import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {openModal} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import ButtonBar from 'sentry/components/buttonBar'; import {openConfirmModal} from 'sentry/components/confirm'; import CustomIgnoreCountModal from 'sentry/components/customIgnoreCountModal'; import CustomIgnoreDurationModal from 'sentry/components/customIgnoreDurationModal'; import type {MenuItemProps} from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenu'; import DropdownMenu from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenu'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconChevron, IconMute} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import { GroupStatusResolution, ResolutionStatus, ResolutionStatusDetails, SelectValue, } from 'sentry/types'; import {getDuration} from 'sentry/utils/formatters'; const ONE_HOUR = 60; /** * Ignore durations are in munutes */ const IGNORE_DURATIONS = [ ONE_HOUR / 2, ONE_HOUR * 2, ONE_HOUR * 6, ONE_HOUR * 24, ONE_HOUR * 24 * 7, ]; const IGNORE_COUNTS = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]; const IGNORE_WINDOWS: SelectValue[] = [ {value: ONE_HOUR, label: t('per hour')}, {value: ONE_HOUR * 24, label: t('per day')}, {value: ONE_HOUR * 24 * 7, label: t('per week')}, ]; /** * Create the dropdown submenus */ export function getIgnoreActions({ confirmLabel, confirmMessage, shouldConfirm, onUpdate, }: Pick< IgnoreActionProps, 'shouldConfirm' | 'confirmMessage' | 'confirmLabel' | 'onUpdate' >) { const onIgnore = ( statusDetails: ResolutionStatusDetails | undefined = {}, {bypassConfirm} = {bypassConfirm: false} ) => { openConfirmModal({ bypass: bypassConfirm || !shouldConfirm, onConfirm: () => onUpdate({ status: ResolutionStatus.IGNORED, statusDetails, }), message: confirmMessage?.(statusDetails) ?? null, confirmText: confirmLabel, }); }; const onCustomIgnore = (statusDetails: ResolutionStatusDetails) => { onIgnore(statusDetails, {bypassConfirm: true}); }; const openCustomIgnoreDuration = () => openModal(deps => ( onCustomIgnore(details)} /> )); const openCustomIgnoreCount = () => openModal(deps => ( onCustomIgnore(details)} label={t('Ignore this issue until it occurs again\u2026')} countLabel={t('Number of times')} countName="ignoreCount" windowName="ignoreWindow" windowOptions={IGNORE_WINDOWS} /> )); const openCustomIgnoreUserCount = () => openModal(deps => ( onCustomIgnore(details)} label={t('Ignore this issue until it affects an additional\u2026')} countLabel={t('Number of users')} countName="ignoreUserCount" windowName="ignoreUserWindow" windowOptions={IGNORE_WINDOWS} /> )); // Move submenu placement when ignore used in top right menu const dropdownItems: MenuItemProps[] = [ { key: 'for', label: t('For\u2026'), isSubmenu: true, children: [ => ({ key: `for-${duration}`, label: getDuration(duration * 60), onAction: () => onIgnore({ignoreDuration: duration}), })), { key: 'for-custom', label: t('Custom'), onAction: () => openCustomIgnoreDuration(), }, ], }, { key: 'until-reoccur', label: t('Until this occurs again\u2026'), isSubmenu: true, children: [ => ({ key: `until-reoccur-${count}-times`, label: count === 1 ? t('one time\u2026') // This is intentional as unbalanced string formatters are problematic : tn('%s time\u2026', '%s times\u2026', count), isSubmenu: true, children: [ { key: `until-reoccur-${count}-times-from-now`, label: t('from now'), onAction: () => onIgnore({ignoreCount: count}), },{value, label}) => ({ key: `until-reoccur-${count}-times-from-${label}`, label, onAction: () => onIgnore({ ignoreCount: count, ignoreWindow: value, }), })), ], })), { key: 'until-reoccur-custom', label: t('Custom'), onAction: () => openCustomIgnoreCount(), }, ], }, { key: 'until-affect', label: t('Until this affects an additional\u2026'), isSubmenu: true, children: [ => ({ key: `until-affect-${count}-users`, label: count === 1 ? t('one user\u2026') // This is intentional as unbalanced string formatters are problematic : tn('%s user\u2026', '%s users\u2026', count), isSubmenu: true, children: [ { key: `until-affect-${count}-users-from-now`, label: t('from now'), onAction: () => onIgnore({ignoreUserCount: count}), },{value, label}) => ({ key: `until-affect-${count}-users-from-${label}`, label, onAction: () => onIgnore({ ignoreUserCount: count, ignoreUserWindow: value, }), })), ], })), { key: 'until-affect-custom', label: t('Custom'), onAction: () => openCustomIgnoreUserCount(), }, ], }, ]; return {dropdownItems, onIgnore}; } type IgnoreActionProps = { onUpdate: (params: GroupStatusResolution) => void; className?: string; confirmLabel?: string; confirmMessage?: ( statusDetails: ResolutionStatusDetails | undefined ) => React.ReactNode; disableTooltip?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; hideIcon?: boolean; isIgnored?: boolean; shouldConfirm?: boolean; size?: 'xs' | 'sm'; }; const IgnoreActions = ({ onUpdate, disabled, shouldConfirm, confirmMessage, className, hideIcon, disableTooltip, size = 'xs', confirmLabel = t('Ignore'), isIgnored = false, }: IgnoreActionProps) => { if (isIgnored) { return (