import {SampledProfile} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/sampledProfile'; import {createFrameIndex} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/utils'; import {Frame} from '../frame'; import {firstCallee, makeTestingBoilerplate} from './profile.spec'; describe('SampledProfile', () => { it('imports the base properties', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [], samples: [], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile(trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', []), { type: 'flamechart', }); expect(profile.duration).toBe(1000); expect(; expect(profile.threadId).toBe(trace.threadID); expect(profile.startedAt).toBe(0); expect(profile.endedAt).toBe(1000); }); it('tracks discarded samples', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [0], samples: [[0]], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.stats.discardedSamplesCount).toBe(1); }); it('tracks negative samples', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [0, -1], samples: [[0], [0]], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.stats.negativeSamplesCount).toBe(1); }); it('tracks raw weights', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [0, 10, 20], samples: [[0], [0], []], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.rawWeights.length).toBe(2); }); it('rebuilds the stack', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 1], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 1], ], }; const {open, close, openSpy, closeSpy, timings} = makeTestingBoilerplate(); const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); profile.forEach(open, close); expect(timings).toEqual([ ['f0', 'open'], ['f1', 'open'], ['f1', 'close'], ['f0', 'close'], ]); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); const root = firstCallee(profile.callTree); expect(root.totalWeight).toEqual(2); expect(firstCallee(root).totalWeight).toEqual(2); expect(root.selfWeight).toEqual(0); expect(firstCallee(root).selfWeight).toEqual(2); }); it('marks direct recursion', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1], samples: [[0, 0]], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(!!firstCallee(firstCallee(profile.callTree)).recursive).toBe(true); }); it('marks indirect recursion', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1], samples: [[0, 1, 0]], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(!!firstCallee(firstCallee(firstCallee(profile.callTree))).recursive).toBe( true ); }); it('tracks minFrameDuration', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [0.5, 2], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 2], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: 'f2'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.minFrameDuration).toBe(0.5); }); it('places garbage collector calls on top of previous stack for node', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 3], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 2], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('node', [ {name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: '(garbage collector)'}, ]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); // GC gets places on top of the previous stack and the weight is updated expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0]'f1 [native code]'); // The total weight of the previous top is now the weight of the GC call + the weight of the previous top expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].frame.totalWeight).toBe(4); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[0] '(garbage collector) [native code]' ); // The self weight of the GC call is only the weight of the GC call expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[0].frame.selfWeight).toBe(3); }); it('places garbage collector calls on top of previous stack and skips stack', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 1, 1, 1], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 2], [0, 1], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('node', [ {name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: '(garbage collector)'}, ]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.weights).toEqual([1, 2, 1]); }); it('does not place garbage collector calls on top of previous stack for node', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 2], samples: [ [0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('node', [ {name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: '(garbage collector)'}, {name: 'f2'}, ]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children.length).toBe(2); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[0] 'f2 [native code]' ); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[1] '(garbage collector) [native code]' ); }); it('merges consecutive garbage collector calls on top of previous stack for node', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 2, 2, 2], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 2], [0, 2], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('node', [ {name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: '(garbage collector)'}, ]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); // There are no other children than the GC call meaning merge happened expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[1]).toBe(undefined); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].children[0].frame.selfWeight).toBe(6); }); it('flamegraph tracks node occurrences', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 1, 1], samples: [[0], [0, 1], [0]], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('node', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: 'f2'}]), {type: 'flamechart'} ); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].count).toBe(3); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].count).toBe(1); }); it('filters frames', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 1], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 1], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}]), { type: 'flamegraph', frameFilter: frame => { return === 'f0'; }, } ); expect(profile.callTree.frame).toBe(Frame.Root); expect(profile.callTree.children).toHaveLength(1); expect(profile.callTree.children[0]'f0'); // the f1 frame is filtered out, so the f0 frame has no children expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children).toHaveLength(0); }); it('aggregates durations for flamegraph', () => { const trace: Profiling.SampledProfile = { name: 'profile', startValue: 0, endValue: 1000, unit: 'milliseconds', threadID: 0, type: 'sampled', weights: [1, 1], sample_durations_ns: [10, 5], samples: [ [0, 1], [0, 2], ], }; const profile = SampledProfile.FromProfile( trace, createFrameIndex('mobile', [{name: 'f0'}, {name: 'f1'}, {name: 'f2'}]), { type: 'flamegraph', } ); expect(profile.callTree.children[0]'f0'); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].aggregate_duration_ns).toBe(15); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].aggregate_duration_ns).toBe(10); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[1].aggregate_duration_ns).toBe(5); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].frame.aggregateDuration).toBe(15); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[0].frame.aggregateDuration).toBe(10); expect(profile.callTree.children[0].children[1].frame.aggregateDuration).toBe(5); }); });