import type {Authenticator, EnrolledAuthenticator} from './auth'; import type {Avatar, Scope} from './core'; import type {UserExperiments} from './experiments'; /** * Avatars are a more primitive version of User. */ export type AvatarUser = { email: string; id: string; ip_address: string; name: string; username: string; avatar?: Avatar; avatarUrl?: string; ip?: string; // Compatibility shim with EventUser serializer ipAddress?: string; lastSeen?: string; options?: { avatarType: Avatar['avatarType']; }; }; /** * This is an authenticator that a user is enrolled in */ type UserEnrolledAuthenticator = { dateCreated: EnrolledAuthenticator['createdAt']; dateUsed: EnrolledAuthenticator['lastUsedAt']; id: EnrolledAuthenticator['authId']; name: EnrolledAuthenticator['name']; type: Authenticator['id']; }; export interface User extends Omit<AvatarUser, 'options'> { canReset2fa: boolean; dateJoined: string; emails: { email: string; id: string; is_verified: boolean; }[]; experiments: Partial<UserExperiments>; flags: {newsletter_consent_prompt: boolean}; has2fa: boolean; hasPasswordAuth: boolean; identities: any[]; isActive: boolean; isAuthenticated: boolean; isManaged: boolean; isStaff: boolean; isSuperuser: boolean; lastActive: string; lastLogin: string; options: { avatarType: Avatar['avatarType']; clock24Hours: boolean; defaultIssueEvent: 'recommended' | 'latest' | 'oldest'; language: string; stacktraceOrder: number; theme: 'system' | 'light' | 'dark'; timezone: string; }; permissions: Set<string>; authenticators?: UserEnrolledAuthenticator[]; } // XXX(epurkhiser): we should understand how this is diff from User['emails] // above export type UserEmail = { email: string; isPrimary: boolean; isVerified: boolean; }; /** * API tokens and Api Applications. */ // See src/sentry/api/serializers/models/ for the differences based on application interface BaseApiToken { dateCreated: string; expiresAt: string; id: string; scopes: Scope[]; state: string; } // We include the token for API tokens used for internal apps export interface InternalAppApiToken extends BaseApiToken { application: null; refreshToken: string; token: string; } export type ApiApplication = { allowedOrigins: string[]; clientID: string; clientSecret: string | null; homepageUrl: string | null; id: string; name: string; privacyUrl: string | null; redirectUris: string[]; termsUrl: string | null; }; export type OrgAuthToken = { dateCreated: Date; id: string; name: string; scopes: string[]; dateLastUsed?: Date; projectLastUsedId?: string; tokenLastCharacters?: string; }; // Used in user session history. export type InternetProtocol = { countryCode: string | null; firstSeen: string; id: string; ipAddress: string; lastSeen: string; regionCode: string | null; }; export type SubscriptionDetails = {disabled?: boolean; reason?: string};