import {AutofixCodebaseChangeData} from 'sentry-fixture/autofixCodebaseChangeData'; import {AutofixStepFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/autofixStep'; import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import AutofixMessageBox from 'sentry/components/events/autofix/autofixMessageBox'; import {AutofixStepType} from 'sentry/components/events/autofix/types'; jest.mock('sentry/components/button', () => ({ Button: jest.fn(props => { // Forward the click handler while allowing us to inspect props return ; }), LinkButton: jest.fn(props => { return {props.children}; }), })); const mockButton = Button as jest.MockedFunction; describe('AutofixMessageBox Analytics', () => { const defaultProps = { displayText: 'Test display text', groupId: '123', runId: '456', actionText: 'Send', allowEmptyMessage: false, responseRequired: false, step: null, onSend: null, }; const changesStepProps = { ...defaultProps, isChangesStep: true, step: AutofixStepFixture({ type: AutofixStepType.CHANGES, changes: [AutofixCodebaseChangeData()], }), }; beforeEach(() => { MockApiClient.clearMockResponses(); mockButton.mockClear(); }); it('passes correct analytics props for suggested root cause without instructions', async () => { const onSendMock = jest.fn(); render( ); await'button', {name: 'Use suggested root cause'})); expect(mockButton).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ analyticsEventKey: 'autofix.create_fix_clicked', analyticsEventName: 'Autofix: Create Fix Clicked', analyticsParams: { group_id: '123', type: 'suggested', }, }), expect.anything() ); }); it('passes correct analytics props for suggested root cause with instructions', async () => { const onSendMock = jest.fn(); render( ); await'button', {name: 'Use suggested root cause'})); const input = screen.getByPlaceholderText( '(Optional) Provide any instructions for the fix...' ); await userEvent.type(input, 'Some instructions'); expect(mockButton).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ analyticsEventKey: 'autofix.create_fix_clicked', analyticsEventName: 'Autofix: Create Fix Clicked', analyticsParams: { group_id: '123', type: 'suggested_with_instructions', }, }), expect.anything() ); }); it('passes correct analytics props for custom root cause', async () => { const onSendMock = jest.fn(); render( ); await'Propose your own root cause')[0]!); const customInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Propose your own root cause...'); await userEvent.type(customInput, 'Custom root cause'); expect(mockButton).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ analyticsEventKey: 'autofix.create_fix_clicked', analyticsEventName: 'Autofix: Create Fix Clicked', analyticsParams: { group_id: '123', type: 'custom', }, }), expect.anything() ); }); it('passes correct analytics props for Create PR button', async () => { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/issues/123/autofix/setup/?check_write_access=true', method: 'GET', body: { genAIConsent: {ok: true}, integration: {ok: true}, githubWriteIntegration: { repos: [{ok: true, owner: 'owner', name: 'hello-world', id: 100}], }, }, }); render(); await'button', {name: 'Use this code'})); // Find the last call to Button that matches our Create PR button const createPRButtonCall = mockButton.mock.calls.find( call => call[0]?.analyticsEventKey === 'autofix.create_pr_clicked' ); expect(createPRButtonCall?.[0]).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ analyticsEventKey: 'autofix.create_pr_clicked', analyticsEventName: 'Autofix: Create PR Clicked', analyticsParams: {group_id: '123'}, }) ); }); it('passes correct analytics props for Create PR Setup button', async () => { MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/issues/123/autofix/setup/?check_write_access=true', method: 'GET', body: { genAIConsent: {ok: true}, integration: {ok: true}, githubWriteIntegration: { repos: [{ok: false, owner: 'owner', name: 'hello-world', id: 100}], }, }, }); render(); await'button', {name: 'Use this code'})); // Find the last call to Button that matches our Setup button const setupButtonCall = mockButton.mock.calls.find( call => call[0].children === 'Draft PR' ); expect(setupButtonCall?.[0]).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ analyticsEventKey: 'autofix.create_pr_setup_clicked', analyticsEventName: 'Autofix: Create PR Setup Clicked', analyticsParams: { group_id: '123', }, }) ); }); });