import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg'; import {COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {DisplayType} from 'sentry/views/dashboardsV2/types'; import { decodeColumnOrder, downloadAsCsv, eventViewToWidgetQuery, generateFieldOptions, getExpandedResults, pushEventViewToLocation, } from 'sentry/views/eventsV2/utils'; describe('decodeColumnOrder', function () { it('can decode 0 elements', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results).toHaveLength(0); }); it('can decode fields', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'title', width: 123}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'title', name: 'title', column: { kind: 'field', field: 'title', }, width: 123, isSortable: false, type: 'string', }); }); it('can decode measurement fields', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: '', width: 123}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: '', name: '', column: { kind: 'field', field: '', }, width: 123, isSortable: false, type: 'number', }); }); it('can decode span op breakdown fields', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: '', width: 123}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: '', name: '', column: { kind: 'field', field: '', }, width: 123, isSortable: false, type: 'duration', }); }); it('can decode aggregate functions with no arguments', function () { let results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'count()', width: 123}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'count()', name: 'count()', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['count', '', undefined, undefined], }, width: 123, isSortable: true, type: 'number', }); results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'p75()', width: 123}]); expect(results[0].type).toEqual('duration'); results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'p99()', width: 123}]); expect(results[0].type).toEqual('duration'); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions with arguments', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'avg(transaction.duration)'}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'avg(transaction.duration)', name: 'avg(transaction.duration)', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['avg', 'transaction.duration', undefined, undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'duration', }); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions with multiple arguments', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([ {field: 'percentile(transaction.duration, 0.65)'}, ]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'percentile(transaction.duration, 0.65)', name: 'percentile(transaction.duration, 0.65)', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['percentile', 'transaction.duration', '0.65', undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'duration', }); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions using measurements', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'avg('}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'avg(', name: 'avg(', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['avg', '', undefined, undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'number', }); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions with multiple arguments using measurements', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'percentile(measurements.lcp, 0.65)'}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'percentile(measurements.lcp, 0.65)', name: 'percentile(measurements.lcp, 0.65)', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['percentile', 'measurements.lcp', '0.65', undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'duration', }); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions using span op breakdowns', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'avg('}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'avg(', name: 'avg(', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['avg', '', undefined, undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'duration', }); }); it('can decode elements with aggregate functions with multiple arguments using span op breakdowns', function () { const results = decodeColumnOrder([{field: 'percentile(spans.lcp, 0.65)'}]); expect(Array.isArray(results)).toBeTruthy(); expect(results[0]).toEqual({ key: 'percentile(spans.lcp, 0.65)', name: 'percentile(spans.lcp, 0.65)', column: { kind: 'function', function: ['percentile', 'spans.lcp', '0.65', undefined], }, width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, isSortable: true, type: 'duration', }); }); }); describe('pushEventViewToLocation', function () { const state = { id: '1234', name: 'best query', fields: [{field: 'count()', width: 420}, {field: ''}], sorts: [{field: 'count', kind: 'desc'}], query: 'event.type:error', project: [42], start: '2019-10-01T00:00:00', end: '2019-10-02T00:00:00', statsPeriod: '14d', environment: ['staging'], }; const location = { query: { bestCountry: 'canada', }, }; it('correct query string object pushed to history', function () { const eventView = new EventView(state); pushEventViewToLocation({ location, nextEventView: eventView, }); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: { id: '1234', name: 'best query', field: ['count()', ''], widths: [420], sort: ['-count'], query: 'event.type:error', project: [42], start: '2019-10-01T00:00:00', end: '2019-10-02T00:00:00', statsPeriod: '14d', environment: ['staging'], yAxis: 'count()', }, }); }); it('extra query params', function () { const eventView = new EventView(state); pushEventViewToLocation({ location, nextEventView: eventView, extraQuery: { cursor: 'some cursor', }, }); expect(browserHistory.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: { id: '1234', name: 'best query', field: ['count()', ''], widths: [420], sort: ['-count'], query: 'event.type:error', project: [42], start: '2019-10-01T00:00:00', end: '2019-10-02T00:00:00', statsPeriod: '14d', environment: ['staging'], cursor: 'some cursor', yAxis: 'count()', }, }); }); }); describe('getExpandedResults()', function () { const state = { id: '1234', name: 'best query', fields: [ {field: 'count()'}, {field: 'last_seen()'}, {field: 'title'}, {field: 'custom_tag'}, ], sorts: [{field: 'count', kind: 'desc'}], query: 'event.type:error', project: [42], start: '2019-10-01T00:00:00', end: '2019-10-02T00:00:00', statsPeriod: '14d', environment: ['staging'], }; it('id should be default column when drilldown results in no columns', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'count()'}, {field: 'epm()'}, {field: 'eps()'}], }); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([{field: 'id', width: -1}]); }); it('preserves aggregated fields', () => { let view = new EventView(state); let result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {}); // id should be omitted as it is an implicit property on unaggregated results. expect(result.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'timestamp', width: -1}, {field: 'title'}, {field: 'custom_tag'}, ]); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error'); // de-duplicate transformed columns view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [ {field: 'count()'}, {field: 'last_seen()'}, {field: 'title'}, {field: 'custom_tag'}, {field: 'count(id)'}, ], }); result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {}); // id should be omitted as it is an implicit property on unaggregated results. expect(result.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'timestamp', width: -1}, {field: 'title'}, {field: 'custom_tag'}, ]); // transform aliased fields, & de-duplicate any transforms view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [ {field: 'last_seen()'}, // expect this to be transformed to timestamp {field: 'title'}, {field: 'avg(transaction.duration)'}, // expect this to be dropped {field: 'p50()'}, {field: 'p75()'}, {field: 'p95()'}, {field: 'p99()'}, {field: 'p100()'}, {field: 'p9001()'}, // it's over 9000 {field: 'foobar()'}, // unknown function with no parameter {field: 'custom_tag'}, {field: 'transaction.duration'}, // should be dropped {field: 'title'}, // should be dropped {field: 'unique_count(id)'}, {field: 'apdex(300)'}, // should be dropped {field: 'user_misery(300)'}, // should be dropped {field: 'failure_count()'}, // expect this to be transformed to transaction.status ], }); result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'timestamp', width: -1}, {field: 'title'}, {field: 'transaction.duration', width: -1}, {field: 'custom_tag'}, {field: 'transaction.status', width: -1}, ]); // transforms pXX functions with optional arguments properly view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [ {field: 'p50(transaction.duration)'}, {field: 'p75('}, {field: 'p95('}, {field: 'p99(measurements.fcp)'}, {field: 'p100(measurements.lcp)'}, ], }); result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([ {field: 'transaction.duration', width: -1}, {field: '', width: -1}, {field: '', width: -1}, {field: 'measurements.fcp', width: -1}, {field: 'measurements.lcp', width: -1}, ]); }); it('applies provided additional conditions', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [...state.fields, {field: 'measurements.lcp'}, {field: 'measurements.fcp'}], }); let result = getExpandedResults(view, {extra: 'condition'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error extra:condition'); // handles user tag values. result = getExpandedResults(view, {user: 'id:12735'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error user:id:12735'); result = getExpandedResults(view, {user: 'name:uhoh'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error user:name:uhoh'); // quotes value result = getExpandedResults(view, {extra: 'has space'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error extra:"has space"'); // appends to existing conditions result = getExpandedResults(view, {'event.type': 'csp'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:csp'); // Includes empty strings result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {custom_tag: ''}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error custom_tag:""'); // Includes 0 result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {custom_tag: 0}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error custom_tag:0'); // Includes null result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, {custom_tag: null}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error custom_tag:""'); // Handles measurements while ignoring null values result = getExpandedResults( view, {}, {'measurements.lcp': 2, 'measurements.fcp': null} ); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error measurements.lcp:2'); }); it('removes any aggregates in either search conditions or extra conditions', () => { const view = new EventView({...state, query: 'event.type:error count(id):<10'}); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {'count(id)': '>2'}, {}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error'); }); it('applies conditions from dataRow map structure based on fields', () => { const view = new EventView(state); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {extra: 'condition'}, {title: 'Event title'}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error extra:condition title:"Event title"'); }); it('applies tag key conditions from event data', () => { const view = new EventView(state); const event = { type: 'error', tags: [ {key: 'nope', value: 'nope'}, {key: 'custom_tag', value: 'tag_value'}, ], }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error custom_tag:tag_value'); }); it('generate eventview from an empty eventview', () => { const view = EventView.fromLocation({query: {}}); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {some_tag: 'value'}, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([]); expect(result.query).toEqual('some_tag:value'); }); it('removes equations on aggregates', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [ {field: 'count()'}, {field: 'equation|count() / 2'}, {field: 'equation|(count() - count()) + 5'}, ], }); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([ { field: 'id', width: -1, }, ]); }); it('keeps equations without aggregates', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'count()'}, {field: 'equation|transaction.duration / 2'}], }); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}); expect(result.fields).toEqual([ { field: 'equation|transaction.duration / 2', width: -1, }, ]); }); it('applies array value conditions from event data', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [...state.fields, {field: 'error.type'}], }); const event = { type: 'error', tags: [ {key: 'nope', value: 'nope'}, {key: 'custom_tag', value: 'tag_value'}, ], 'error.type': ['DeadSystem Exception', 'RuntimeException', 'RuntimeException'], }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual( 'event.type:error custom_tag:tag_value error.type:"DeadSystem Exception" error.type:RuntimeException error.type:RuntimeException' ); }); it('applies project condition to project property', () => { const view = new EventView(state); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {'': 1}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error'); expect(result.project).toEqual([42, 1]); }); it('applies environment condition to environment property', () => { const view = new EventView(state); const result = getExpandedResults(view, {environment: 'dev'}); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error'); expect(result.environment).toEqual(['staging', 'dev']); }); it('applies tags that overlap PageFilters state', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'project'}, {field: 'environment'}, {field: 'title'}], }); const event = { title: 'something bad', timestamp: '2020-02-13T17:05:46+00:00', tags: [ {key: 'project', value: '12345'}, {key: 'environment', value: 'earth'}, ], }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual( 'event.type:error tags[project]:12345 tags[environment]:earth title:"something bad"' ); expect(result.project).toEqual([42]); expect(result.environment).toEqual(['staging']); }); it('applies the normalized user tag', function () { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'user'}, {field: 'title'}], }); let event = { title: 'something bad', // user context should be ignored. user: { id: 1234, username: 'uhoh', }, tags: [{key: 'user', value: 'id:1234'}], }; let result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error user:id:1234 title:"something bad"'); event = { title: 'something bad', tags: [{key: 'user', value: '1234'}], }; result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error user:1234 title:"something bad"'); }); it('applies the user field in a table row', function () { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'user'}, {field: 'title'}], }); const event = { title: 'something bad', user: 'id:1234', }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error user:id:1234 title:"something bad"'); }); it('normalizes the timestamp field', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'timestamp'}], sorts: [{field: 'timestamp', kind: 'desc'}], }); const event = { type: 'error', timestamp: '2020-02-13T17:05:46+00:00', }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error timestamp:2020-02-13T17:05:46'); }); it('does not duplicate conditions', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, query: 'event.type:error title:bogus', }); const event = { title: 'bogus', }; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {trace: 'abc123'}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('event.type:error trace:abc123 title:bogus'); }); it('applies project as condition if present', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, query: '', fields: [{field: 'project'}], }); const event = {project: 'whoosh'}; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('project:whoosh'); }); it('applies project name as condition if present', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, query: '', fields: [{field: ''}], }); const event = {'': 'whoosh'}; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual(''); }); it('should not trim values that need to be quoted', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, query: '', fields: [{field: 'title'}], }); // needs to be quoted because of whitespace in middle const event = {title: 'hello there '}; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.query).toEqual('title:"hello there "'); }); it('should add environment from the data row', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, environment: [], query: '', fields: [{field: 'environment'}], }); expect(view.environment).toEqual([]); const event = {environment: 'staging'}; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.environment).toEqual(['staging']); }); it('should not add duplicate environment', () => { const view = new EventView({ ...state, query: '', fields: [{field: 'environment'}], }); expect(view.environment).toEqual(['staging']); const event = {environment: 'staging'}; const result = getExpandedResults(view, {}, event); expect(result.environment).toEqual(['staging']); }); }); describe('downloadAsCsv', function () { const messageColumn = {name: 'message'}; const environmentColumn = {name: 'environment'}; const countColumn = {name: 'count'}; const userColumn = {name: 'user'}; it('handles raw data', function () { const result = { data: [ {message: 'test 1', environment: 'prod'}, {message: 'test 2', environment: 'test'}, ], }; expect(downloadAsCsv(result, [messageColumn, environmentColumn])).toContain( encodeURIComponent('message,environment\r\ntest 1,prod\r\ntest 2,test') ); }); it('handles aggregations', function () { const result = { data: [{count: 3}], }; expect(downloadAsCsv(result, [countColumn])).toContain(encodeURI('count\r\n3')); }); it('quotes unsafe strings', function () { const result = { data: [{message: '=HYPERLINK(http://some-bad-website#)'}], }; expect(downloadAsCsv(result, [messageColumn])).toContain( encodeURIComponent("message\r\n'=HYPERLINK(http://some-bad-website#)") ); }); it('handles the user column', function () { const result = { data: [ {message: 'test 0', user: 'name:baz'}, {message: 'test 1', user: 'id:123'}, {message: 'test 2', user: ''}, {message: 'test 3', user: 'ip:'}, ], }; expect(downloadAsCsv(result, [messageColumn, userColumn])).toContain( encodeURIComponent( 'message,user\r\ntest 0,name:baz\r\ntest 1,id:123\r\ntest 2,\r\ntest 3,ip:' ) ); }); }); describe('eventViewToWidgetQuery', function () { const state = { id: '1234', name: 'best query', fields: [{field: 'count()', width: 420}, {field: ''}], sorts: [{field: 'count', kind: 'desc'}], query: 'event.type:error', project: [42], start: '2019-10-01T00:00:00', end: '2019-10-02T00:00:00', statsPeriod: '14d', environment: ['staging'], }; it('updates orderby to function format for top N query', function () { const view = new EventView(state); const widgetQuery = eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView: view, displayType: DisplayType.TOP_N, yAxis: ['count()'], }); expect(widgetQuery.orderby).toEqual('-count()'); }); it('updates orderby to function format for complex function', function () { const view = new EventView({ ...state, fields: [{field: 'count_unique(device.locale)', width: 420}, {field: ''}], sorts: [{field: 'count_unique_device_locale', kind: 'desc'}], }); const widgetQuery = eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView: view, displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, }); expect(widgetQuery.orderby).toEqual('-count_unique(device.locale)'); }); it('updates orderby to field', function () { const view = new EventView({ ...state, sorts: [{field: '', kind: 'desc'}], }); const widgetQuery = eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView: view, displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, }); expect(widgetQuery.orderby).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('generateFieldOptions', function () { it('generates custom measurement field options', function () { expect( generateFieldOptions({ organization: initializeOrg().organization, customMeasurements: [ {functions: ['p99'], key: 'measurements.custom.measurement'}, ], })['measurement:measurements.custom.measurement'] ).toEqual({ label: 'measurements.custom.measurement', value: { kind: 'custom_measurement', meta: { dataType: 'number', functions: ['p99'], name: 'measurements.custom.measurement', }, }, }); }); });