import type {LocationDescriptor} from 'history'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import {addErrorMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import type {ApiResult, Client, ResponseMeta} from 'sentry/api'; import {canIncludePreviousPeriod} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {DateString} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {IssueAttachment} from 'sentry/types/group'; import type { EventsStats, MultiSeriesEventsStats, OrganizationSummary, } from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {LocationQuery} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import {getPeriod} from 'sentry/utils/duration/getPeriod'; import {PERFORMANCE_URL_PARAM} from 'sentry/utils/performance/constants'; import type {QueryBatching} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/genericQueryBatcher'; import type { ApiQueryKey, UseApiQueryOptions, UseMutationOptions, } from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import { getApiQueryData, setApiQueryData, useApiQuery, useMutation, useQueryClient, } from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import type RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; type Options = { organization: OrganizationSummary; partial: boolean; comparisonDelta?: number; dataset?: DiscoverDatasets; end?: DateString; environment?: Readonly; excludeOther?: boolean; field?: string[]; generatePathname?: (org: OrganizationSummary) => string; includePrevious?: boolean; interval?: string; limit?: number; orderby?: string; period?: string | null; project?: Readonly; query?: string; queryBatching?: QueryBatching; queryExtras?: Record; referrer?: string; start?: DateString; team?: Readonly; topEvents?: number; withoutZerofill?: boolean; yAxis?: string | string[]; }; /** * Make requests to `events-stats` endpoint * * @param {Object} api API client instance * @param {Object} options Request parameters * @param {Object} options.organization Organization object * @param {Number[]} options.project List of project ids * @param {String[]} options.environment List of environments to query for * @param {Boolean} options.excludeOther Exclude the "Other" series when making a topEvents query * @param {String[]} List of teams to query for * @param {String} options.period Time period to query for, in the format: where units are "d" or "h" * @param {String} options.interval Time interval to group results in, in the format: where units are "d", "h", "m", "s" * @param {Number} options.comparisonDelta Comparison delta for change alert event stats to include comparison stats * @param {Boolean} options.includePrevious Should request also return reqsults for previous period? * @param {Number} options.limit The number of rows to return * @param {String} options.query Search query * @param {QueryBatching} options.queryBatching A container for batching functions from a provider * @param {Record} options.queryExtras A list of extra query parameters * @param {(org: OrganizationSummary) => string} options.generatePathname A function that returns an override for the pathname */ export const doEventsRequest = ( api: Client, { organization, project, environment, team, period, start, end, interval, comparisonDelta, includePrevious, query, yAxis, field, topEvents, orderby, partial, withoutZerofill, referrer, queryBatching, generatePathname, queryExtras, excludeOther, includeAllArgs, dataset, }: {includeAllArgs?: IncludeAllArgsType} & Options ): IncludeAllArgsType extends true ? Promise< [EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats, string | undefined, ResponseMeta | undefined] > : Promise => { const pathname = generatePathname?.(organization) ?? `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events-stats/`; const shouldDoublePeriod = canIncludePreviousPeriod(includePrevious, period); const urlQuery = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries({ interval, comparisonDelta, project, environment, team, query, yAxis, field, topEvents, orderby, partial: partial ? '1' : undefined, withoutZerofill: withoutZerofill ? '1' : undefined, referrer: referrer ? referrer : 'api.organization-event-stats', excludeOther: excludeOther ? '1' : undefined, dataset, }).filter(([, value]) => typeof value !== 'undefined') ); // Doubling period for absolute dates is not accurate unless starting and // ending times are the same (at least for daily intervals). This is // the tradeoff for now. const periodObj = getPeriod({period, start, end}, {shouldDoublePeriod}); const queryObject = { includeAllArgs, query: { ...urlQuery, ...periodObj, ...queryExtras, }, }; if (queryBatching?.batchRequest) { return queryBatching.batchRequest(api, pathname, queryObject); } return api.requestPromise(pathname, queryObject); }; export type EventQuery = { field: string[]; query: string; cursor?: string; dataset?: DiscoverDatasets; environment?: string[]; equation?: string[]; noPagination?: boolean; per_page?: number; project?: string | string[]; referrer?: string; sort?: string | string[]; team?: string | string[]; }; export type TagSegment = { count: number; name: string; url: LocationDescriptor; value: string; isOther?: boolean; key?: string; }; export type Tag = { key: string; topValues: Array; }; /** * Fetches tag facets for a query */ export function fetchTagFacets( api: Client, orgSlug: string, query: EventQuery ): Promise> { const urlParams = pick(query, [...Object.values(PERFORMANCE_URL_PARAM), 'cursor']); const queryOption = {...urlParams, query: query.query}; return api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/events-facets/`, { query: queryOption, includeAllArgs: true, }); } /** * Fetches total count of events for a given query */ export function fetchTotalCount( api: Client, orgSlug: string, query: EventQuery & LocationQuery ): Promise { const urlParams = pick(query, Object.values(PERFORMANCE_URL_PARAM)); const queryOption = {...urlParams, query: query.query}; type Response = { count: number; }; return api .requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/events-meta/`, { query: queryOption, }) .then((res: Response) => res.count); } type FetchEventAttachmentParameters = { eventId: string; orgSlug: string; projectSlug: string; }; type FetchEventAttachmentResponse = IssueAttachment[]; export const makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey = ({ orgSlug, projectSlug, eventId, }: FetchEventAttachmentParameters): ApiQueryKey => [ `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/events/${eventId}/attachments/`, ]; export const useFetchEventAttachments = ( params: FetchEventAttachmentParameters, options: Partial> = {} ) => { const organization = useOrganization(); return useApiQuery( makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey(params), { staleTime: Infinity, ...options, enabled: (organization.features?.includes('event-attachments') ?? false) && options.enabled !== false, } ); }; type DeleteEventAttachmentVariables = { attachmentId: string; eventId: string; orgSlug: string; projectSlug: string; }; type DeleteEventAttachmentResponse = unknown; type DeleteEventAttachmentContext = { previous?: IssueAttachment[]; }; type DeleteEventAttachmentOptions = UseMutationOptions< DeleteEventAttachmentResponse, RequestError, DeleteEventAttachmentVariables, DeleteEventAttachmentContext >; export const useDeleteEventAttachmentOptimistic = ( incomingOptions: Partial = {} ) => { const api = useApi({persistInFlight: true}); const queryClient = useQueryClient(); const options: DeleteEventAttachmentOptions = { ...incomingOptions, mutationFn: ({orgSlug, projectSlug, eventId, attachmentId}) => { return api.requestPromise( `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/events/${eventId}/attachments/${attachmentId}/`, {method: 'DELETE'} ); }, onMutate: async variables => { await queryClient.cancelQueries(makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey(variables)); const previous = getApiQueryData( queryClient, makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey(variables) ); setApiQueryData( queryClient, makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey(variables), oldData => { if (!Array.isArray(oldData)) { return oldData; } return oldData.filter(attachment => attachment?.id !== variables.attachmentId); } ); incomingOptions.onMutate?.(variables); return {previous}; }, onError: (error, variables, context) => { addErrorMessage(t('An error occurred while deleting the attachment')); if (context) { setApiQueryData( queryClient, makeFetchEventAttachmentsQueryKey(variables), context.previous ); } incomingOptions.onError?.(error, variables, context); }, }; return useMutation(options); };