ['-testField'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([]); }); it('resets thresholds when the dataset is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, thresholds: '{"max_values":{"max1":200,"max2":300},"unit":"milliseconds"}', }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.thresholds).toEqual({ max_values: {max1: 200, max2: 300}, unit: 'milliseconds', }); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.thresholds).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('fields', () => { it('returns the fields from the query params', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({query: {field: ['event.type', 'potato', 'count()']}}) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, {field: 'potato', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, { alias: undefined, kind: 'function', function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], }, ]); }); it('decodes both JSON formatted fields and non-JSON formatted fields', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { field: [ '{"field": "event.type", "alias": "test"}', 'p90(transaction.duration)', ], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: 'test', kind: 'field'}, { function: ['p90', 'transaction.duration', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('encodes fields to JSON when they have aliases', () => { const fields = [ {field: 'event.type', alias: 'test', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}, {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}, ] as Column[]; const encodedFields = serializeFields(fields); expect(encodedFields).toEqual([ '{"field":"event.type","alias":"test"}', 'event.type', ]); }); it('wipes the alias when the dataset is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.ERRORS, displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, field: ['{"field":"event.type","alias":"test"}'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: 'test', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DATASET, payload: WidgetType.TRANSACTIONS, }); }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('wipes the alias when the display type is switched', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, field: ['{"field":"count()","alias":"test"}'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: 'test', kind: 'function'}, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_DISPLAY_TYPE, payload: DisplayType.LINE, }); }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('resets the sort when the field that is being sorted is removed', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: {field: ['testField'], sort: ['-testField']}, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS, payload: [{field: 'testField2', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}], }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField2', kind: 'desc'}]); }); it('modifies the sort when the field that is being sorted is modified', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: {field: ['testField', 'sortField'], sort: ['-sortField']}, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'sortField', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS, payload: [ {field: 'testField', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}, {field: 'newSortField', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}, ], }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'newSortField', kind: 'desc'}]); }); it('does not reset the table sort for issue widgets', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { dataset: WidgetType.ISSUE, field: ['testField'], sort: ['-notInFields'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'notInFields', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS, payload: [{field: 'testField', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}], }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'notInFields', kind: 'desc'}]); }); it('adds a default sort when adding a grouping for a timeseries chart', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: [], yAxis: ['count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ {function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], kind: 'function'}, ]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_FIELDS, payload: [{field: '', kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD}], }); }); // The y-axis takes priority expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'count()', kind: 'desc'}]); }); }); describe('yAxis', () => { it('does not conflict with fields when setting the state', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { field: ['event.type', 'potato', 'count()'], yAxis: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'event.type', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, {field: 'potato', alias: undefined, kind: 'field'}, { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); expect(result.current.state.yAxis).toEqual([ { function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, { function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], alias: undefined, kind: 'function', }, ]); }); it('clears the sort when the y-axis changes and there is no grouping', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { displayType: DisplayType.LINE, field: [], yAxis: ['count()'], sort: ['-count()'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'count()', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_Y_AXIS, payload: [ {function: ['count_unique', 'user', undefined, undefined], kind: 'function'}, ], }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('sort', () => { it('can decode and update sorts', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { sort: ['-testField'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField', kind: 'desc'}]); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_SORT, payload: [{field: 'testField', kind: 'asc'}], }); }); expect(result.current.state.sort).toEqual([{field: 'testField', kind: 'asc'}]); }); }); describe('limit', () => { it('can decode and update limit', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { limit: '4', }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.limit).toBe(4); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_LIMIT, payload: 10, }); }); expect(result.current.state.limit).toBe(10); }); }); describe('legendAlias', () => { it('can decode and update legendAlias', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { legendAlias: ['test', 'test2'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.legendAlias).toEqual(['test', 'test2']); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_LEGEND_ALIAS, payload: ['test3', 'test4'], }); }); expect(result.current.state.legendAlias).toEqual(['test3', 'test4']); }); }); describe('selectedAggregate', () => { it('can decode and update selectedAggregate', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { selectedAggregate: '0', displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, field: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBe(0); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE, payload: 1, }); }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBe(1); }); it('can set selectedAggregate to undefined in the URL', () => { mockedUsedLocation.mockReturnValue( LocationFixture({ query: { selectedAggregate: '0', displayType: DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, field: ['count()', 'count_unique(user)'], }, }) ); const {result} = renderHook(() => useWidgetBuilderState(), { wrapper: WidgetBuilderProvider, }); expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBe(0); act(() => { result.current.dispatch({ type: BuilderStateAction.SET_SELECTED_AGGREGATE, payload: undefined, }); }); // If selectedAggregate is undefined in the URL, then the widget builder state // will set the selectedAggregate to the last aggregate expect(result.current.state.selectedAggregate).toBe(1); expect(mockNavigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ query: expect.objectContaining({selectedAggregate: undefined}), }), {replace: true} ); }); }); });