const FILE_EXTENSION_TO_PLATFORM = { jsx: 'javascript-react', tsx: 'javascript-react', js: 'javascript', ts: 'javascript', php: 'php', py: 'python', vue: 'vue', go: 'go', java: 'java', perl: 'perl', rb: 'ruby', rs: 'rust', rlib: 'rust', swift: 'swift', m: 'apple', mm: 'apple', M: 'apple', ex: 'elixir', exs: 'elixir', cs: 'csharp', fs: 'fsharp', vb: 'visualbasic', kt: 'kotlin', dart: 'dart', sc: 'scala', scala: 'scala', clj: 'clojure', }; /** * Takes in path (/Users/test/sentry/something.jsx) and returns file extension (jsx) */ export function getFileExtension(fileName: string): string | undefined { // this won't work for something like .spec.jsx const segments = fileName.split('.'); if (segments.length > 1) { return segments.pop(); } return undefined; } /** * Takes in file extension and returns a platform string that can be passed into platformicons */ export function fileExtensionToPlatform(fileExtension: string): string | undefined { return FILE_EXTENSION_TO_PLATFORM[fileExtension]; }