import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import {act} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {triggerPress} from 'sentry-test/utils'; import ProjectsStore from 'sentry/stores/projectsStore'; import {DiscoverLanding} from 'sentry/views/eventsV2/landing'; describe('EventsV2 > Landing', function () { const eventTitle = 'Oh no something bad'; const features = ['discover-basic', 'discover-query']; beforeEach(function () { act(() => ProjectsStore.loadInitialData([TestStubs.Project()])); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/projects/', body: [], }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/eventsv2/', body: { meta: { id: 'string', title: 'string', '': 'string', timestamp: 'date', '': 'string', }, data: [ { id: 'deadbeef', '': 'alberto leal', title: eventTitle, '': 'project-slug', timestamp: '2019-05-23T22:12:48+00:00', }, ], }, }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/project-slug:deadbeef/', method: 'GET', body: { id: '1234', size: 1200, eventID: 'deadbeef', title: 'Oh no something bad', message: 'It was not good', dateCreated: '2019-05-23T22:12:48+00:00', entries: [ { type: 'message', message: 'bad stuff', data: {}, }, ], tags: [{key: 'browser', value: 'Firefox'}], }, }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-stats/', method: 'GET', body: [], }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/discover/saved/', method: 'GET', body: [], }); }); it('handles no projects', function () { act(() => ProjectsStore.loadInitialData([])); const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); const content = wrapper.find('SentryDocumentTitle'); expect(content.text()).toContain('You need at least one project to use this view'); }); it('denies access on missing feature', function () { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); const content = wrapper.find('PageContent'); expect(content.text()).toContain("You don't have access to this feature"); }); it('has the right sorts', async function () { const org = TestStubs.Organization({features}); const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); // Open sort menu await act(async () => { triggerPress(wrapper.find('CompactSelect Button')); await tick(); wrapper.update(); }); const dropdownItems = wrapper.find('MenuItemWrap'); expect(dropdownItems).toHaveLength(8); const expectedSorts = [ 'My Queries', 'Recently Edited', 'Query Name (A-Z)', 'Date Created (Newest)', 'Date Created (Oldest)', 'Most Outdated', 'Most Popular', 'Recently Viewed', ]; expect(dropdownItems.children().map(element => element.text())).toEqual( expectedSorts ); }); });