import {RawReplayErrorFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/replay/error'; import {ReplayRequestFrameFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/replay/replaySpanFrameData'; import {ReplayRecordFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/replayRecord'; import { countColumns, divide, findVideoSegmentIndex, flattenFrames, formatTime, getFramesByColumn, showPlayerTime, } from 'sentry/components/replays/utils'; import hydrateErrors from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateErrors'; import hydrateSpans from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateSpans'; const SECOND = 1000; describe('formatTime', () => { it.each([ ['seconds', 15 * 1000, '00:15'], ['minutes', 2.5 * 60 * 1000, '02:30'], ['hours', 75 * 60 * 1000, '01:15:00'], ])('should format a %s long duration into a string', (_desc, duration, expected) => { expect(formatTime(duration)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('countColumns', () => { it('should divide 27s by 2700px to find twentyseven 1s columns, with some fraction remaining', () => { // 2700 allows for up to 27 columns at 100px wide. // That is what we'd need if we were to render at `1s` granularity, so we can. const width = 2700; const duration = 27 * SECOND; const minWidth = 100; const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth); expect(timespan).toBe(1 * SECOND); expect(cols).toBe(27); expect(remaining).toBe(0); }); it('should divide 27s by 2699px to find five 5s columns, with some fraction remaining', () => { // 2699px allows for up to 26 columns at 100px wide, with 99px leftover. // That is less than the 27 cols we'd need if we were to render at `1s` granularity. // So instead we get 5 cols (wider than 100px) at 5s granularity, and some extra space is remaining. const width = 2699; const duration = 27 * SECOND; const minWidth = 100; const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth); expect(timespan).toBe(5 * SECOND); expect(cols).toBe(5); expect(remaining).toBe(0.4); }); it('should divide 27s by 600px to find five 5s columns, with some fraction column remaining', () => { // 600px allows for 6 columns at 100px wide to fix within it // That allows us to get 5 cols (100px wide) at 5s granularity, and an extra 100px for the remainder const width = 600; const duration = 27 * SECOND; const minWidth = 100; const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth); expect(timespan).toBe(5 * SECOND); expect(cols).toBe(5); expect(remaining).toBe(0.4); }); it('should divide 27s by 599px to find five 2s columns, with some fraction column remaining', () => { // 599px allows for 5 columns at 100px wide, and 99px remaining. // That allows us to get 2 cols (100px wide) at 10s granularity, and an extra px for the remainder const width = 599; const duration = 27 * SECOND; const minWidth = 100; const {timespan, cols, remaining} = countColumns(duration, width, minWidth); expect(timespan).toBe(10 * SECOND); expect(cols).toBe(2); expect(remaining).toBe(0.7); }); }); describe('getFramesByColumn', () => { const durationMs = 25710; // milliseconds const { errorFrames: [CRUMB_1, CRUMB_2, CRUMB_3, CRUMB_4, CRUMB_5], feedbackFrames: [], } = hydrateErrors( ReplayRecordFixture({ started_at: new Date('2022-04-14T14:19:47.326000Z'), }), [ RawReplayErrorFixture({ timestamp: new Date('2022-04-14T14:19:47.326000Z'), }), RawReplayErrorFixture({ timestamp: new Date('2022-04-14T14:19:49.249000Z'), }), RawReplayErrorFixture({ timestamp: new Date('2022-04-14T14:19:51.512000Z'), }), RawReplayErrorFixture({ timestamp: new Date('2022-04-14T14:19:57.326000Z'), }), RawReplayErrorFixture({ timestamp: new Date('2022-04-14T14:20:13.036000Z'), }), ] ); it('should return an empty list when no crumbs exist', () => { const columnCount = 3; const columns = getFramesByColumn(durationMs, [], columnCount); const expectedEntries = []; expect(columns).toEqual(new Map(expectedEntries)); }); it('should put a crumbs in the first and last buckets', () => { const columnCount = 3; const columns = getFramesByColumn(durationMs, [CRUMB_1, CRUMB_5], columnCount); expect(columns).toEqual( new Map([ [1, [CRUMB_1]], [3, [CRUMB_5]], ]) ); }); it('should group crumbs by bucket', () => { // 6 columns gives is 5s granularity const columnCount = 6; const columns = getFramesByColumn( durationMs, [CRUMB_1, CRUMB_2, CRUMB_3, CRUMB_4, CRUMB_5], columnCount ); expect(columns).toEqual( new Map([ [1, [CRUMB_1, CRUMB_2, CRUMB_3]], [2, [CRUMB_4]], [6, [CRUMB_5]], ]) ); }); }); describe('flattenFrames', () => { it('should return an empty array if there ar eno spans', () => { expect(flattenFrames([])).toStrictEqual([]); }); it('should return the FlattenedSpanRange for a single span', () => { const frames = hydrateSpans(ReplayRecordFixture(), [ ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(10000), endTimestamp: new Date(30000), }), ]); expect(flattenFrames(frames)).toStrictEqual([ { duration: 20000, endTimestamp: 30000, frameCount: 1, startTimestamp: 10000, }, ]); }); it('should return two non-overlapping spans', () => { const frames = hydrateSpans(ReplayRecordFixture(), [ ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(10000), endTimestamp: new Date(30000), }), ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(60000), endTimestamp: new Date(90000), }), ]); expect(flattenFrames(frames)).toStrictEqual([ { duration: 20000, endTimestamp: 30000, frameCount: 1, startTimestamp: 10000, }, { duration: 30000, endTimestamp: 90000, frameCount: 1, startTimestamp: 60000, }, ]); }); it('should merge two overlapping spans', () => { const frames = hydrateSpans(ReplayRecordFixture(), [ ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(10000), endTimestamp: new Date(30000), }), ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(20000), endTimestamp: new Date(40000), }), ]); expect(flattenFrames(frames)).toStrictEqual([ { duration: 30000, endTimestamp: 40000, frameCount: 2, startTimestamp: 10000, }, ]); }); it('should merge overlapping spans that are not first in the list', () => { const frames = hydrateSpans(ReplayRecordFixture(), [ ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(0), endTimestamp: new Date(1000), }), ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(10000), endTimestamp: new Date(30000), }), ReplayRequestFrameFixture({ op: 'resource.fetch', startTimestamp: new Date(20000), endTimestamp: new Date(40000), }), ]); expect(flattenFrames(frames)).toStrictEqual([ { duration: 1000, endTimestamp: 1000, frameCount: 1, startTimestamp: 0, }, { duration: 30000, endTimestamp: 40000, frameCount: 2, startTimestamp: 10000, }, ]); }); const diffMs = 1652309918676; describe('showPlayerTime', () => { it('returns time formatted for player', () => { expect(showPlayerTime('2022-05-11T23:04:27.576000Z', diffMs)).toEqual('05:48'); }); it('returns 0:00 if timestamp is malformed', () => { expect(showPlayerTime('20223:04:27.576000Z', diffMs)).toEqual('00:00'); }); }); describe('divide', () => { it('divides numbers safely', () => { expect(divide(81, 9)).toEqual(9); }); it('dividing by zero returns zero', () => { expect(divide(81, 0)).toEqual(0); }); }); }); describe('findVideoSegmentIndex', () => { const segments = [ { id: 0, timestamp: 0, duration: 5000, }, // no gap { id: 1, timestamp: 5000, duration: 5000, }, { id: 2, timestamp: 10_001, duration: 5000, }, // 5 second gap { id: 3, timestamp: 20_000, duration: 5000, }, // 5 second gap { id: 4, timestamp: 30_000, duration: 5000, }, { id: 5, timestamp: 35_002, duration: 5000, }, ]; const trackList = ({timestamp}, index) => [timestamp, index] as [ts: number, index: number] ); it.each([ ['matches starting timestamp', 0, 0], ['matches ending timestamp', 5000, 0], ['is inside of a segment (between timestamps)', 7500, 1], ['matches ending timestamp', 15_001, 2], ['is not inside of a segment', 16_000, 2], ['matches starting timestamp', 20_000, 3], ['is not inside of a segment', 27_500, 3], ['is not inside of a segment', 29_000, 3], ['is inside of a segment', 34_999, 4], ['is inside of a segment', 40_002, 5], ['is after the last segment', 50_000, 5], ])( 'should find correct segment when target timestamp %s (%s)', (_desc, targetTimestamp, expected) => { expect(findVideoSegmentIndex(trackList, segments, targetTimestamp)).toEqual( expected ); } ); it('returns first segment if target timestamp is before the first segment when there is only a single attachment', () => { const segments2 = [ { id: 0, timestamp: 5000, duration: 5000, }, ]; const trackList2 = ({timestamp}, index) => [timestamp, index] as [ts: number, index: number] ); expect(findVideoSegmentIndex(trackList2, segments2, 1000)).toEqual(-1); }); it('returns first segment if target timestamp is before the first segment', () => { const segments2 = [ { id: 0, timestamp: 5000, duration: 5000, }, { id: 1, timestamp: 10000, duration: 5000, }, { id: 2, timestamp: 15000, duration: 5000, }, { id: 3, timestamp: 25000, duration: 5000, }, ]; const trackList2 = ({timestamp}, index) => [timestamp, index] as [ts: number, index: number] ); expect(findVideoSegmentIndex(trackList2, segments2, 1000)).toEqual(-1); }); });