import type {InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import {urlEncode} from '@sentry/utils'; import type {Location, Query} from 'history'; import * as Papa from 'papaparse'; import {openAddToDashboardModal} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import {COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable'; import {URL_PARAM} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type { NewQuery, Organization, OrganizationSummary, Project, SelectValue, } from 'sentry/types'; import type {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import type {TableDataRow} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import type {EventData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type { Aggregation, Column, ColumnType, ColumnValueType, Field, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import { aggregateFunctionOutputType, AGGREGATIONS, explodeFieldString, getAggregateAlias, getAggregateArg, getColumnsAndAggregates, getEquation, isAggregateEquation, isEquation, isMeasurement, isSpanOperationBreakdownField, measurementType, PROFILING_FIELDS, TRACING_FIELDS, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import type {DisplayModes} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import {TOP_N} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import {getTitle} from 'sentry/utils/events'; import {DISCOVER_FIELDS, FieldValueType, getFieldDefinition} from 'sentry/utils/fields'; import localStorage from 'sentry/utils/localStorage'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import type {WidgetQuery} from '../dashboards/types'; import {DashboardWidgetSource, DisplayType} from '../dashboards/types'; import {transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery} from '../performance/transactionSummary/utils'; import {displayModeToDisplayType} from './savedQuery/utils'; import type {FieldValue, TableColumn} from './table/types'; import {FieldValueKind} from './table/types'; import {ALL_VIEWS, TRANSACTION_VIEWS, WEB_VITALS_VIEWS} from './data'; export type QueryWithColumnState = | Query | { field: string | string[] | null | undefined; sort: string | string[] | null | undefined; }; const TEMPLATE_TABLE_COLUMN: TableColumn<string> = { key: '', name: '', type: 'never', isSortable: false, column: Object.freeze({kind: 'field', field: ''}), width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, }; // TODO(mark) these types are coupled to the gridEditable component types and // I'd prefer the types to be more general purpose but that will require a second pass. export function decodeColumnOrder(fields: Readonly<Field[]>): TableColumn<string>[] { return Field) => { const column: TableColumn<string> = {...TEMPLATE_TABLE_COLUMN}; const col = explodeFieldString(f.field, f.alias); const columnName = f.field; if (isEquation(f.field)) { column.key = f.field; = getEquation(columnName); column.type = 'number'; } else { column.key = columnName; = columnName; } column.width = f.width || COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED; if (col.kind === 'function') { // Aggregations can have a strict outputType or they can inherit from their field. // Otherwise use the FIELDS data to infer types. const outputType = aggregateFunctionOutputType(col.function[0], col.function[1]); if (outputType !== null) { column.type = outputType; } const aggregate = AGGREGATIONS[col.function[0]]; column.isSortable = aggregate?.isSortable; } else if (col.kind === 'field') { if (getFieldDefinition(col.field) !== null) { column.type = getFieldDefinition(col.field)?.valueType as ColumnValueType; } else if (isMeasurement(col.field)) { column.type = measurementType(col.field); } else if (isSpanOperationBreakdownField(col.field)) { column.type = 'duration'; } } column.column = col; return column; }); } export function pushEventViewToLocation(props: { location: Location; nextEventView: EventView; extraQuery?: Query; }) { const {location, nextEventView} = props; const extraQuery = props.extraQuery || {}; const queryStringObject = nextEventView.generateQueryStringObject(); browserHistory.push({ ...location, query: { ...extraQuery, ...queryStringObject, }, }); } export function generateTitle({ eventView, event, organization, }: { eventView: EventView; event?: Event; organization?: Organization; }) { const titles = [t('Discover')]; const eventViewName =; if (typeof eventViewName === 'string' && String(eventViewName).trim().length > 0) { titles.push(String(eventViewName).trim()); } const eventTitle = event ? getTitle(event, organization?.features).title : undefined; if (eventTitle) { titles.push(eventTitle); } titles.reverse(); return titles.join(' — '); } export function getPrebuiltQueries(organization: Organization) { const views = [...ALL_VIEWS]; if (organization.features.includes('performance-view')) { // insert transactions queries at index 2 views.splice(2, 0, ...TRANSACTION_VIEWS); views.push(...WEB_VITALS_VIEWS); } return views; } function disableMacros(value: string | null | boolean | number) { const unsafeCharacterRegex = /^[\=\+\-\@]/; if (typeof value === 'string' && `${value}`.match(unsafeCharacterRegex)) { return `'${value}`; } return value; } export function downloadAsCsv(tableData, columnOrder, filename) { const {data} = tableData; const headings = =>; const keys = => column.key); const csvContent = Papa.unparse({ fields: headings, data: => => { return disableMacros(row[key]); }) ), }); // Need to also manually replace # since encodeURI skips them const encodedDataUrl = `data:text/csv;charset=utf8,${encodeURIComponent(csvContent)}`; // Create a download link then click it, this is so we can get a filename const link = document.createElement('a'); const now = new Date(); link.setAttribute('href', encodedDataUrl); link.setAttribute('download', `${filename} ${getUtcDateString(now)}.csv`);; link.remove(); // Make testing easier return encodedDataUrl; } const ALIASED_AGGREGATES_COLUMN = { last_seen: 'timestamp', failure_count: 'transaction.status', }; /** * Convert an aggregate into the resulting column from a drilldown action. * The result is null if the drilldown results in the aggregate being removed. */ function drilldownAggregate( func: Extract<Column, {kind: 'function'}> ): Extract<Column, {kind: 'field'}> | null { const key = func.function[0]; const aggregation = AGGREGATIONS[key]; let column = func.function[1]; if (ALIASED_AGGREGATES_COLUMN.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // Some aggregates are just shortcuts to other aggregates with // predefined arguments so we can directly map them to the result. column = ALIASED_AGGREGATES_COLUMN[key]; } else if (aggregation?.parameters?.[0]) { const parameter = aggregation.parameters[0]; if (parameter.kind !== 'column') { // The aggregation does not accept a column as a parameter, // so we clear the column. column = ''; } else if (!column && parameter.required === false) { // The parameter was not given for a non-required parameter, // so we fall back to the default. column = parameter.defaultValue; } } else { // The aggregation does not exist or does not have any parameters, // so we clear the column. column = ''; } return column ? {kind: 'field', field: column} : null; } /** * Convert an aggregated query into one that does not have aggregates. * Will also apply additions conditions defined in `additionalConditions` * and generate conditions based on the `dataRow` parameter and the current fields * in the `eventView`. */ export function getExpandedResults( eventView: EventView, additionalConditions: Record<string, string>, dataRow?: TableDataRow | Event ): EventView { const fieldSet = new Set(); // Expand any functions in the resulting column, and dedupe the result. // Mark any column as null to remove it. const expandedColumns: (Column | null)[] = Field) => { const exploded = explodeFieldString(field.field, field.alias); const column = exploded.kind === 'function' ? drilldownAggregate(exploded) : exploded; if ( // if expanding the function failed column === null || // the new column is already present fieldSet.has(column.field) || // Skip aggregate equations, their functions will already be added so we just want to remove it isAggregateEquation(field.field) ) { return null; } fieldSet.add(column.field); return column; }); // id should be default column when expanded results in no columns; but only if // the Discover query's columns is non-empty. // This typically occurs in Discover drilldowns. if (fieldSet.size === 0 && expandedColumns.length) { expandedColumns[0] = {kind: 'field', field: 'id'}; } // update the columns according the the expansion above const nextView = expandedColumns.reduceRight( (newView, column, index) => column === null ? newView.withDeletedColumn(index, undefined) : newView.withUpdatedColumn(index, column, undefined), eventView.clone() ); nextView.query = generateExpandedConditions(nextView, additionalConditions, dataRow); return nextView; } /** * Create additional conditions based on the fields in an EventView * and a datarow/event */ function generateAdditionalConditions( eventView: EventView, dataRow?: TableDataRow | Event ): Record<string, string | string[]> { const specialKeys = Object.values(URL_PARAM); const conditions: Record<string, string | string[]> = {}; if (!dataRow) { return conditions; } eventView.fields.forEach((field: Field) => { const column = explodeFieldString(field.field, field.alias); // Skip aggregate fields if (column.kind === 'function') { return; } const dataKey = getAggregateAlias(field.field); // Append the current field as a condition if it exists in the dataRow // Or is a simple key in the event. More complex deeply nested fields are // more challenging to get at as their location in the structure does not // match their name. if (dataRow.hasOwnProperty(dataKey)) { let value = dataRow[dataKey]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.length > 1) { conditions[column.field] = value; return; } // An array with only one value is equivalent to the value itself. value = value[0]; } // if the value will be quoted, then do not trim it as the whitespaces // may be important to the query and should not be trimmed const shouldQuote = value === null || value === undefined ? false : /[\s\(\)\\"]/g.test(String(value).trim()); const nextValue = value === null || value === undefined ? '' : shouldQuote ? String(value) : String(value).trim(); if (isMeasurement(column.field) && !nextValue) { // Do not add measurement conditions if nextValue is falsey. // It's expected that nextValue is a numeric value. return; } switch (column.field) { case 'timestamp': // normalize the "timestamp" field to ensure the payload works conditions[column.field] = getUtcDateString(nextValue); break; default: conditions[column.field] = nextValue; } } // If we have an event, check tags as well. if (dataRow.tags && Array.isArray(dataRow.tags)) { const tagIndex = dataRow.tags.findIndex(item => item.key === dataKey); if (tagIndex > -1) { const key = specialKeys.includes(column.field) ? `tags[${column.field}]` : column.field; const tagValue = dataRow.tags[tagIndex].value; conditions[key] = tagValue; } } }); return conditions; } /** * Discover queries can query either Errors, Transactions or a combination * of the two datasets. This is a util to determine if the query will excusively * hit the Transactions dataset. */ export function usesTransactionsDataset(eventView: EventView, yAxisValue: string[]) { let usesTransactions: boolean = false; const parsedQuery = new MutableSearch(eventView.query); for (let index = 0; index < yAxisValue.length; index++) { const yAxis = yAxisValue[index]; const aggregateArg = getAggregateArg(yAxis) ?? ''; if (isMeasurement(aggregateArg) || aggregateArg === 'transaction.duration') { usesTransactions = true; break; } const eventTypeFilter = parsedQuery.getFilterValues('event.type'); if ( eventTypeFilter.length > 0 && eventTypeFilter.every(filter => filter === 'transaction') ) { usesTransactions = true; break; } } return usesTransactions; } function generateExpandedConditions( eventView: EventView, additionalConditions: Record<string, string>, dataRow?: TableDataRow | Event ): string { const parsedQuery = new MutableSearch(eventView.query); // Remove any aggregates from the search conditions. // otherwise, it'll lead to an invalid query result. for (const key in parsedQuery.filters) { const column = explodeFieldString(key); if (column.kind === 'function') { parsedQuery.removeFilter(key); } } const conditions: Record<string, string | string[]> = Object.assign( {}, additionalConditions, generateAdditionalConditions(eventView, dataRow) ); // Add additional conditions provided and generated. for (const key in conditions) { const value = conditions[key]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { parsedQuery.setFilterValues(key, value); continue; } if (key === '') { eventView.project = [...eventView.project, parseInt(value, 10)]; continue; } if (key === 'environment') { if (!eventView.environment.includes(value)) { eventView.environment = [...eventView.environment, value]; } continue; } const column = explodeFieldString(key); // Skip aggregates as they will be invalid. if (column.kind === 'function') { continue; } parsedQuery.setFilterValues(key, [value]); } return parsedQuery.formatString(); } type FieldGeneratorOpts = { organization: OrganizationSummary; aggregations?: Record<string, Aggregation>; customMeasurements?: {functions: string[]; key: string}[] | null; fieldKeys?: string[]; measurementKeys?: string[] | null; spanOperationBreakdownKeys?: string[]; tagKeys?: string[] | null; }; export function generateFieldOptions({ organization, tagKeys, measurementKeys, spanOperationBreakdownKeys, customMeasurements, aggregations = AGGREGATIONS, fieldKeys = DISCOVER_FIELDS, }: FieldGeneratorOpts) { let functions = Object.keys(aggregations); // Strip tracing features if the org doesn't have access. if (!organization.features.includes('performance-view')) { fieldKeys = fieldKeys.filter(item => !TRACING_FIELDS.includes(item)); functions = functions.filter(item => !TRACING_FIELDS.includes(item)); } // Strip profiling features if the org doesn't have access. if (!organization.features.includes('profiling')) { fieldKeys = fieldKeys.filter(item => !PROFILING_FIELDS.includes(item)); } // Strip device.class if the org doesn't have access. if (!organization.features.includes('device-classification')) { fieldKeys = fieldKeys.filter(item => item !== 'device.class'); } const fieldOptions: Record<string, SelectValue<FieldValue>> = {}; // Index items by prefixed keys as custom tags can overlap both fields and // function names. Having a mapping makes finding the value objects easier // later as well. functions.forEach(func => { const ellipsis = aggregations[func].parameters.length ? '\u2026' : ''; const parameters = aggregations[func] => { const overrides = AGGREGATIONS[func].getFieldOverrides; if (typeof overrides === 'undefined') { return param; } return { ...param, ...overrides({parameter: param}), }; }); fieldOptions[`function:${func}`] = { label: `${func}(${ellipsis})`, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, meta: { name: func, parameters, }, }, }; }); fieldKeys.forEach(field => { fieldOptions[`field:${field}`] = { label: field, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.FIELD, meta: { name: field, dataType: (getFieldDefinition(field)?.valueType ?? FieldValueType.STRING) as ColumnType, }, }, }; }); if (measurementKeys !== undefined && measurementKeys !== null) { measurementKeys.sort(); measurementKeys.forEach(measurement => { fieldOptions[`measurement:${measurement}`] = { label: measurement, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.MEASUREMENT, meta: {name: measurement, dataType: measurementType(measurement)}, }, }; }); } if (customMeasurements !== undefined && customMeasurements !== null) { customMeasurements.sort(({key: currentKey}, {key: nextKey}) => currentKey > nextKey ? 1 : currentKey === nextKey ? 0 : -1 ); customMeasurements.forEach(({key, functions: supportedFunctions}) => { fieldOptions[`measurement:${key}`] = { label: key, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.CUSTOM_MEASUREMENT, meta: { name: key, dataType: measurementType(key), functions: supportedFunctions, }, }, }; }); } if (Array.isArray(spanOperationBreakdownKeys)) { spanOperationBreakdownKeys.sort(); spanOperationBreakdownKeys.forEach(breakdownField => { fieldOptions[`span_op_breakdown:${breakdownField}`] = { label: breakdownField, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.BREAKDOWN, meta: {name: breakdownField, dataType: 'duration'}, }, }; }); } if (tagKeys !== undefined && tagKeys !== null) { tagKeys.sort(); tagKeys.forEach(tag => { const tagValue = fieldKeys.includes(tag) || AGGREGATIONS.hasOwnProperty(tag) ? `tags[${tag}]` : tag; fieldOptions[`tag:${tag}`] = { label: tag, value: { kind: FieldValueKind.TAG, meta: {name: tagValue, dataType: 'string'}, }, }; }); } return fieldOptions; } const RENDER_PREBUILT_KEY = 'discover-render-prebuilt'; export function shouldRenderPrebuilt(): boolean { const shouldRender = localStorage.getItem(RENDER_PREBUILT_KEY); return shouldRender === 'true' || shouldRender === null; } export function setRenderPrebuilt(value: boolean) { localStorage.setItem(RENDER_PREBUILT_KEY, value ? 'true' : 'false'); } export function eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView, yAxis, displayType, }: { displayType: DisplayType; eventView: EventView; yAxis?: string | string[]; }) { const fields ={field}) => field); const {columns, aggregates} = getColumnsAndAggregates(fields); const sort = eventView.sorts[0]; const queryYAxis = typeof yAxis === 'string' ? [yAxis] : yAxis ?? ['count()']; let orderby = ''; // The orderby should only be set to sort.field if it is a Top N query // since the query uses all of the fields, or if the ordering is used in the y-axis if (sort) { let orderbyFunction = ''; const aggregateFields = [...queryYAxis, ...aggregates]; for (let i = 0; i < aggregateFields.length; i++) { if (sort.field === getAggregateAlias(aggregateFields[i])) { orderbyFunction = aggregateFields[i]; break; } } const bareOrderby = orderbyFunction === '' ? sort.field : orderbyFunction; if (displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N || bareOrderby) { orderby = `${sort.kind === 'desc' ? '-' : ''}${bareOrderby}`; } } let newAggregates = aggregates; if (displayType !== DisplayType.TABLE) { newAggregates = queryYAxis; } const widgetQuery: WidgetQuery = { name: '', aggregates: newAggregates, columns: [...(displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? columns : [])], fields: [...(displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? fields : []), ...queryYAxis], conditions: eventView.query, orderby, }; return widgetQuery; } export function handleAddQueryToDashboard({ eventView, location, query, organization, router, yAxis, }: { eventView: EventView; location: Location; organization: Organization; router: InjectedRouter; query?: NewQuery; yAxis?: string | string[]; }) { const displayType = displayModeToDisplayType(eventView.display as DisplayModes); const defaultWidgetQuery = eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView, displayType, yAxis, }); const {query: widgetAsQueryParams} = constructAddQueryToDashboardLink({ eventView, query, organization, yAxis, location, }); openAddToDashboardModal({ organization, selection: { projects: eventView.project, environments: eventView.environment, datetime: { start: eventView.start, end: eventView.end, period: eventView.statsPeriod, utc: eventView.utc, }, }, widget: { title: query?.name ??, displayType: displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? DisplayType.AREA : displayType, queries: [ { ...defaultWidgetQuery, aggregates: [...(typeof yAxis === 'string' ? [yAxis] : yAxis ?? ['count()'])], }, ], interval: eventView.interval, limit: displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? Number(eventView.topEvents) || TOP_N : undefined, }, router, widgetAsQueryParams, location, }); return; } export function getTargetForTransactionSummaryLink( dataRow: EventData, organization: Organization, projects?: Project[], nextView?: EventView, location?: Location ) { let projectID: string | string[] | undefined; const filterProjects = location?.query.project; if (typeof filterProjects === 'string' && filterProjects !== '-1') { // Project selector in discover has just one selected project projectID = filterProjects; } else { const projectMatch = projects?.find( project => project.slug && [dataRow[''], dataRow.project].includes(project.slug) ); projectID = projectMatch ? [] : undefined; } const target = transactionSummaryRouteWithQuery({ orgSlug: organization.slug, transaction: String(dataRow.transaction), projectID, query: nextView?.getPageFiltersQuery() || {}, }); // Pass on discover filter params when there are multiple // projects associated with the transaction if (!projectID && filterProjects) { target.query.project = filterProjects; } return target; } export function constructAddQueryToDashboardLink({ eventView, query, organization, yAxis, location, }: { eventView: EventView; organization: Organization; location?: Location; query?: NewQuery; yAxis?: string | string[]; }) { const displayType = displayModeToDisplayType(eventView.display as DisplayModes); const defaultTableFields ={field}) => field); const defaultWidgetQuery = eventViewToWidgetQuery({ eventView, displayType, yAxis, }); const defaultTitle = query?.name ?? ( !== 'All Events' ? : undefined); return { pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboards/new/widget/new/`, query: { ...location?.query, source: DashboardWidgetSource.DISCOVERV2, start: eventView.start, end: eventView.end, statsPeriod: eventView.statsPeriod, defaultWidgetQuery: urlEncode(defaultWidgetQuery), defaultTableColumns: defaultTableFields, defaultTitle, displayType: displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? DisplayType.AREA : displayType, limit: displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N ? Number(eventView.topEvents) || TOP_N : undefined, }, }; }