import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import TagStore from 'sentry/stores/tagStore'; describe('TagStore', function () { beforeEach(() => { TagStore.reset(); }); afterEach(() => {}); describe('loadTagsSuccess()', () => { it('should add a new tag with empty values and trigger the new addition', () => { jest.spyOn(TagStore, 'trigger'); TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'mytag', name: 'My Custom Tag', }, {key: 'other', name: 'Other'}, ]); const tags = TagStore.getState(); expect(tags.mytag).toEqual({ key: 'mytag', name: 'My Custom Tag', values: [], }); expect(tags.other).toEqual({ key: 'other', name: 'Other', values: [], }); expect(TagStore.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('getIssueAttributes()', function () { it('should populate the has tag with values', () => { TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'mytag', name: 'My Custom Tag', }, { key: 'otherkey', name: 'My other tag', }, ]); expect(TagStore.getIssueAttributes().has).toEqual({ key: 'has', name: 'Has Tag', values: ['mytag', 'otherkey'], predefined: true, }); }); it('should not overwrite predefined filters', () => { TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'is', name: 'Custom Assigned To', }, ]); const tags = TagStore.getIssueAttributes(); expect(; expect('is'); expect(tags.assigned).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should replace ignore with archive', () => { TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'is', name: 'Custom Assigned To', }, ]); const tags = TagStore.getIssueAttributes(); expect('archived'); }); }); describe('getIssueTags()', function () { it('should have built in, state, and issue attribute tags', () => { TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'mytag', name: 'My Custom Tag', }, ]); const tags = TagStore.getIssueTags(OrganizationFixture()); // state expect(tags.mytag).toBeTruthy(); expect(tags.mytag.key).toBe('mytag'); // attribute expect(tags.has).toBeTruthy(); expect(tags.has.key).toBe('has'); // built in expect(tags['']).toBeTruthy(); expect(tags[''].key).toBe(''); }); }); it('returns a stable reference from getState', () => { TagStore.loadTagsSuccess([ { key: 'mytag', name: 'My Custom Tag', }, ]); const state = TagStore.getState(); expect(, TagStore.getState())).toBe(true); }); });