import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {waitFor} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import type {RawSpanType} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import {EntryType, type Event} from 'sentry/types'; import type { TraceFullDetailed, TracePerformanceIssue, TraceSplitResults, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import {TraceType} from '../traceDetails/newTraceDetailsContent'; import { isAutogroupedNode, isMissingInstrumentationNode, isSpanNode, isTraceErrorNode, isTransactionNode, } from './guards'; import { NoDataNode, ParentAutogroupNode, SiblingAutogroupNode, TraceTree, TraceTreeNode, } from './traceTree'; const EVENT_REQUEST_URL = '/organizations/org-slug/events/project:event_id/?averageColumn=span.self_time'; function makeTrace( overrides: Partial<TraceSplitResults<TraceFullDetailed>> ): TraceSplitResults<TraceFullDetailed> { return { transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], ...overrides, } as TraceSplitResults<TraceFullDetailed>; } function makeTransaction(overrides: Partial<TraceFullDetailed> = {}): TraceFullDetailed { return { children: [], start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, transaction: 'transaction', 'transaction.op': '', 'transaction.status': '', performance_issues: [], errors: [], ...overrides, } as TraceFullDetailed; } function makeSpan(overrides: Partial<RawSpanType> = {}): TraceTree.Span { return { span_id: '', op: '', description: '', start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 10, event: makeEvent(), ...overrides, } as TraceTree.Span; } function makeTraceError( overrides: Partial<TraceTree.TraceError> = {} ): TraceTree.TraceError { return { title: 'MaybeEncodingError: Error sending result', level: 'error', event_type: 'error', data: {}, ...overrides, } as TraceTree.TraceError; } function makeTracePerformanceIssue( overrides: Partial<TracePerformanceIssue> = {} ): TracePerformanceIssue { return { culprit: 'code', end: new Date().toISOString(), span: [], start: new Date().toISOString(), suspect_spans: ['sus span'], type: 0, issue_short_id: 'issue short id', ...overrides, } as TracePerformanceIssue; } function makeEvent(overrides: Partial<Event> = {}, spans: RawSpanType[] = []): Event { return { entries: [{type: EntryType.SPANS, data: spans}], ...overrides, } as Event; } function assertSpanNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.Span> { if (!isSpanNode(node)) { throw new Error('node is not a span'); } } // function assertTraceNode( // node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> // ): asserts node is TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.Trace> { // if (!isTraceNode(node)) { // throw new Error('node is not a trace'); // } // } function assertTransactionNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> | null ): asserts node is TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.Transaction> { if (!node || !isTransactionNode(node)) { throw new Error('node is not a transaction'); } } function assertMissingInstrumentationNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.MissingInstrumentationSpan> { if (!isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { throw new Error('node is not a missing instrumentation node'); } } function assertTraceErrorNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.TraceError> { if (!isTraceErrorNode(node)) { throw new Error('node is not a trace error node'); } } function assertAutogroupedNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is ParentAutogroupNode | SiblingAutogroupNode { if (!isAutogroupedNode(node)) { throw new Error('node is not a autogrouped node'); } } function assertParentAutogroupedNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is ParentAutogroupNode { if (!(node instanceof ParentAutogroupNode)) { throw new Error('node is not a parent autogrouped node'); } } function assertSiblingAutogroupedNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is ParentAutogroupNode { if (!(node instanceof SiblingAutogroupNode)) { throw new Error('node is not a parent node'); } } function assertNoDataNode( node: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> ): asserts node is NoDataNode { if (!(node instanceof NoDataNode)) { throw new Error('node is not a no data node'); } } describe('TreeNode', () => { it('expands transaction nodes by default', () => { const node = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); expect(node.expanded).toBe(true); }); it('points parent to node', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const child = new TraceTreeNode(root, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); expect(child.parent).toBe(root); }); it('depth', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const child = new TraceTreeNode(root, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const grandChild = new TraceTreeNode(child, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); expect(grandChild.depth).toBe(1); }); it('getVisibleChildren', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const child = new TraceTreeNode(root, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); root.children.push(child); expect(root.getVisibleChildren()).toHaveLength(1); expect(root.getVisibleChildren()[0]).toBe(child); root.expanded = false; expect(root.getVisibleChildren()).toHaveLength(0); }); it('getVisibleChildrenCount', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const child = new TraceTreeNode(root, makeTransaction(), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); root.children.push(child); expect(root.getVisibleChildrenCount()).toBe(1); root.expanded = false; expect(root.getVisibleChildrenCount()).toBe(0); }); describe('indicators', () => { it('collects indicator', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, measurements: {ttfb: {value: 0, unit: 'millisecond'}}, }), ], }) ); expect(tree.indicators.length).toBe(1); expect(tree.indicators[0].start).toBe(0); }); it('converts timestamp to milliseconds', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, measurements: { ttfb: {value: 500, unit: 'millisecond'}, fcp: {value: 0.5, unit: 'second'}, lcp: {value: 500_000_000, unit: 'nanosecond'}, }, }), ], }) ); expect(tree.indicators[0].start).toBe(500); expect(tree.indicators[1].start).toBe(500); expect(tree.indicators[2].start).toBe(500); }); it('extends end timestamp to include measurement', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, measurements: { ttfb: {value: 2, unit: 'second'}, }, }), ], }) ); expect([0, 2000]); }); it('adjusts end and converst timestamp to ms', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, measurements: { ttfb: {value: 2000, unit: 'millisecond'}, }, }), ], }) ); expect([0, 2000]); expect(tree.indicators[0].start).toBe(2000); }); it('sorts measurements by start', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, measurements: { ttfb: {value: 2000, unit: 'millisecond'}, lcp: {value: 1000, unit: 'millisecond'}, }, }), ], }) ); expect(tree.indicators[0].start).toBe(1000); expect(tree.indicators[1].start).toBe(2000); }); }); describe('parent autogrouped node segments', () => { it('collapses durations', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); let parent = root; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( parent, makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: i, timestamp: i + 1, span_id: i.toString(), parent_span_id: parent.value.span_id, }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); parent.children.push(node); parent = node; } TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); const autogroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertParentAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect(autogroupedNode.autogroupedSegments).toEqual([[0, 5000]]); }); it('does not collapse durations when there is a gap', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); let parent = root; const ts = [ [0, 1], [1.5, 2], [2.5, 3], [3.5, 4], [4.5, 5], ]; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( parent, makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: ts[i][0], timestamp: ts[i][1], span_id: i.toString(), parent_span_id: parent.value.span_id, }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); parent.children.push(node); parent = node; } for (let i = 1; i < ts.length; i++) { ts[i][0] *= 1000; ts[i][1] = 0.5 * 1000; } ts[0][0] = 0; ts[0][1] = 1 * 1000; TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); const autogroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertParentAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect(autogroupedNode.autogroupedSegments).toEqual(ts); }); }); describe('sibling autogrouped node segments', () => { it('collapses durations', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: i, timestamp: i + 1, }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ) ); } TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); const autogroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect(autogroupedNode.autogroupedSegments).toEqual([[0, 5000]]); }); it('does not collapse durations when there is a gap', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); const ts = [ [0, 1], [1.5, 2], [2.5, 3], [3.5, 4], [4.5, 5], ]; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: ts[i][0], timestamp: ts[i][1], }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ) ); } for (let i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { ts[i][0] *= 1000; ts[i][1] = 0.5 * 1000; } ts[0][0] = 0; ts[0][1] = 1 * 1000; TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); const autogroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect(autogroupedNode.autogroupedSegments).toEqual(ts); }); }); describe('path', () => { describe('nested transactions', () => { let child: any = null; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( child, makeTransaction({ event_id: i === 0 ? 'parent' : i === 1 ? 'child' : 'grandchild', }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); child = node; } it('first txn node', () => { expect(child.parent.parent.path).toEqual(['txn-parent']); }); it('leafmost node', () => { expect(child.path).toEqual(['txn-grandchild', 'txn-child', 'txn-parent']); }); }); it('orphan errors', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [], orphan_errors: [makeTraceError({event_id: 'error_id'})], }) ); expect(tree.list[1].path).toEqual(['error-error_id']); }); describe('spans', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'span', start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, }), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'span', start_timestamp: 1.5, timestamp: 2, }), ]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); it('when span is a child of a txn', async () => { await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(5); }); expect(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1].path).toEqual([ 'span-span', 'txn-event_id', ]); }); it('missing instrumentation', () => { expect(tree.list[3].path).toEqual(['ms-span', 'txn-event_id']); }); }); it('inserts no data node when txn has no span children', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, []), }); await tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); assertNoDataNode(tree.list[2]); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); }); describe('autogrouped children', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '3', parent_span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '4', parent_span_id: '3'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '5', parent_span_id: '4'}), ]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); it('autogrouped node', async () => { await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); }); tree.expand(tree.list[2], true); assertAutogroupedNode(tree.list[2]); expect(tree.list[2].path).toEqual(['ag-2', 'txn-event_id']); }); it('child is part of autogrouping', () => { expect(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1].path).toEqual([ 'span-5', 'ag-2', 'txn-event_id', ]); }); }); describe('collapses some node by default', () => { it('android okhttp', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({ description: 'span', span_id: '2', op: 'http.client', origin: 'auto.http.okhttp', }), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'http.client.tls', span_id: '3', parent_span_id: '2', }), ]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { // trace // - transaction // - http.client // ^ child of http.client is not visible expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); }); }); }); describe('non expanded direct children autogrouped path', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '3', parent_span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '4', parent_span_id: '3'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '5', parent_span_id: '4'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: '6', span_id: '6', parent_span_id: '5'}), ]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); it('autogrouped node', async () => { await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(4); }); assertAutogroupedNode(tree.list[2]); expect(tree.list[2].path).toEqual(['ag-2', 'txn-event_id']); }); it('span node skips autogrouped node because it is not expanded', async () => { await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(4); }); expect(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1].path).toEqual(['span-6', 'txn-event_id']); }); }); }); }); describe('TraceTree', () => { beforeEach(() => { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); }); it('builds from transactions', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [], }), makeTransaction({ children: [], }), ], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(3); }); it('builds orphan errors', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [], }), makeTransaction({ children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [makeTraceError()], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(4); }); it('processes orphan errors without timestamps', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [ { level: 'error', title: 'Error', event_type: 'error', } as TraceTree.TraceError, ], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(3); }); it('sorts orphan errors', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, }), makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 2, timestamp: 3, }), ], orphan_errors: [makeTraceError({timestamp: 1, level: 'error'})], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(4); assertTraceErrorNode(tree.list[2]); }); it('adjusts trace bounds by orphan error timestamp as well', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0.1, timestamp: 0.15, children: [], }), makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0.2, timestamp: 0.25, children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [ makeTraceError({timestamp: 0.05}), makeTraceError({timestamp: 0.3}), ], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(5); expect([ 0.05 * tree.root.multiplier, (0.3 - 0.05) * tree.root.multiplier, ]); }); it('calculates correct trace type', () => { let tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.EMPTY_TRACE); tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [], }), makeTransaction({ children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.NO_ROOT); tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: null, children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.ONE_ROOT); tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: null, children: [], }), makeTransaction({ children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.BROKEN_SUBTRACES); tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: null, children: [], }), makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: null, children: [], }), ], orphan_errors: [], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.MULTIPLE_ROOTS); tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [], orphan_errors: [makeTraceError()], }) ); expect(tree.shape).toBe(TraceType.ONLY_ERRORS); }); it('builds from spans when root is a transaction node', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ children: [], }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); const node = TraceTree.FromSpans( root, makeEvent(), [ makeSpan({start_timestamp: 0, op: '1', span_id: '1'}), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 1, op: '2', span_id: '2', parent_span_id: '1'}), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 2, op: '3', span_id: '3', parent_span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 3, op: '4', span_id: '4', parent_span_id: '1'}), ], {sdk: undefined} ); if (!isSpanNode(node.children[0])) { throw new Error('Child needs to be a span'); } expect(node.children[0].value.span_id).toBe('1'); expect(node.children[0].value.start_timestamp).toBe(0); expect(node.children.length).toBe(1); assertSpanNode(node.children[0].children[0]); assertSpanNode(node.children[0].children[0].children[0]); assertSpanNode(node.children[0].children[1]); expect(node.children[0].children[0].value.start_timestamp).toBe(1); expect(node.children[0].children[0].children[0].value.start_timestamp).toBe(2); expect(node.children[0].children[1].value.start_timestamp).toBe(3); }); it('builds from spans and copies txn nodes', () => { // transaction transaction // - child transaction -> - span // - span // - child-transaction // - span const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ children: [], }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: 'child-transaction', }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ) ); const node = TraceTree.FromSpans( root, makeEvent(), [ makeSpan({start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 0.1, op: 'span', span_id: 'none'}), makeSpan({ start_timestamp: 0.1, timestamp: 0.2, op: 'child-transaction', span_id: 'child-transaction', }), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 0.2, timestamp: 0.25, op: 'span', span_id: 'none'}), ], {sdk: undefined} ); assertSpanNode(node.children[1]); assertTransactionNode(node.children[1].children[0]); }); it('builds from spans and copies txn nodes to nested children', () => { // parent transaction parent transaction // - child transaction -> - span // - grandchild transaction -> - child-transaction // - grandchild-transaction // const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ span_id: 'parent-transaction', children: [], }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); let start: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> = root; for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( start, makeTransaction({ transaction: `${i === 0 ? 'child' : 'grandchild'}-transaction`, parent_span_id: `${i === 0 ? 'child' : 'grandchild'}-transaction`, }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); start.children.push(node); start = node; } const node = TraceTree.FromSpans( root, makeEvent(), [ makeSpan({start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 0.1, op: 'span', span_id: 'none'}), makeSpan({ start_timestamp: 0.1, timestamp: 0.2, op: 'child-transaction', span_id: 'child-transaction', }), ], {sdk: undefined} ); assertSpanNode(node.children[1]); assertTransactionNode(node.children[1].children[0]); assertTransactionNode(node.children[1].children[0].children[0]); }); it('injects missing spans', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ children: [], }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); const date = new Date().getTime(); const node = TraceTree.FromSpans( root, makeEvent(), [ makeSpan({ start_timestamp: date, timestamp: date + 1, span_id: '1', op: 'span 1', }), makeSpan({ start_timestamp: date + 2, timestamp: date + 4, op: 'span 2', span_id: '2', }), ], {sdk: undefined} ); assertSpanNode(node.children[0]); assertMissingInstrumentationNode(node.children[1]); assertSpanNode(node.children[2]); expect(node.children.length).toBe(3); expect(node.children[0].value.op).toBe('span 1'); expect(node.children[1].value.type).toBe('missing_instrumentation'); expect(node.children[2].value.op).toBe('span 2'); }); it('does not inject missing spans for javascript platform', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({ children: [], }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); const date = new Date().getTime(); const node = TraceTree.FromSpans( root, makeEvent(), [ makeSpan({ start_timestamp: date, timestamp: date + 1, span_id: '1', op: 'span 1', }), makeSpan({ start_timestamp: date + 2, timestamp: date + 4, op: 'span 2', span_id: '2', }), ], {sdk: 'sentry.javascript.browser'} ); assertSpanNode(node.children[0]); assertSpanNode(node.children[1]); expect(node.children.length).toBe(2); expect(node.children[0].value.op).toBe('span 1'); expect(node.children[1].value.op).toBe('span 2'); }); it('builds and preserves list order', async () => { const organization = OrganizationFixture(); const api = new MockApiClient(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: 'txn 1', start_timestamp: 0, children: [makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 1, transaction: 'txn 2'})], }), ], }) ); tree.expand(tree.list[0], true); const node = tree.list[1]; const request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/undefined:undefined/?averageColumn=span.self_time', method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({startTimestamp: 0}, [ makeSpan({start_timestamp: 1, op: 'span 1', span_id: '1'}), makeSpan({ start_timestamp: 2, op: 'span 2', span_id: '2', parent_span_id: '1', }), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 3, op: 'span 3', parent_span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({start_timestamp: 4, op: 'span 4', parent_span_id: '1'}), ]), }); // 0 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 tree.zoomIn(node, true, {api, organization}); await waitFor(() => { expect(node.zoomedIn).toBe(true); }); expect(request).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(6); assertTransactionNode(tree.list[1]); assertSpanNode(tree.list[2]); assertSpanNode(tree.list[3]); expect(tree.list[1].value.start_timestamp).toBe(0); expect(tree.list[2].value.start_timestamp).toBe(1); expect(tree.list[3].value.start_timestamp).toBe(2); }); it('preserves input order', () => { const firstChild = makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, children: [], }); const secondChild = makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 2, children: [], }); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 2, children: [firstChild, secondChild], }), makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 2, timestamp: 4, }), ], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(5); expect(tree.expand(tree.list[1], false)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(3); expect(tree.expand(tree.list[1], true)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(5); expect(tree.list[2].value).toBe(firstChild); expect(tree.list[3].value).toBe(secondChild); }); it('creates children -> parent references', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 2, children: [makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 2})], }), makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 2, timestamp: 4, }), ], }) ); expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(4); expect(tree.list[2].parent?.value).toBe(tree.list[1].value); }); it('establishes parent-child relationships', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [makeTransaction()], }), ], }) ); expect(tree.root.children).toHaveLength(1); expect(tree.root.children[0].children).toHaveLength(1); }); it('isLastChild', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [makeTransaction(), makeTransaction()], }), makeTransaction(), ], orphan_errors: [], }) ); tree.expand(tree.list[1], true); expect(tree.list[0].isLastChild).toBe(true); expect(tree.list[1].isLastChild).toBe(false); expect(tree.list[2].isLastChild).toBe(false); expect(tree.list[3].isLastChild).toBe(true); expect(tree.list[4].isLastChild).toBe(true); }); describe('connectors', () => { it('computes transaction connectors', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: 'sibling', children: [ makeTransaction({transaction: 'child'}), makeTransaction({transaction: 'child'}), ], }), makeTransaction({transaction: 'sibling'}), ], }) ); // -1 root // ------ list begins here // 0 transaction // 0 |- sibling // -1, 2| | - child // -1| | - child // 0 |- sibling tree.expand(tree.list[1], true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(5); expect(tree.list[0].connectors.length).toBe(0); expect(tree.list[1].connectors.length).toBe(1); expect(tree.list[1].connectors[0]).toBe(-1); expect(tree.list[2].connectors[0]).toBe(-1); expect(tree.list[2].connectors[1]).toBe(2); expect(tree.list[2].connectors.length).toBe(2); expect(tree.list[3].connectors[0]).toBe(-1); expect(tree.list[3].connectors.length).toBe(1); expect(tree.list[4].connectors.length).toBe(0); }); it('computes span connectors', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', transaction: 'transaction', children: [], }), ], }) ); // root // |- node1 [] // |- node2 [] MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan({start_timestamp: 0, op: 'span', span_id: '1'})]), }); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(2); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); }); // root // |- node1 [] // |- node2 [] // |- span1 [] const span = tree.list[tree.list.length - 1]; expect(span.connectors.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('expanding', () => { it('expands a node and updates the list', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({transactions: [makeTransaction({children: [makeTransaction()]})]}) ); const node = tree.list[1]; expect(tree.expand(node, false)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(2); expect(node.expanded).toBe(false); expect(tree.expand(node, true)).toBe(true); expect(node.expanded).toBe(true); // Assert that the list has been updated expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(3); expect(tree.list[2]).toBe(node.children[0]); }); it('collapses a node and updates the list', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({transactions: [makeTransaction({children: [makeTransaction()]})]}) ); const node = tree.list[1]; tree.expand(node, true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); expect(tree.expand(node, false)).toBe(true); expect(node.expanded).toBe(false); // Assert that the list has been updated expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(2); expect(tree.list[1]).toBe(node); }); it('preserves children expanded state', () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ children: [ makeTransaction({children: [makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 1000})]}), makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 5}), ], }), ], }) ); expect(tree.expand(tree.list[2], false)).toBe(true); // Assert that the list has been updated expect(tree.list).toHaveLength(4); expect(tree.expand(tree.list[2], true)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(5); expect(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1].value).toEqual( makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 5}) ); }); it('expanding or collapsing a zoomed in node doesnt do anything', async () => { const organization = OrganizationFixture(); const api = new MockApiClient(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({transactions: [makeTransaction({children: [makeTransaction()]})]}) ); const node = tree.list[0]; const request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/undefined:undefined/?averageColumn=span.self_time', method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(), }); tree.zoomIn(node, true, {api, organization}); await waitFor(() => { expect(node.zoomedIn).toBe(true); }); expect(request).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree.expand(node, true)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('zooming', () => { it('marks node as zoomed in', async () => { const organization = OrganizationFixture(); const api = new MockApiClient(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id'}), ], }) ); const request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(), }); const node = tree.list[1]; expect(node.zoomedIn).toBe(false); tree.zoomIn(node, true, {api, organization}); await waitFor(() => { expect(node.zoomedIn).toBe(true); }); expect(request).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('fetches spans for node when zooming in', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: 'txn', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); const request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan()]), }); const node = tree.list[1]; expect(node.children).toHaveLength(0); tree.zoomIn(node, true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); expect(request).toHaveBeenCalled(); await waitFor(() => { expect(node.children).toHaveLength(1); }); // Assert that the children have been updated assertTransactionNode(node.children[0].parent); expect(node.children[0].parent.value.transaction).toBe('txn'); expect(node.children[0].depth).toBe(node.depth + 1); }); it('handles bottom up zooming', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: 'transaction', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', children: [ makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: 'span', transaction: 'child transaction', project_slug: 'child_project', event_id: 'child_event_id', }), ], }), ], }) ); const first_request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span'})]), }); const second_request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/child_project:child_event_id/?averageColumn=span.self_time', method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span'}), makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span 1', parent_span_id: 'span'}), makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span 2', parent_span_id: 'span 1'}), makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span 3', parent_span_id: 'span 2'}), makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span 4', parent_span_id: 'span 3'}), makeSpan({op: 'db', span_id: 'span 5', parent_span_id: 'span 4'}), ]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[2], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(second_request).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); assertParentAutogroupedNode(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1]); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(first_request).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); assertParentAutogroupedNode(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1]); }); it('zooms out', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id'}), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan({span_id: 'span1', description: 'span1'})]), }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { assertSpanNode(tree.list[1].children[0]); expect(tree.list[1].children[0].value.description).toBe('span1'); }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], false, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { // Assert child no longer points to children expect(tree.list[1].zoomedIn).toBe(false); expect(tree.list[1].children[0]).toBe(undefined); expect(tree.list[2]).toBe(undefined); }); }); it('zooms in and out', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id'}), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan({span_id: 'span 1', description: 'span1'})]), }); // Zoom in tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list[1].zoomedIn).toBe(true); assertSpanNode(tree.list[1].children[0]); expect(tree.list[1].children[0].value.description).toBe('span1'); }); // Zoom out tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], false, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list[2]).toBe(undefined); }); // Zoom in tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { assertSpanNode(tree.list[1].children[0]); expect(tree.list[1].children[0].value?.description).toBe('span1'); }); }); it('zooms in and out preserving siblings', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', start_timestamp: 0, children: [ makeTransaction({ start_timestamp: 1, timestamp: 2, project_slug: 'other_project', event_id: 'event_id', }), makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 2, timestamp: 3}), ], }), ], }) ); const request = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/other_project:event_id/?averageColumn=span.self_time', method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [makeSpan({description: 'span1'})]), }); tree.expand(tree.list[1], true); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[2], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); expect(request).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Zoom in await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(5); }); // Zoom out tree.zoomIn(tree.list[2], false, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(4); }); }); it('preserves expanded state when zooming in and out', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', children: [ makeTransaction({project_slug: 'other_project', event_id: 'event_id'}), ], }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), makeSpan({description: 'span2'}), ]), }); tree.expand(tree.list[1], true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(4); }); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], false, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(3); }); expect(tree.list[1].expanded).toBe(true); }); }); describe('autogrouping', () => { it('auto groups sibling spans and preserves tail spans', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }) ); } root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'http'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }) ); expect(root.children.length).toBe(6); TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(2); }); it('autogroups when number of children is exactly 5', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }) ); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(5); TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); }); it('collects errors and performance issues for sibling autogrouped node', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); node.errors.add(makeTraceError()); node.performance_issues.add(makeTracePerformanceIssue()); root.children.push(node); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(5); TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); const autogroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertSiblingAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect(autogroupedNode.has_errors).toBe(true); expect(autogroupedNode.errors.size).toBe(5); expect(autogroupedNode.performance_issues.size).toBe(5); }); it('adds autogrouped siblings as children under autogrouped node', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }) ); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(5); TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); const autoGroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertAutogroupedNode(autoGroupedNode); expect(autoGroupedNode.groupCount).toBe(5); expect(autoGroupedNode.children.length).toBe(5); }); it('autogroups when number of children is > 5', () => { const root = new TraceTreeNode(null, makeSpan({description: 'span1'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }); for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode(root, makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', }) ); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(7); TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); }); it('autogroups direct children case', () => { // db db db // http -> parent autogroup (3) -> parent autogroup (3) // http http // http http // http const root: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.Span> = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({ description: `span1`, span_id: `1`, op: 'db', }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); let last: TraceTreeNode<any> = root; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( last, makeSpan({ description: `span${i}`, span_id: `${i}`, op: 'http', }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); last.children.push(node); last = node; } if (!root) { throw new Error('root is null'); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); expect(root.children[0].children.length).toBe(1); TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0]); expect(root.children[0].children.length).toBe(0); root.children[0].expanded = true; expect((root.children[0].children[0].value as RawSpanType).description).toBe( 'span0' ); }); it('collects errors and performance issues for parent autogrouped node', () => { // db db db // http -> parent autogroup (3) -> parent autogroup (3) // http http // http http // http const root: TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.Span> = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({ description: `span1`, span_id: `1`, op: 'db', }), {project_slug: '', event_id: ''} ); let last: TraceTreeNode<any> = root; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( last, makeSpan({ description: `span${i}`, span_id: `${i}`, op: 'http', }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); node.errors.add(makeTraceError()); node.performance_issues.add(makeTracePerformanceIssue()); last.children.push(node); last = node; } if (!root) { throw new Error('root is null'); } expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); expect(root.children[0].children.length).toBe(1); TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0]); expect(root.children[0].has_errors).toBe(true); expect(root.children[0].errors.size).toBe(3); expect(root.children[0].performance_issues.size).toBe(3); }); it('autogrouping direct children skips rendering intermediary nodes', () => { // db db db // http autogrouped (3) autogrouped (3) // http -> db -> http // http http // db http // db const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({span_id: 'span1', description: 'span1', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); let last = root; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( last, makeSpan({ span_id: `span`, description: `span`, op: i === 3 ? 'db' : 'http', }), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); last.children.push(node); last = node; } TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); const autoGroupedNode = root.children[0]; assertAutogroupedNode(autoGroupedNode); expect(autoGroupedNode.children.length).toBe(1); expect((autoGroupedNode.children[0].value as RawSpanType).op).toBe('db'); autoGroupedNode.expanded = true; expect(autoGroupedNode.children.length).toBe(1); expect((autoGroupedNode.children[0].value as RawSpanType).op).toBe('http'); }); it('nested direct autogrouping', () => { // db db db // http -> parent autogroup (3) -> parent autogroup (3) // http db http // http parent autogroup (3) http // db http // http db // http parent autogrouped (3) // http http // http // http const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeSpan({span_id: 'span', description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); let last = root; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i === 1) { const autogroupBreakingSpan = new TraceTreeNode( last, makeSpan({span_id: 'span', description: 'span', op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); last.children.push(autogroupBreakingSpan); last = autogroupBreakingSpan; } else { for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { const node = new TraceTreeNode( last, makeSpan({span_id: `span${j}`, description: `span${j}`, op: 'http'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); last.children.push(node); last = node; } } } TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0]); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0].children[0].children[0]); }); it('sibling autogrouping', () => { // db db // http sibling autogrouped (5) // http // http -> // http // http const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 10}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeSpan({start_timestamp: i, op: 'db', timestamp: i + 1}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ) ); } TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); expect(root.children.length).toBe(1); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0]); }); it('multiple sibling autogrouping', () => { // db db // http sibling autogrouped (5) // http db // http -> sibling autogrouped (5) // http // http // db // http // http // http // http // http const root = new TraceTreeNode( null, makeTransaction({start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 10}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i === 5) { root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeSpan({start_timestamp: i, timestamp: i + 1, op: 'db'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ) ); } root.children.push( new TraceTreeNode( root, makeSpan({start_timestamp: i, timestamp: i + 1, op: 'http'}), { project_slug: '', event_id: '', } ) ); } TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[0]); expect(root.children).toHaveLength(3); assertAutogroupedNode(root.children[2]); }); it('renders children of autogrouped direct children nodes', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: '/', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({description: 'parent span', op: 'http', span_id: '1'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '2', parent_span_id: '1'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '3', parent_span_id: '2'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '4', parent_span_id: '3'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: '5', parent_span_id: '4'}), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'redis', span_id: '6', parent_span_id: '5', }), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'https', parent_span_id: '1'}), ]), }); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(2); tree.zoomIn(tree.list[1], true, { api: new MockApiClient(), organization: OrganizationFixture(), }); await waitFor(() => { expect(tree.list.length).toBe(6); }); const autogroupedNode = tree.list[tree.list.length - 3]; assertParentAutogroupedNode(autogroupedNode); expect('autogrouped_by' in autogroupedNode?.value).toBeTruthy(); expect(autogroupedNode.groupCount).toBe(4); expect(autogroupedNode.head.value.span_id).toBe('2'); expect(autogroupedNode.tail.value.span_id).toBe('5'); // Expand autogrouped node expect(tree.expand(autogroupedNode, true)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(10); // Collapse autogrouped node expect(tree.expand(autogroupedNode, false)).toBe(true); expect(tree.list.length).toBe(6); expect(autogroupedNode.children[0].depth).toBe(4); }); }); });