import Link from 'app/components/links/link'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import {Project} from 'app/types'; import {DisplayModes} from 'app/utils/discover/types'; import {tokenizeSearch} from 'app/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import {Incident, IncidentStats} from 'app/views/alerts/types'; import {getStartEndFromStats} from 'app/views/alerts/utils'; import {getIncidentDiscoverUrl} from 'app/views/alerts/utils/getIncidentDiscoverUrl'; import {transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery} from 'app/views/performance/transactionSummary/utils'; import {Dataset} from './types'; type PresetCta = { /** * The location to direct to upon clicking the CTA. */ to: React.ComponentProps<typeof Link>['to']; /** * The CTA text */ buttonText: string; /** * The tooltip title for the CTA button, may be empty. */ title?: string; }; type PresetCtaOpts = { orgSlug: string; projects: Project[]; incident?: Incident; stats?: IncidentStats; }; type Preset = { /** * The regex used to match aggregates to this preset. */ match: RegExp; /** * The name of the preset */ name: string; /** * The dataset that this preset applys to. */ validDataset: Dataset[]; /** * The default aggregate to use when selecting this preset */ default: string; /** * Generates the CTA component */ makeCtaParams: (opts: PresetCtaOpts) => PresetCta; }; export const PRESET_AGGREGATES: Preset[] = [ { name: t('Error count'), match: /^count\(\)/, validDataset: [Dataset.ERRORS], default: 'count()', /** * Simple "Open in Discover" button */ makeCtaParams: makeDefaultCta, }, { name: t('Users affected'), match: /^count_unique\(tags\[sentry:user\]\)/, validDataset: [Dataset.ERRORS], default: 'count_unique(tags[sentry:user])', /** * Simple "Open in Discover" button */ makeCtaParams: makeDefaultCta, }, { name: t('Latency'), match: /^(p[0-9]{2,3}|percentile\(transaction\.duration,[^)]+\)|avg\([^)]+\))/, validDataset: [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS], default: 'percentile(transaction.duration, 0.95)', /** * see: makeGenericTransactionCta */ makeCtaParams: opts => makeGenericTransactionCta({ opts, tooltip: t('Latency by Transaction'), }), }, { name: t('Apdex'), match: /^apdex\([0-9.]+\)/, validDataset: [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS], default: 'apdex(300)', /** * see: makeGenericTransactionCta */ makeCtaParams: opts => makeGenericTransactionCta({ opts, tooltip: t('Apdex by Transaction'), }), }, { name: t('Transaction Count'), match: /^count\(\)/, validDataset: [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS], default: 'count()', /** * see: makeGenericTransactionCta */ makeCtaParams: opts => makeGenericTransactionCta({opts}), }, { name: t('Failure rate'), match: /^failure_rate\(\)/, validDataset: [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS], default: 'failure_rate()', /** * See makeFailureRateCta */ makeCtaParams: makeFailureRateCta, }, ]; /** * - CASE 1: If has a specific transaction filter * - CTA is: "View Transaction Summary" * - Tooltip is the transaction name * - the same period as the alert graph (i.e. with alert start time in the middle) * * - CASE 2: If transaction is NOT filtered, or has a * filter: * - "Open in Discover" button with optional tooltip which opens a discover view with... * - fields {transaction, count(), <metric>} sorted by count() * - top-5 activated */ function makeGenericTransactionCta(opts: { opts: PresetCtaOpts; tooltip?: string; }): PresetCta { const { opts: {orgSlug, projects, incident, stats}, tooltip, } = opts; if (!incident || !stats) { return {to: '', buttonText: t('Incident details')}; } const query = tokenizeSearch(incident.discoverQuery ?? ''); const transaction = query .getTagValues('transaction') ?.find(filter => !filter.includes('*')); // CASE 1 if (transaction !== undefined) { const period = getStartEndFromStats(stats); const summaryUrl = transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery({ orgSlug, transaction, projectID: projects .filter(({slug}) => incident.projects.includes(slug)) .map(({id}) => id), query: {...period}, }); return { to: summaryUrl, buttonText: t('View Transaction Summary'), title: transaction, }; } // CASE 2 const extraQueryParams = { fields: [ Set(['transaction', 'count()', incident.alertRule.aggregate])], orderby: '-count', display: DisplayModes.TOP5, }; const discoverUrl = getIncidentDiscoverUrl({ orgSlug, projects, incident, stats, extraQueryParams, }); return { to: discoverUrl, buttonText: t('Open in Discover'), title: tooltip, }; } /** * - CASE 1: Filtered to a specific transaction, "Open in Discover" with... * - fields [transaction.status, count()] sorted by count(), * - "Top 5 period" activated. * * - CASE 2: If filtered on multiple transactions, "Open in Discover" button * with tooltip "Failure rate by transaction" which opens a discover view * - fields [transaction, failure_rate()] sorted by failure_rate * - top 5 activated */ function makeFailureRateCta({orgSlug, incident, projects, stats}: PresetCtaOpts) { if (!incident || !stats) { return {to: '', buttonText: t('Incident details')}; } const query = tokenizeSearch(incident.discoverQuery ?? ''); const transaction = query .getTagValues('transaction') ?.find(filter => !filter.includes('*')); const extraQueryParams = transaction !== undefined ? // CASE 1 { fields: ['transaction.status', 'count()'], orderby: '-count', display: DisplayModes.TOP5, } : // Case 2 { fields: ['transaction', 'failure_rate()'], orderby: '-failure_rate', display: DisplayModes.TOP5, }; const discoverUrl = getIncidentDiscoverUrl({ orgSlug, projects, incident, stats, extraQueryParams, }); return { to: discoverUrl, buttonText: t('Open in Discover'), title: transaction === undefined ? t('Failure rate by transaction') : undefined, }; } /** * Get the CTA used for alerts that do not have a preset */ export function makeDefaultCta({ orgSlug, projects, incident, stats, }: PresetCtaOpts): PresetCta { if (!incident) { return { buttonText: t('Open in Discover'), to: '', }; } const extraQueryParams = { display: DisplayModes.TOP5, }; return { buttonText: t('Open in Discover'), to: getIncidentDiscoverUrl({orgSlug, projects, incident, stats, extraQueryParams}), }; }