import {Fragment} from 'react'; import {browserHistory, RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {urlEncode} from '@sentry/utils'; import {logout} from 'sentry/actionCreators/account'; import Alert from 'sentry/components/alert'; import Button from 'sentry/components/button'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link'; import NarrowLayout from 'sentry/components/narrowLayout'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import ConfigStore from 'sentry/stores/configStore'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import AsyncView from 'sentry/views/asyncView'; import SettingsPageHeader from 'sentry/views/settings/components/settingsPageHeader'; type InviteDetails = { existingMember: boolean; hasAuthProvider: boolean; needs2fa: boolean; needsAuthentication: boolean; needsEmailVerification: boolean; orgSlug: string; requireSso: boolean; ssoProvider?: string; }; type Props = RouteComponentProps<{memberId: string; token: string}, {}>; type State = AsyncView['state'] & { acceptError: boolean | undefined; accepting: boolean | undefined; inviteDetails: InviteDetails; }; class AcceptOrganizationInvite extends AsyncView<Props, State> { disableErrorReport = false; getEndpoints(): ReturnType<AsyncView['getEndpoints']> { const {memberId, token} = this.props.params; return [['inviteDetails', `/accept-invite/${memberId}/${token}/`]]; } getTitle() { return t('Accept Organization Invite'); } makeNextUrl(path: string) { return `${path}?${urlEncode({next: window.location.pathname})}`; } handleLogout = async (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); await logout(this.api); window.location.replace(this.makeNextUrl('/auth/login/')); }; handleAcceptInvite = async () => { const {memberId, token} = this.props.params; this.setState({accepting: true}); try { await this.api.requestPromise(`/accept-invite/${memberId}/${token}/`, { method: 'POST', }); browserHistory.replace(`/${this.state.inviteDetails.orgSlug}/`); } catch { this.setState({acceptError: true}); } this.setState({accepting: false}); }; get existingMemberAlert() { const user = ConfigStore.get('user'); return ( <Alert type="warning" data-test-id="existing-member"> {tct( 'Your account ([email]) is already a member of this organization. [switchLink:Switch accounts]?', { email:, switchLink: ( <Link to="" data-test-id="existing-member-link" onClick={this.handleLogout} /> ), } )} </Alert> ); } get authenticationActions() { const {inviteDetails} = this.state; return ( <Fragment> {!inviteDetails.requireSso && ( <p data-test-id="action-info-general"> {t( `To continue, you must either create a new account, or login to an existing Sentry account.` )} </p> )} {inviteDetails.hasAuthProvider && ( <p data-test-id="action-info-sso"> {inviteDetails.requireSso ? tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has required Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may create an account by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider.`, { orgSlug: <strong>{inviteDetails.orgSlug}</strong>, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } ) : tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has enabled Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may create an account by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider.`, { orgSlug: <strong>{inviteDetails.orgSlug}</strong>, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } )} </p> )} <Actions> <ActionsLeft> {inviteDetails.hasAuthProvider && ( <Button data-test-id="sso-login" priority="primary" href={this.makeNextUrl(`/auth/login/${inviteDetails.orgSlug}/`)} > {t('Join with %s', inviteDetails.ssoProvider)} </Button> )} {!inviteDetails.requireSso && ( <Button data-test-id="create-account" priority="primary" href={this.makeNextUrl('/auth/register/')} > {t('Create a new account')} </Button> )} </ActionsLeft> {!inviteDetails.requireSso && ( <ExternalLink href={this.makeNextUrl('/auth/login/')} openInNewTab={false} data-test-id="link-with-existing" > {t('Login using an existing account')} </ExternalLink> )} </Actions> </Fragment> ); } get warning2fa() { const {inviteDetails} = this.state; return ( <Fragment> <p data-test-id="2fa-warning"> {tct( 'To continue, [orgSlug] requires all members to configure two-factor authentication.', {orgSlug: inviteDetails.orgSlug} )} </p> <Actions> <Button priority="primary" to="/settings/account/security/"> {t('Configure Two-Factor Auth')} </Button> </Actions> </Fragment> ); } get warningEmailVerification() { const {inviteDetails} = this.state; return ( <Fragment> <p data-test-id="email-verification-warning"> {tct( 'To continue, [orgSlug] requires all members to verify their email address.', {orgSlug: inviteDetails.orgSlug} )} </p> <Actions> <Button priority="primary" to="/settings/account/emails/"> {t('Verify Email Address')} </Button> </Actions> </Fragment> ); } get acceptActions() { const {inviteDetails, accepting} = this.state; return ( <Fragment> {inviteDetails.hasAuthProvider && !inviteDetails.requireSso && ( <p data-test-id="action-info-sso"> {tct( `Note that [orgSlug] has enabled Single Sign-On (SSO) using [authProvider]. You may join the organization by authenticating with the organization's SSO provider or via your standard account authentication.`, { orgSlug: <strong>{inviteDetails.orgSlug}</strong>, authProvider: inviteDetails.ssoProvider, } )} </p> )} <Actions> <ActionsLeft> {inviteDetails.hasAuthProvider && !inviteDetails.requireSso && ( <Button data-test-id="sso-login" priority="primary" href={this.makeNextUrl(`/auth/login/${inviteDetails.orgSlug}/`)} > {t('Join with %s', inviteDetails.ssoProvider)} </Button> )} <Button data-test-id="join-organization" priority="primary" disabled={accepting} onClick={this.handleAcceptInvite} > {t('Join the %s organization', inviteDetails.orgSlug)} </Button> </ActionsLeft> </Actions> </Fragment> ); } renderError() { return ( <NarrowLayout> <Alert type="warning"> {t('This organization invite link is no longer valid.')} </Alert> </NarrowLayout> ); } renderBody() { const {inviteDetails, acceptError} = this.state; return ( <NarrowLayout> <SettingsPageHeader title={t('Accept organization invite')} /> {acceptError && ( <Alert type="error"> {t('Failed to join this organization. Please try again')} </Alert> )} <InviteDescription data-test-id="accept-invite"> {tct('[orgSlug] is using Sentry to track and debug errors.', { orgSlug: <strong>{inviteDetails.orgSlug}</strong>, })} </InviteDescription> {inviteDetails.needsAuthentication ? this.authenticationActions : inviteDetails.existingMember ? this.existingMemberAlert : inviteDetails.needs2fa ? this.warning2fa : inviteDetails.needsEmailVerification ? this.warningEmailVerification : inviteDetails.requireSso ? this.authenticationActions : this.acceptActions} </NarrowLayout> ); } } const Actions = styled('div')` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: ${space(3)}; `; const ActionsLeft = styled('span')` > a { margin-right: ${space(1)}; } `; const InviteDescription = styled('p')` font-size: 1.2em; `; export default AcceptOrganizationInvite;