import {Fragment} from 'react'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Location, LocationDescriptorObject} from 'history'; import {openModal} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import GridEditable, { COL_WIDTH_MINIMUM, COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, } from 'sentry/components/gridEditable'; import SortLink from 'sentry/components/gridEditable/sortLink'; import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link'; import Tooltip from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import Truncate from 'sentry/components/truncate'; import {IconStack} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {trackAnalyticsEvent} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {CustomMeasurementCollection} from 'sentry/utils/customMeasurements/customMeasurements'; import {TableData, TableDataRow} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import EventView, { isFieldSortable, pickRelevantLocationQueryStrings, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import { DURATION_UNITS, getFieldRenderer, SIZE_UNITS, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fieldRenderers'; import { Column, fieldAlignment, getEquationAliasIndex, isEquationAlias, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {DisplayModes, TOP_N} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import { eventDetailsRouteWithEventView, generateEventSlug, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/urls'; import getRouteStringFromRoutes from 'sentry/utils/getRouteStringFromRoutes'; import {decodeList} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import {useRoutes} from 'sentry/utils/useRoutes'; import {getTraceDetailsUrl} from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/utils'; import {transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery} from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/utils'; import {getExpandedResults, pushEventViewToLocation} from '../utils'; import CellAction, {Actions, updateQuery} from './cellAction'; import ColumnEditModal, {modalCss} from './columnEditModal'; import {ContextType, QuickContextHoverWrapper} from './quickContext'; import TableActions from './tableActions'; import TopResultsIndicator from './topResultsIndicator'; import {TableColumn} from './types'; export type TableViewProps = { error: string | null; eventView: EventView; isFirstPage: boolean; isLoading: boolean; location: Location; measurementKeys: null | string[]; onChangeShowTags: () => void; organization: Organization; showTags: boolean; tableData: TableData | null | undefined; title: string; customMeasurements?: CustomMeasurementCollection; isHomepage?: boolean; spanOperationBreakdownKeys?: string[]; }; /** * The `TableView` is marked with leading _ in its method names. It consumes * the EventView object given in its props to generate new EventView objects * for actions like resizing column. * The entire state of the table view (or event view) is co-located within * the EventView object. This object is fed from the props. * * Attempting to modify the state, and therefore, modifying the given EventView * object given from its props, will generate new instances of EventView objects. * * In most cases, the new EventView object differs from the previous EventView * object. The new EventView object is pushed to the location object. */ function TableView(props: TableViewProps) { const {projects} = useProjects(); const routes = useRoutes(); /** * Updates a column on resizing */ function _resizeColumn( columnIndex: number, nextColumn: TableColumn ) { const {location, eventView} = props; const newWidth = nextColumn.width ? Number(nextColumn.width) : COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED; const nextEventView = eventView.withResizedColumn(columnIndex, newWidth); pushEventViewToLocation({ location, nextEventView, extraQuery: pickRelevantLocationQueryStrings(location), }); } function _renderPrependColumns( isHeader: boolean, dataRow?: any, rowIndex?: number ): React.ReactNode[] { const {organization, eventView, tableData, location, isHomepage} = props; const hasAggregates = eventView.hasAggregateField(); const hasIdField = eventView.hasIdField(); if (isHeader) { if (hasAggregates) { return [ , ]; } if (!hasIdField) { return [ undefined} /> , ]; } return []; } if (hasAggregates) { const nextView = getExpandedResults(eventView, {}, dataRow); const target = { pathname: location.pathname, query: nextView.generateQueryStringObject(), }; return [ { if (nextView.isEqualTo(eventView)) { Sentry.captureException(new Error('Failed to drilldown')); } }} > , ]; } if (!hasIdField) { let value =; if (tableData && tableData.meta) { const fieldRenderer = getFieldRenderer('id', tableData.meta); value = fieldRenderer(dataRow, {organization, location}); } const eventSlug = generateEventSlug(dataRow); const target = eventDetailsRouteWithEventView({ orgSlug: organization.slug, eventSlug, eventView, isHomepage, }); const eventIdLink = ( {value} ); if (!organization.features.includes('discover-quick-context')) { return [ {eventIdLink} , ]; } return [ {eventIdLink} , ]; } return []; } function _renderGridHeaderCell( column: TableColumn ): React.ReactNode { const {eventView, location, tableData} = props; const tableMeta = tableData?.meta; const align = fieldAlignment(, column.type, tableMeta); const field = {field: column.key as string, width: column.width}; function generateSortLink(): LocationDescriptorObject | undefined { if (!tableMeta) { return undefined; } const nextEventView = eventView.sortOnField(field, tableMeta); const queryStringObject = nextEventView.generateQueryStringObject(); // Need to pull yAxis from location since eventView only stores 1 yAxis field at time queryStringObject.yAxis = decodeList(location.query.yAxis); return { ...location, query: queryStringObject, }; } const currentSort = eventView.sortForField(field, tableMeta); const canSort = isFieldSortable(field, tableMeta); let titleText = isEquationAlias( ? eventView.getEquations()[getEquationAliasIndex(] :; if ( === 'replayid') { titleText = 'Replay'; } const title = ( ); return ( ); } function _renderGridBodyCell( column: TableColumn, dataRow: TableDataRow, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number ): React.ReactNode { const {isFirstPage, eventView, location, organization, tableData, isHomepage} = props; if (!tableData || !tableData.meta) { return dataRow[column.key]; } const columnKey = String(column.key); const fieldRenderer = getFieldRenderer( columnKey, tableData.meta, !organization.features.includes('discover-frontend-use-events-endpoint') ); const display = eventView.getDisplayMode(); const isTopEvents = display === DisplayModes.TOP5 || display === DisplayModes.DAILYTOP5; const topEvents = eventView.topEvents ? parseInt(eventView.topEvents, 10) : TOP_N; const count = Math.min(tableData?.data?.length ?? topEvents, topEvents); const unit = tableData.meta.units?.[columnKey]; let cell = fieldRenderer(dataRow, {organization, location, unit}); if (columnKey === 'id') { const eventSlug = generateEventSlug(dataRow); const target = eventDetailsRouteWithEventView({ orgSlug: organization.slug, eventSlug, eventView, isHomepage, }); const idLink = ( {cell} ); cell = organization.features.includes('discover-quick-context') ? ( {idLink} ) : ( {idLink} ); } else if (columnKey === 'trace') { const dateSelection = eventView.normalizeDateSelection(location); if (dataRow.trace) { const target = getTraceDetailsUrl( organization, String(dataRow.trace), dateSelection, {} ); cell = ( {cell} ); } } else if (columnKey === 'replayId') { if (dataRow.replayId) { const replaySlug = `${dataRow['']}:${dataRow.replayId}`; const referrer = getRouteStringFromRoutes(routes); const target = { pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/replays/${replaySlug}/`, query: { referrer, }, }; cell = ( {cell} ); } } const topResultsIndicator = isFirstPage && isTopEvents && rowIndex < topEvents && columnIndex === 0 ? ( // Add one if we need to include Other in the series ) : null; const fieldName = columnKey; const value = dataRow[fieldName]; if (tableData.meta[fieldName] === 'integer' && defined(value) && value > 999) { return ( {topResultsIndicator} {cell} ); } return ( {topResultsIndicator} {cell} ); } function handleEditColumns() { const { organization, eventView, measurementKeys, spanOperationBreakdownKeys, customMeasurements, } = props; openModal( modalProps => ( col.column)} onApply={handleUpdateColumns} customMeasurements={customMeasurements} /> ), {modalCss, backdrop: 'static'} ); } function handleCellAction( dataRow: TableDataRow, column: TableColumn ) { return (action: Actions, value: React.ReactText) => { const {eventView, organization, location, tableData, isHomepage} = props; const query = new MutableSearch(eventView.query); let nextView = eventView.clone(); trackAnalyticsEvent({ eventKey: 'discover_v2.results.cellaction', eventName: 'Discoverv2: Cell Action Clicked', organization_id: parseInt(, 10), action, }); switch (action) { case Actions.TRANSACTION: { const maybeProject = projects.find( project => project.slug && [dataRow[''], dataRow.project].includes(project.slug) ); const projectID = maybeProject ? [] : undefined; const next = transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery({ orgSlug: organization.slug, transaction: String(value), projectID, query: nextView.getPageFiltersQuery(), }); browserHistory.push(next); return; } case Actions.RELEASE: { const maybeProject = projects.find(project => { return project.slug === dataRow.project; }); browserHistory.push({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/releases/${encodeURIComponent( value )}/`, query: { ...nextView.getPageFiltersQuery(), project: maybeProject ? : undefined, }, }); return; } case Actions.DRILLDOWN: { // count_unique(column) drilldown trackAnalyticsEvent({ eventKey: 'discover_v2.results.drilldown', eventName: 'Discoverv2: Click aggregate drilldown', organization_id: parseInt(, 10), }); // Drilldown into each distinct value and get a count() for each value. nextView = getExpandedResults(nextView, {}, dataRow).withNewColumn({ kind: 'function', function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], }); browserHistory.push( nextView.getResultsViewUrlTarget(organization.slug, isHomepage) ); return; } default: { // Some custom perf metrics have units. // These custom perf metrics need to be adjusted to the correct value. let cellValue = value; const unit = tableData?.meta?.units?.[]; if (typeof cellValue === 'number' && unit) { if (Object.keys(SIZE_UNITS).includes(unit)) { cellValue *= SIZE_UNITS[unit]; } else if (Object.keys(DURATION_UNITS).includes(unit)) { cellValue *= DURATION_UNITS[unit]; } } updateQuery(query, action, column, cellValue); } } nextView.query = query.formatString(); const target = nextView.getResultsViewUrlTarget(organization.slug, isHomepage); // Get yAxis from location target.query.yAxis = decodeList(location.query.yAxis); browserHistory.push(target); }; } function handleUpdateColumns(columns: Column[]): void { const {organization, eventView, location, isHomepage} = props; // metrics trackAnalyticsEvent({ eventKey: 'discover_v2.update_columns', eventName: 'Discoverv2: Update columns', organization_id: parseInt(, 10), }); const nextView = eventView.withColumns(columns); const resultsViewUrlTarget = nextView.getResultsViewUrlTarget( organization.slug, isHomepage ); // Need to pull yAxis from location since eventView only stores 1 yAxis field at time const previousYAxis = decodeList(location.query.yAxis); resultsViewUrlTarget.query.yAxis = previousYAxis.filter(yAxis => nextView.getYAxisOptions().find(({value}) => value === yAxis) ); browserHistory.push(resultsViewUrlTarget); } function renderHeaderButtons() { const { organization, title, eventView, isLoading, error, tableData, location, onChangeShowTags, showTags, } = props; return ( ); } const {isLoading, error, location, tableData, eventView, organization} = props; const columnOrder = eventView.getColumns( organization.features.includes('discover-frontend-use-events-endpoint') ); const columnSortBy = eventView.getSorts(); const prependColumnWidths = eventView.hasAggregateField() ? ['40px'] : eventView.hasIdField() ? [] : [`minmax(${COL_WIDTH_MINIMUM}px, max-content)`]; return ( ); } const PrependHeader = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.subText}; `; const StyledTooltip = styled(Tooltip)` display: initial; max-width: max-content; `; const StyledLink = styled(Link)` & div { display: inline; } `; const StyledIcon = styled(IconStack)` vertical-align: middle; `; export default TableView;