import {act} from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {Error} from 'sentry/components/events/errors'; import EventEntries from 'sentry/components/events/eventEntries'; import {EntryType, Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {OrganizationContext} from 'sentry/views/organizationContext'; const {organization, project} = initializeOrg(); const api = new MockApiClient(); async function renderComponent(event: Event, errors?: Array) { const wrapper = mountWithTheme( ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); const eventErrors = wrapper.find('Errors'); const alert = eventErrors.find('StyledAlert'); const alertSummaryInfo = alert.find('Message'); alert.simulate('click'); await tick(); wrapper.update(); const errorItem = wrapper.find('ErrorItem'); return {alertSummaryInfoText: alertSummaryInfo.text(), errorItem}; } describe('GroupEventEntries', function () { const event = TestStubs.Event(); beforeEach(() => { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/events/${}/grouping-info/`, body: {}, }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: `/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/files/dsyms/`, body: [], }); }); describe('EventError', function () { it('renders', async function () { const errors: Array = [ { type: 'invalid_data', data: { name: 'logentry', }, message: 'no message present', }, { type: 'invalid_data', data: { name: '', }, message: 'expected an object', }, ]; const {alertSummaryInfoText, errorItem} = await renderComponent(event, errors); expect(alertSummaryInfoText).toEqual( `There were ${errors.length} problems processing this event` ); expect(errorItem.length).toBe(2); expect([0]); expect([1]); }); describe('Proguard erros', function () { const proGuardUuid = 'a59c8fcc-2f27-49f8-af9e-02661fc3e8d7'; it('Missing mapping file', async function () { const newEvent = { ...event, platform: 'java', entries: [ { type: EntryType.DEBUGMETA, data: { images: [{type: 'proguard', uuid: proGuardUuid}], }, }, ], }; await act(async () => { const {errorItem, alertSummaryInfoText} = await renderComponent(newEvent); expect(alertSummaryInfoText).toEqual( 'There was 1 problem processing this event' ); expect(errorItem.length).toBe(1); expect({ type: 'proguard_missing_mapping', message: 'A proguard mapping file was missing.', data: {mapping_uuid: proGuardUuid}, }); }); }); it("Don't display extra proguard errors, if the entry error of an event has an error of type 'proguard_missing_mapping'", async function () { const newEvent = { ...event, platform: 'java', entries: [ { type: EntryType.DEBUGMETA, data: { images: [{type: 'proguard', uuid: proGuardUuid}], }, }, ], errors: [ { type: 'proguard_missing_mapping', message: 'A proguard mapping file was missing.', data: {mapping_uuid: proGuardUuid}, }, ], }; const {alertSummaryInfoText, errorItem} = await renderComponent(newEvent); expect(alertSummaryInfoText).toEqual('There was 1 problem processing this event'); expect(errorItem.length).toBe(1); expect({ type: 'proguard_missing_mapping', message: 'A proguard mapping file was missing.', data: {mapping_uuid: proGuardUuid}, }); }); describe('ProGuard Plugin seems to not be correctly configured', function () { it('find minified data in the exception entry', async function () { const newEvent = { ...event, platform: 'java', entries: [ { type: 'exception', data: { values: [ { stacktrace: { frames: [ { function: null, colNo: null, vars: {}, symbol: null, module: 'a.$a.a.a', }, ], framesOmitted: null, registers: null, hasSystemFrames: false, }, module: null, rawStacktrace: null, mechanism: null, threadId: null, value: 'Unexpected token else', type: 'SyntaxError', }, ], excOmitted: null, hasSystemFrames: false, }, }, ], }; const {alertSummaryInfoText, errorItem} = await renderComponent(newEvent); expect(alertSummaryInfoText).toEqual( 'There was 1 problem processing this event' ); expect(errorItem.length).toBe(1); const {type, message} =; expect(type).toEqual('proguard_potentially_misconfigured_plugin'); expect(message).toBeTruthy(); }); it('find minified data in the threads entry', async function () { const newEvent = { ...event, platform: 'java', entries: [ { type: 'exception', data: { values: [ { stacktrace: { frames: [ { function: null, colNo: null, vars: {}, symbol: null, module: 'a.$a.a.a', }, ], framesOmitted: null, registers: null, hasSystemFrames: false, }, module: null, rawStacktrace: null, mechanism: null, threadId: null, value: 'Unexpected token else', type: 'SyntaxError', }, ], excOmitted: null, hasSystemFrames: false, }, }, { type: 'threads', data: { values: [ { stacktrace: { frames: [ { function: 'start', package: 'libdyld.dylib', module: 'a.$a.a.a', }, { function: 'main', package: 'iOS-Swift', module: '', }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }; const {alertSummaryInfoText, errorItem} = await renderComponent(newEvent); expect(alertSummaryInfoText).toEqual( 'There was 1 problem processing this event' ); expect(errorItem.length).toBe(1); const {type, message} =; expect(type).toEqual('proguard_potentially_misconfigured_plugin'); expect(message).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); }); });