import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {KeyValueTable, KeyValueTableRow} from 'sentry/components/keyValueTable'; import QuestionTooltip from 'sentry/components/questionTooltip'; import * as SidebarSection from 'sentry/components/sidebarSection'; import Tag from 'sentry/components/tag'; import TextOverflow from 'sentry/components/textOverflow'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; export default { title: 'Views/Sidebar Section', component: SidebarSection, argTypes: { title: {control: {type: 'text'}}, icon: { control: {type: 'boolean'}, }, }, }; export const Default = ({title, icon}) => ( {title} {icon && } {'16 hours'} ); Default.storyName = 'With text'; Default.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'Generic sidebar section with text.', }, }, }; Default.args = { title: 'Subheading', icon: false, }; export const WithIconTagsText = ({title, icon}) => ( {title} {icon && } {'Adopted'} {'in production'} ); WithIconTagsText.storyName = 'With Icon, Tags, and Text'; WithIconTagsText.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'Sidebar section that has an icon, tag, and text.', }, }, }; WithIconTagsText.args = { title: 'Icon, Tag, and Text', icon: true, }; export const WithRows = ({title, icon}) => ( {title} {icon && } {'Nov 17, 2021 5:36 PM'}} /> {'3.3.3'}} /> {'frontend'}} /> {'\u2014'}} /> {'\u2014'}} /> {'333 artifacts'}} /> ); WithRows.storyName = 'With Multiple Rows'; WithRows.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'Section of the sidebar with multiple rows using the KeyValueTable component (label with date, etc).', }, }, }; WithRows.args = { title: 'With Multiple Rows', icon: false, }; const Environment = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.textColor}; margin-left: ${space(0.5)}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; `; const StyledTextOverflow = styled(TextOverflow)` line-height: inherit; text-align: right; `;