Django migrations lock file. This helps us avoid migration conflicts on master. If you have a conflict in this file, it means that someone has committed a migration ahead of you. To resolve this, rebase against latest master and regenerate your migration. This file will then be regenerated, and you should be able to merge without conflicts. feedback: 0004_index_together hybridcloud: 0018_add_alert_and_member_invite_scopes_to_sentry_apps nodestore: 0002_nodestore_no_dictfield remote_subscriptions: 0003_drop_remote_subscription replays: 0004_index_together sentry: 0832_make_grouphash_metadata_date_added_nullable social_auth: 0002_default_auto_field tempest: 0001_create_tempest_credentials_model uptime: 0025_uptime_migrate_constraint workflow_engine: 0030_allow_blank_workflow_owner_fks