import {Location} from 'history'; import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {backend, frontend, mobile} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import { NewQuery, Organization, OrganizationSummary, PageFilters, Project, ReleaseProject, } from 'sentry/types'; import {statsPeriodToDays} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import EventView, {EventData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {TRACING_FIELDS} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {getDuration} from 'sentry/utils/formatters'; import getCurrentSentryReactTransaction from 'sentry/utils/getCurrentSentryReactTransaction'; import {decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import toArray from 'sentry/utils/toArray'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; export const QUERY_KEYS = [ 'environment', 'project', 'query', 'start', 'end', 'statsPeriod', ] as const; export const UNPARAMETERIZED_TRANSACTION = '<< unparameterized >>'; // Represents 'other' transactions with high cardinality names that were dropped on the metrics dataset. const UNPARAMETRIZED_TRANSACTION = '<< unparametrized >>'; // Old spelling. Can be deleted in the future when all data for this transaction name is gone. export const EXCLUDE_METRICS_UNPARAM_CONDITIONS = `(!transaction:"${UNPARAMETERIZED_TRANSACTION}" AND !transaction:"${UNPARAMETRIZED_TRANSACTION}")`; const SHOW_UNPARAM_BANNER = 'showUnparameterizedBanner'; export enum DiscoverQueryPageSource { PERFORMANCE = 'performance', DISCOVER = 'discover', } export function createUnnamedTransactionsDiscoverTarget(props: { location: Location; organization: Organization; source?: DiscoverQueryPageSource; }) { const fields = props.source === DiscoverQueryPageSource.DISCOVER ? ['transaction', 'project', 'transaction.source', 'epm()'] : ['transaction', 'project', 'transaction.source', 'epm()', 'p50()', 'p95()']; const query: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: props.source === DiscoverQueryPageSource.DISCOVER ? t('Unparameterized Transactions') : t('Performance - Unparameterized Transactions'), query: 'event.type:transaction transaction.source:"url"', projects: [], fields, version: 2, }; const discoverEventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation( query, props.location ).withSorts([{field: 'epm', kind: 'desc'}]); const target = discoverEventView.getResultsViewUrlTarget(props.organization.slug); target.query[SHOW_UNPARAM_BANNER] = 'true'; return target; } /** * Performance type can used to determine a default view or which specific field should be used by default on pages * where we don't want to wait for transaction data to return to determine how to display aspects of a page. */ export enum PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE { ANY = 'any', // Fallback to transaction duration FRONTEND = 'frontend', BACKEND = 'backend', FRONTEND_OTHER = 'frontend_other', MOBILE = 'mobile', } // The native SDK is equally used on clients and end-devices as on // backend, the default view should be "All Transactions". const FRONTEND_PLATFORMS: string[] = [...frontend].filter( platform => platform !== 'javascript-nextjs' // Next has both frontend and backend transactions. ); const BACKEND_PLATFORMS: string[] = backend.filter(platform => platform !== 'native'); const MOBILE_PLATFORMS: string[] = []; export function platformToPerformanceType( projects: (Project | ReleaseProject)[], projectIds: readonly number[] ) { if (projectIds.length === 0 || projectIds[0] === ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS) { return PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.ANY; } const selectedProjects = projects.filter(p => projectIds.includes(parseInt(`${}`, 10)) ); if (selectedProjects.length === 0 || selectedProjects.some(p => !p.platform)) { return PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.ANY; } const projectPerformanceTypes = new Set(); selectedProjects.forEach(project => { if (FRONTEND_PLATFORMS.includes(project.platform ?? '')) { projectPerformanceTypes.add(PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND); } if (BACKEND_PLATFORMS.includes(project.platform ?? '')) { projectPerformanceTypes.add(PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.BACKEND); } if (MOBILE_PLATFORMS.includes(project.platform ?? '')) { projectPerformanceTypes.add(PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.MOBILE); } }); const uniquePerformanceTypeCount = projectPerformanceTypes.size; if (!uniquePerformanceTypeCount || uniquePerformanceTypeCount > 1) { return PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.ANY; } const [platformType] = projectPerformanceTypes; return platformType; } /** * Used for transaction summary to determine appropriate columns on a page, since there is no display field set for the page. */ export function platformAndConditionsToPerformanceType( projects: Project[], eventView: EventView ) { const performanceType = platformToPerformanceType(projects, eventView.project); if (performanceType === PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND) { const conditions = new MutableSearch(eventView.query); const ops = conditions.getFilterValues('!transaction.op'); if (ops.some(op => op === 'pageload')) { return PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND_OTHER; } } return performanceType; } /** * Used for transaction summary to check the view itself, since it can have conditions which would exclude it from having vitals aside from platform. */ export function isSummaryViewFrontendPageLoad(eventView: EventView, projects: Project[]) { return ( platformAndConditionsToPerformanceType(projects, eventView) === PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND ); } export function isSummaryViewFrontend(eventView: EventView, projects: Project[]) { return ( platformAndConditionsToPerformanceType(projects, eventView) === PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND || platformAndConditionsToPerformanceType(projects, eventView) === PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_TYPE.FRONTEND_OTHER ); } export function getPerformanceLandingUrl(organization: OrganizationSummary): string { return `/organizations/${organization.slug}/performance/`; } export function getPerformanceTrendsUrl(organization: OrganizationSummary): string { return `/organizations/${organization.slug}/performance/trends/`; } export function getTransactionSearchQuery(location: Location, query: string = '') { return decodeScalar(location.query.query, query).trim(); } export function removeTracingKeysFromSearch( currentFilter: MutableSearch, options: {excludeTagKeys: Set} = { excludeTagKeys: new Set([ // event type can be "transaction" but we're searching for issues 'event.type', // the project is already determined by the transaction, // and issue search does not support the project filter 'project', ]), } ) { currentFilter.getFilterKeys().forEach(tagKey => { const searchKey = tagKey.startsWith('!') ? tagKey.substr(1) : tagKey; // Remove aggregates and transaction event fields if ( // aggregates searchKey.match(/\w+\(.*\)/) || // transaction event fields TRACING_FIELDS.includes(searchKey) || // tags that we don't want to pass to pass to issue search options.excludeTagKeys.has(searchKey) ) { currentFilter.removeFilter(tagKey); } }); return currentFilter; } export function addRoutePerformanceContext(selection: PageFilters) { const transaction = getCurrentSentryReactTransaction(); const days = statsPeriodToDays( selection.datetime.period, selection.datetime.start, selection.datetime.end ); const oneDay = 86400; const seconds = Math.floor(days * oneDay); transaction?.setTag('query.period', seconds.toString()); let groupedPeriod = '>30d'; if (seconds <= oneDay) { groupedPeriod = '<=1d'; } else if (seconds <= oneDay * 7) { groupedPeriod = '<=7d'; } else if (seconds <= oneDay * 14) { groupedPeriod = '<=14d'; } else if (seconds <= oneDay * 30) { groupedPeriod = '<=30d'; } transaction?.setTag('query.period.grouped', groupedPeriod); } export function getTransactionName(location: Location): string | undefined { const {transaction} = location.query; return decodeScalar(transaction); } export function getPerformanceDuration(milliseconds: number) { return getDuration(milliseconds / 1000, milliseconds > 1000 ? 2 : 0, true); } export function areMultipleProjectsSelected(eventView: EventView) { if (!eventView.project.length) { return true; // My projects } if (eventView.project.length === 1 && eventView.project[0] === ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS) { return true; // All projects } return false; } export function getSelectedProjectPlatformsArray( location: Location, projects: Project[] ) { const projectQuery = location.query.project; const selectedProjectIdSet = new Set(toArray(projectQuery)); const selectedProjectPlatforms = projects.reduce((acc: string[], project) => { if (selectedProjectIdSet.has( { acc.push(project.platform ?? 'undefined'); } return acc; }, []); return selectedProjectPlatforms; } export function getSelectedProjectPlatforms(location: Location, projects: Project[]) { const selectedProjectPlatforms = getSelectedProjectPlatformsArray(location, projects); return selectedProjectPlatforms.join(', '); } export function getProjectID( eventData: EventData, projects: Project[] ): string | undefined { const projectSlug = (eventData?.project as string) || undefined; if (typeof projectSlug === undefined) { return undefined; } return projects.find(currentProject => currentProject.slug === projectSlug)?.id; }