import type {RefObject} from 'react'; import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import type {XAXisOption, YAXisOption} from 'echarts/types/dist/shared'; import moment from 'moment'; import {getFormatter} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import {isChartHovered} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import type {Field} from 'sentry/components/ddm/metricSamplesTable'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {EChartClickHandler, ReactEchartsRef, Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import mergeRefs from 'sentry/utils/mergeRefs'; import {isCumulativeOp} from 'sentry/utils/metrics'; import {formatMetricsUsingUnitAndOp} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/formatters'; import {getMetricValueNormalizer} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/normalizeMetricValue'; import type {MetricCorrelation, MetricSummary} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/types'; import { getSummaryValueForOp, type MetricsSamplesResults, } from 'sentry/utils/metrics/useMetricsSamples'; import {fitToValueRect, getValueRect} from 'sentry/views/ddm/chart/chartUtils'; import type {CombinedMetricChartProps} from 'sentry/views/ddm/chart/types'; import type {Sample} from 'sentry/views/ddm/widget'; type UseChartSamplesProps = { timeseries: Series[]; chartRef?: RefObject; correlations?: MetricCorrelation[]; highlightedSampleId?: string; onClick?: (sample: Sample) => void; onMouseOut?: (sample: Sample) => void; onMouseOver?: (sample: Sample) => void; operation?: string; unit?: string; }; // TODO: remove this once we have a stabilized type for this type ChartSample = MetricCorrelation & MetricSummary; function getDateRange(timeseries: Series[]) { if (!timeseries?.length) { return {min: -Infinity, max: Infinity}; } const min = timeseries[0].data[0].name as number; const max = timeseries[0].data[timeseries[0].data.length - 1].name as number; return {min, max}; } type EChartMouseEventParam = Parameters[0]; export function useMetricChartSamples({ correlations, onClick, highlightedSampleId, unit = '', operation, timeseries, }: UseChartSamplesProps) { const theme = useTheme(); const chartRef = useRef(null); const [valueRect, setValueRect] = useState(getValueRect(chartRef)); const samples: Record = useMemo(() => { return (correlations ?? []) ?.flatMap(correlation => [ => ({...summaries, ...correlation})), ]) .reduce((acc, sample) => { acc[sample.transactionId] = sample; return acc; }, {}); }, [correlations]); useEffect(() => { // Changes in timeseries change the valueRect since the timeseries yAxis auto scales // and scatter yAxis needs to match the scale setValueRect(getValueRect(chartRef)); }, [chartRef, timeseries]); const xAxis: XAXisOption = useMemo(() => { const {min, max} = getDateRange(timeseries); return { id: 'xAxisScatter', scale: false, show: false, axisLabel: { formatter: () => { return ''; }, }, axisPointer: { type: 'none', }, min: Math.max(valueRect.xMin, min), max: Math.min(valueRect.xMax, max), }; }, [valueRect.xMin, valueRect.xMax, timeseries]); const yAxis: YAXisOption = useMemo(() => { return { id: 'yAxisScatter', scale: false, show: false, axisLabel: { formatter: () => { return ''; }, }, min: valueRect.yMin, max: valueRect.yMax, }; }, [valueRect.yMin, valueRect.yMax]); const getSample = useCallback( (event: EChartMouseEventParam): ChartSample | undefined => { return samples[event.seriesId]; }, [samples] ); const handleClick = useCallback( (event: EChartMouseEventParam) => { if (!onClick) { return; } const sample = getSample(event); if (!sample) { return; } onClick(sample); }, [getSample, onClick] ); const series = useMemo(() => { if (isCumulativeOp(operation)) { // TODO: for now we do not show samples for cumulative operations, // we will implement them as marklines return []; } const normalizeMetric = getMetricValueNormalizer(unit ?? ''); return Object.values(samples).map(sample => { const isHighlighted = highlightedSampleId === sample.transactionId; const xValue = moment(sample.timestamp).valueOf(); const yValue = normalizeMetric(((sample.min ?? 0) + (sample.max ?? 0)) / 2) ?? 0; const [xPosition, yPosition] = fitToValueRect(xValue, yValue, valueRect); const symbol = yPosition === yValue ? 'circle' : 'arrow'; const symbolRotate = yPosition > yValue ? 180 : 0; return { seriesName: sample.transactionId, id: sample.transactionId, operation: '', unit: '', symbolSize: isHighlighted ? 20 : 10, animation: false, symbol, symbolRotate, color: theme.purple400, // TODO: for now we just pass these ids through, but we should probably index // samples by an id and then just pass that reference itemStyle: { color: theme.purple400, opacity: 1, }, yAxisIndex: 1, xAxisIndex: 1, xValue, yValue, tooltip: { axisPointer: { type: 'none', }, }, data: [ { name: xPosition, value: yPosition, }, ], z: 10, }; }); }, [operation, unit, samples, highlightedSampleId, valueRect, theme.purple400]); const formatterOptions = useMemo(() => { return { isGroupedByDate: true, limit: 1, showTimeInTooltip: true, addSecondsToTimeFormat: true, nameFormatter: (name: string) => { return t('Event %s', name.substring(0, 8)); }, valueFormatter: (_, label?: string) => { // We need to access the sample as the charts datapoints are fit to the charts viewport const sample = samples[label ?? '']; const yValue = ((sample.min ?? 0) + (sample.max ?? 0)) / 2; return formatMetricsUsingUnitAndOp(yValue, unit, operation); }, }; }, [operation, samples, unit]); const applyChartProps = useCallback( (baseProps: CombinedMetricChartProps): CombinedMetricChartProps => { return { ...baseProps, forwardedRef: mergeRefs([baseProps.forwardedRef, chartRef]), scatterSeries: series, xAxes: [...(Array.isArray(baseProps.xAxes) ? baseProps.xAxes : []), xAxis], yAxes: [...(Array.isArray(baseProps.yAxes) ? baseProps.yAxes : []), yAxis], onClick: (...args) => { handleClick(...args); baseProps.onClick?.(...args); }, tooltip: { formatter: (params: any, asyncTicket) => { // Only show the tooltip if the current chart is hovered // as chart groups trigger the tooltip for all charts in the group when one is hoverered if (!isChartHovered(chartRef?.current)) { return ''; } // Hovering a single correlated sample datapoint if (params.seriesType === 'scatter') { return getFormatter(formatterOptions)(params, asyncTicket); } const baseFormatter = baseProps.tooltip?.formatter; if (typeof baseFormatter === 'string') { return baseFormatter; } if (!baseFormatter) { throw new Error( 'You need to define a tooltip formatter for the chart when using metric samples' ); } return baseFormatter(params, asyncTicket); }, }, }; }, [formatterOptions, handleClick, series, xAxis, yAxis] ); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps return useMemo( () => ({ applyChartProps, }), [applyChartProps] ); } interface UseMetricChartSamplesV2Options { timeseries: Series[]; highlightedSampleId?: string; onSampleClick?: (sample: MetricsSamplesResults['data'][number]) => void; operation?: string; samples?: MetricsSamplesResults['data']; unit?: string; } export function useMetricChartSamplesV2({ timeseries, highlightedSampleId, onSampleClick, operation, samples, unit = '', }: UseMetricChartSamplesV2Options) { const theme = useTheme(); const chartRef = useRef(null); const [valueRect, setValueRect] = useState(getValueRect(chartRef)); const samplesById = useMemo(() => { return (samples ?? []).reduce((acc, sample) => { acc[] = sample; return acc; }, {}); }, [samples]); useEffect(() => { // Changes in timeseries change the valueRect since the timeseries yAxis auto scales // and scatter yAxis needs to match the scale setValueRect(getValueRect(chartRef)); }, [chartRef, timeseries]); const xAxis: XAXisOption = useMemo(() => { const {min, max} = getDateRange(timeseries); return { id: 'xAxisScatter', scale: false, show: false, axisLabel: { formatter: () => { return ''; }, }, axisPointer: { type: 'none', }, min: Math.max(valueRect.xMin, min), max: Math.min(valueRect.xMax, max), }; }, [valueRect.xMin, valueRect.xMax, timeseries]); const yAxis: YAXisOption = useMemo(() => { return { id: 'yAxisScatter', scale: false, show: false, axisLabel: { formatter: () => { return ''; }, }, min: valueRect.yMin, max: valueRect.yMax, }; }, [valueRect.yMin, valueRect.yMax]); const series = useMemo(() => { if (isCumulativeOp(operation)) { // TODO: for now we do not show samples for cumulative operations // figure out how should this be shown return []; } const normalizeMetric = getMetricValueNormalizer(unit); return (samples ?? []).map(sample => { const isHighlighted = highlightedSampleId ===; const xValue = moment(sample.timestamp).valueOf(); const value = getSummaryValueForOp(sample.summary, operation); const yValue = normalizeMetric(value) ?? 0; const [xPosition, yPosition] = fitToValueRect(xValue, yValue, valueRect); return { seriesName:, id:, operation: '', unit: '', symbolSize: isHighlighted ? 20 : 10, animation: false, symbol: yPosition === yValue ? 'circle' : 'arrow', symbolRotate: yPosition > yValue ? 180 : 0, color: theme.purple400, itemStyle: { color: theme.purple400, opacity: 1, }, yAxisIndex: 1, xAxisIndex: 1, xValue, yValue, tooltip: { axisPointer: { type: 'none', }, }, data: [ { name: xPosition, value: yPosition, }, ], z: 10, }; }); }, [highlightedSampleId, operation, samples, theme, unit, valueRect]); const formatterOptions = useMemo(() => { return { isGroupedByDate: true, limit: 1, showTimeInTooltip: true, addSecondsToTimeFormat: true, nameFormatter: (name: string) => { return t('Span %s', name.substring(0, 8)); }, valueFormatter: (_, label?: string) => { // We need to access the sample as the charts datapoints are fit to the charts viewport const sample = samplesById[label ?? '']; const yValue = getSummaryValueForOp(sample.summary, operation); return formatMetricsUsingUnitAndOp(yValue, unit, operation); }, }; }, [operation, samplesById, unit]); const handleClick = useCallback( (event: EChartMouseEventParam) => { const sample = samplesById[event.seriesId]; if (defined(onSampleClick) && defined(sample)) { onSampleClick(sample); } }, [onSampleClick, samplesById] ); const applyChartProps = useCallback( (baseProps: CombinedMetricChartProps): CombinedMetricChartProps => { return { ...baseProps, forwardedRef: mergeRefs([baseProps.forwardedRef, chartRef]), scatterSeries: series, xAxes: [...(Array.isArray(baseProps.xAxes) ? baseProps.xAxes : []), xAxis], yAxes: [...(Array.isArray(baseProps.yAxes) ? baseProps.yAxes : []), yAxis], onClick: (...args) => { handleClick(...args); baseProps.onClick?.(...args); }, tooltip: { formatter: (params: any, asyncTicket) => { // Only show the tooltip if the current chart is hovered // as chart groups trigger the tooltip for all charts in the group when one is hoverered if (!isChartHovered(chartRef?.current)) { return ''; } // Hovering a single correlated sample datapoint if (params.seriesType === 'scatter') { return getFormatter(formatterOptions)(params, asyncTicket); } const baseFormatter = baseProps.tooltip?.formatter; if (typeof baseFormatter === 'string') { return baseFormatter; } if (!baseFormatter) { throw new Error( 'You need to define a tooltip formatter for the chart when using metric samples' ); } return baseFormatter(params, asyncTicket); }, }, }; }, [formatterOptions, handleClick, series, xAxis, yAxis] ); return useMemo(() => { if (!defined(samples)) { return undefined; } return {applyChartProps}; }, [applyChartProps, samples]); } export type UseMetricSamplesResult = ReturnType;