import {mat3, vec2} from 'gl-matrix'; import {FlamegraphTheme} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/flamegraphTheme'; import {Rect} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/speedscope'; import { createAndBindBuffer, createProgram, createShader, getAttribute, getContext, getUniform, makeProjectionMatrix, pointToAndEnableVertexAttribute, resizeCanvasToDisplaySize, upperBound, } from '../gl/utils'; import {UIFrameNode, UIFrames} from '../uiFrames'; import {uiFramesFragment, uiFramesVertext} from './shaders'; // These are both mutable and are used to avoid unnecessary allocations during rendering. const PHYSICAL_SPACE_PX = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); const CONFIG_TO_PHYSICAL_SPACE = mat3.create(); const VERTICES_PER_FRAME = 6; class UIFramesRenderer { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null; uiFrames: UIFrames; gl: WebGLRenderingContext | null = null; program: WebGLProgram | null = null; theme: FlamegraphTheme; // Vertex and color buffer positions: Float32Array = new Float32Array(); frame_types: Float32Array = new Float32Array(); bounds: Float32Array = new Float32Array(); colorMap: Map = new Map(); attributes: { a_bounds: number | null; a_frame_type: number | null; a_position: number | null; } = { a_bounds: null, a_frame_type: null, a_position: null, }; uniforms: { u_border_width: WebGLUniformLocation | null; u_model: WebGLUniformLocation | null; u_projection: WebGLUniformLocation | null; } = { u_border_width: null, u_model: null, u_projection: null, }; options: { draw_border: boolean; }; constructor( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, uiFrames: UIFrames, theme: FlamegraphTheme, options: {draw_border: boolean} = {draw_border: false} ) { this.uiFrames = uiFrames; this.canvas = canvas; this.theme = theme; this.options = options; this.init(); } init(): void { this.initCanvasContext(); this.initVertices(); this.initShaders(); } initVertices(): void { const POSITIONS = 2; const BOUNDS = 4; const FRAME_COUNT = this.uiFrames.frames.length; this.positions = new Float32Array(VERTICES_PER_FRAME * POSITIONS * FRAME_COUNT); this.frame_types = new Float32Array(FRAME_COUNT * VERTICES_PER_FRAME); this.bounds = new Float32Array(VERTICES_PER_FRAME * BOUNDS * FRAME_COUNT); for (let index = 0; index < FRAME_COUNT; index++) { const frame = this.uiFrames.frames[index]; const x1 = frame.start; const x2 = frame.end; // UIFrames have no notion of depth const y1 = 0; const y2 = 1; // top left -> top right -> bottom left -> // bottom left -> top right -> bottom right const positionOffset = index * 12; this.positions[positionOffset] = x1; this.positions[positionOffset + 1] = y1; this.positions[positionOffset + 2] = x2; this.positions[positionOffset + 3] = y1; this.positions[positionOffset + 4] = x1; this.positions[positionOffset + 5] = y2; this.positions[positionOffset + 6] = x1; this.positions[positionOffset + 7] = y2; this.positions[positionOffset + 8] = x2; this.positions[positionOffset + 9] = y1; this.positions[positionOffset + 10] = x2; this.positions[positionOffset + 11] = y2; const type = frame.type === 'frozen' ? 1 : 0; const typeOffset = index * VERTICES_PER_FRAME; this.frame_types[typeOffset] = type; this.frame_types[typeOffset + 1] = type; this.frame_types[typeOffset + 2] = type; this.frame_types[typeOffset + 3] = type; this.frame_types[typeOffset + 4] = type; this.frame_types[typeOffset + 5] = type; // @TODO check if we can pack bounds across vertex calls, // we are allocating 6x the amount of memory here const boundsOffset = index * VERTICES_PER_FRAME * BOUNDS; for (let i = 0; i < VERTICES_PER_FRAME; i++) { const offset = boundsOffset + i * BOUNDS; this.bounds[offset] = x1; this.bounds[offset + 1] = y1; this.bounds[offset + 2] = x2; this.bounds[offset + 3] = y2; } } } initCanvasContext(): void { if (!this.canvas) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize context from null canvas'); } // Setup webgl canvas context = getContext(this.canvas, 'webgl'); if (! { throw new Error('Uninitialized WebGL context'); };,,, ); resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(this.canvas); } initShaders(): void { if (! { throw new Error('Uninitialized WebGL context'); } this.uniforms = { u_border_width: null, u_model: null, u_projection: null, }; this.attributes = { a_position: null, a_bounds: null, a_frame_type: null, }; const vertexShader = createShader(,, uiFramesVertext()); const fragmentShader = createShader(,, uiFramesFragment(this.theme) ); // create program this.program = createProgram(, vertexShader, fragmentShader); // initialize uniforms for (const uniform in this.uniforms) { this.uniforms[uniform] = getUniform(, this.program, uniform); } // initialize and upload frame type information this.attributes.a_frame_type = getAttribute(, this.program, 'a_frame_type'); createAndBindBuffer(, this.frame_types,; pointToAndEnableVertexAttribute(, this.attributes.a_frame_type, { size: 1, type:, normalized: false, stride: 0, offset: 0, }); // initialize and upload positions buffer data this.attributes.a_position = getAttribute(, this.program, 'a_position'); createAndBindBuffer(, this.positions,; pointToAndEnableVertexAttribute(, this.attributes.a_position, { size: 2, type:, normalized: false, stride: 0, offset: 0, }); // initialize and upload bounds buffer data this.attributes.a_bounds = getAttribute(, this.program, 'a_bounds'); createAndBindBuffer(, this.bounds,; pointToAndEnableVertexAttribute(, this.attributes.a_bounds, { size: 4, type:, normalized: false, stride: 0, offset: 0, }); // Use shader program; } getColorForFrame(type: 'frozen' | 'slow'): [number, number, number, number] { if (type === 'frozen') { return this.theme.COLORS.UI_FRAME_COLOR_FROZEN; } if (type === 'slow') { return this.theme.COLORS.UI_FRAME_COLOR_SLOW; } throw new Error(`Invalid frame type - ${type}`); } findHoveredNode(configSpaceCursor: vec2, configSpace: Rect): UIFrameNode[] | null { // ConfigSpace origin is at top of rectangle, so we need to offset bottom by 1 // to account for size of renderered rectangle. if (configSpaceCursor[1] > configSpace.bottom + 1) { return null; } if (configSpaceCursor[0] < configSpace.left) { return null; } if (configSpaceCursor[0] > configSpace.right) { return null; } const overlaps: UIFrameNode[] = []; // We can find the upper boundary, but because frames might overlap, we need to also check anything // before the upper boundary to see if it overlaps... Performance does not seem to be a big concern // here as the max number of slow frames we can have is max profile duration / slow frame = 30000/ const end = upperBound(configSpaceCursor[0], this.uiFrames.frames); for (let i = 0; i < end; i++) { const frame = this.uiFrames.frames[i]; if (configSpaceCursor[0] <= frame.end && configSpaceCursor[0] >= frame.start) { overlaps.push(frame); } } if (overlaps.length > 0) { return overlaps; } return null; } draw(configViewToPhysicalSpace: mat3): void { if (! { throw new Error('Uninitialized WebGL context'); }, 0, 0, 0);; // We have no frames to draw if (!this.positions.length || !this.program) { return; }; const projectionMatrix = makeProjectionMatrix(, ); // Projection matrix, false, projectionMatrix); // Model to projection, false, configViewToPhysicalSpace); // Tell webgl to convert clip space to px, 0,,; const physicalToConfig = mat3.invert( CONFIG_TO_PHYSICAL_SPACE, configViewToPhysicalSpace ); const configSpacePixel = PHYSICAL_SPACE_PX.transformRect(physicalToConfig); this.uniforms.u_border_width, configSpacePixel.width, configSpacePixel.height );, 0, this.uiFrames.frames.length * VERTICES_PER_FRAME ); } } export {UIFramesRenderer};