import {CallTreeNode} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/callTreeNode'; import {Frame} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/frame'; import {Profile} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/profile'; // Test utils to keep the tests code dry export const f = (name: string, key: number, in_app: boolean = true) => new Frame({name, key, is_application: in_app}); export const c = (fr: Frame) => new CallTreeNode(fr, null); export const firstCallee = (node: CallTreeNode) => node.children[0]; export const nthCallee = (node: CallTreeNode, n: number) => { const child = node.children[n]; if (!child) { throw new Error('Child not found'); } return child; }; export const makeTestingBoilerplate = () => { const timings: [Frame['name'], string][] = []; const openSpy = jest.fn(); const closeSpy = jest.fn(); // We need to wrap the spy fn because they are not allowed to reference external variables const open = (node, value) => { timings.push([, 'open']); openSpy(node, value); }; // We need to wrap the spy fn because they are not allowed to reference external variables const close = (node, val) => { timings.push([, 'close']); closeSpy(node, val); }; return {open, close, timings, openSpy, closeSpy}; }; // Since it's easy to make mistakes or accidentally assign parents to the wrong nodes, this utility fn // will format the stack samples as a tree string so it's more human friendly. export const _logExpectedStack = (samples: Profile['samples']): string => { const head = ` Samples follow a top-down chronological order\n\n`; const tail = `\n -----------------------> stack top -> stack bottom`; const final: string[] = []; const visit = (node: CallTreeNode, str: string[]) => { str.push(`${}`); if (node.parent) { visit(node.parent, str); } }; for (const stackTop of samples) { const str = []; visit(stackTop, str); final.push(str.join(' -> ')); } return `${head}${final.join('\n')}${tail}`; }; describe('Profile', () => { it('Empty profile duration is not infinity', () => { const profile = Profile.Empty; expect(profile.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(profile.minFrameDuration).toEqual(1000); }); it('forEach - iterates over a single sample', () => { const profile = new Profile({ duration: 1000, startedAt: 0, endedAt: 1000, name: 'profile', unit: 'ms', threadId: 0, type: 'flamechart', }); // Frames const f0 = f('f0', 0); const f1 = f('f1', 1); // Call tree nodes const s0 = c(f0); const s1 = c(f1); s0.parent = s1; profile.samples = [s0]; const {open, close, openSpy, closeSpy, timings} = makeTestingBoilerplate(); profile.forEach(open, close); expect(timings).toEqual([ ['f1', 'open'], ['f0', 'open'], ['f0', 'close'], ['f1', 'close'], ]); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('forEach - opens new frames when stack is shared', () => { const profile = new Profile({ duration: 1000, startedAt: 0, endedAt: 1000, name: 'profile', unit: 'ms', threadId: 0, type: 'flamechart', }); // Frames const f0 = f('f0', 0); const f1 = f('f1', 1); const f2 = f('f2', 1); // Call tree nodes const s0 = c(f0); const s1 = c(f1); const s2 = c(f2); s1.parent = s0; s2.parent = s1; profile.samples = [s0, s1, s2]; const {open, close, openSpy, closeSpy, timings} = makeTestingBoilerplate(); profile.forEach(open, close); expect(timings).toEqual([ ['f0', 'open'], ['f1', 'open'], ['f2', 'open'], ['f2', 'close'], ['f1', 'close'], ['f0', 'close'], ]); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); it('forEach - closes frames one by one when stack is shared', () => { const profile = new Profile({ duration: 1000, startedAt: 0, endedAt: 1000, name: 'profile', unit: 'ms', threadId: 0, type: 'flamechart', }); // Instantiate frames const f0 = f('f0', 0); const f1 = f('f1', 1); const f2 = f('f2', 2); // Instantiate call tree nodes const s0 = c(f2); const s1 = c(f1); const s2 = c(f0); profile.samples = [s0, s1, s2]; const {open, close, openSpy, closeSpy, timings} = makeTestingBoilerplate(); profile.forEach(open, close); expect(timings).toEqual([ ['f2', 'open'], ['f2', 'close'], ['f1', 'open'], ['f1', 'close'], ['f0', 'open'], ['f0', 'close'], ]); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }); // In JS land, the stack can be idle which is not the case in other runtimes, e.g. in mobile // the program main is always running, so make sure we support "holes" in the samples it('forEach - supports an idle stack', () => { const profile = new Profile({ duration: 1000, startedAt: 0, endedAt: 1000, name: 'profile', unit: 'ms', threadId: 0, type: 'flamechart', }); // Instantiate frames const f0 = f('f0', 0); // Instantiate call tree nodes const s0 = c(f0); const s1 = c(Frame.Root); profile.samples = [s0, s1, s0]; const {open, close, openSpy, closeSpy, timings} = makeTestingBoilerplate(); profile.forEach(open, close); expect(timings).toEqual([ ['f0', 'open'], ['f0', 'close'], ['f0', 'open'], ['f0', 'close'], ]); expect(openSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(closeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); });